
shì ɡù diào chá
  • accident investigation;accident survey
  1. AIS在船舶碰撞事故调查中的应用海上船舶碰撞事故原因探讨&疲劳的剖析

    Application of AIS on Collision Accident Investigation ; A Study of Ship Collision Accident Causes at Sea-Analysis of Fatigue

  2. 结果表明,这种基于计算机音频处理技术的CVR译码分析方法在事故调查中具有实用意义。

    The results indicate that this method is practical in civil aviation accident investigation .

  3. 当地已组成事故调查组,湖北省将在全省展开安全大检查,排除潜在安全隐患。

    A team has been set up to investigate the blast , and Hubei will launch a province-wide blanket inspection to root out potential work safety hazards .

  4. 火灾扑灭后,起火单位应当按照公安消防机构的要求保护现场,接受事故调查,如实提供火灾事实的情况。

    After a fire is extinguished , fire breaking units shall protect fire site in accordance with requirements of public security fire control institutions , accept investigation on the accident and provide accurate facts on the fire disaster .

  5. 一起~(137)Cs放射源被盗事故调查分析

    Survey and analysis on an accident of stolen ~ ( 137 ) Cs radioactive source

  6. mtDNA技术及其在诉讼和事故调查中的应用

    MtDNA technique and it 's application in lawsuits and investigations of accidents

  7. IMO新《事故调查规则》的特点及其影响分析

    Features of the New Casualty Investigation Code of IMO and its Impact Analysis

  8. 方法对10起TMT中毒事故调查资料与56例中毒者的血清钾资料进行综合分析。

    Methods The serum potassium of 56 cases exposed to TMT in 10 poisoning accidents were analyzed .

  9. 厦船1号浮坞沉没事故调查

    Investigation of the sinking accident involving the Floating Dock Xiamen No.1

  10. 关于内河渔业水上交通事故调查处理的探讨

    A Study on Investigation and Treatment of Inland Fishery Navigation Accident

  11. 内陆水域渔业污染事故调查监测探究

    Investigation and monitoring on the fishery pollution accidents in inland waters

  12. 某服装厂一起甲苯中毒事故调查

    Survey on an accident of toluene poisoning in a dress factory

  13. 1起松节油急性中毒死亡事故调查

    Analysis on a case of fatal accident of acute turpentine poisoning

  14. 飞行记录器的发展趋势及对未来事故调查的影响

    Flight Recorder Developing Tendency and Its Impact on Future Accident Investigation

  15. 该家乐福超市现已停业,当地相关部门已开始进行事故调查。

    Local officials have closed the store and began an investigation .

  16. 2005年三门峡市某造纸厂自备生活饮用水污染事故调查

    Investigation on the Pollution of Self-sustaining Drinking Water in a Paper-mill

  17. 事故调查室正在处理从公众那里获得的信息。

    The Incident room be processing Information receive from the public .

  18. 他们选取了1983到2006年间的一些事故调查报告。

    The study looked at all reports between 1983 and 2006 .

  19. 东平湖突发性水污染事故调查

    Survey of Sudden Water Pollution Accident of The Lake of Dongping

  20. 现行火灾事故调查工作体制存在的问题及对策

    The Problems Existing in the Fire Investigating System and the Solutions

  21. 莫斯科5.25大停电的事故调查及简析

    Survey and Analysis of Moscow " 5 . 25 " Blackout

  22. 煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故调查分析及模拟验证技术

    Investigation analysis and simulation verification technology for mine gas explosion accident

  23. 飞机失事原因的事故调查人员。

    Accident investigators who find out the causes of air crashes .

  24. 飞行事故调查时缺失飞行参数的综合估计方法

    An Integrated Estimation Method of Lost Flight Parameter in Flight Accident Investigation

  25. 火灾事故调查的现状与对策

    The current state of fire conflagration investigations and the solutions

  26. 淄博市2003~2004年急性职业中毒事故调查分析

    Survey on acute occupational poisonings during 2003-2004 in Zibo city

  27. 基于新消防法探析火灾事故调查工作

    On the Fire Investigation Based on the Newly-passed Fire Law

  28. 电脑制版行业正己烷中毒事故调查

    Survey on accident n-hexane poisoning in plate-making of computer trade

  29. 浅议中压开关柜事故调查中的故障分析

    Simple explanation of faults analysis in incident investigation of medium voltage switchgear

  30. 一起对硝基苯胺轻度中毒事故调查分析

    Cause analysis on an accident of acute mild p-nitroaniline poisoning