
  • 网络post hoc test;back testing;Back Test;Bonferroni
  1. 第二章对VaR的定义、计算方法以及事后检验的内容进行了具体阐述;

    The second chapter illustrates the definition , calculation and testing of VaR.

  2. 审计工作质量事后检验审查工作报告〔廉政公署〕

    Post-audit quality review assignment report [ Independent Commission Against Corruption ]

  3. 学习所有可以从项目事后检验中学到的,并将那些教训运用到实践中

    Learn all you can from project post-mortems-and put those lessons into practice

  4. 随后这些项目只好依赖事后检验,还以低质量产品而告终。

    These projects then depend on inspection after the fact resulting in poor quality end products .

  5. ARCH/GARCH族模型的设定应当包含事前检验、事后检验等设定检验步骤。

    The procedure of ARCH / GARCH model selection , including ante and ex post tests , is proposed finally .

  6. 对确保螺栓连接装配质量的二项基本条件:设备能力验证、扭矩测试采用正确的事后检验方法做了详尽的解释。

    A right method of evaluating a tightening machine capability and torque inspection afterwords are two basic conditions to ensure assembly quality .

  7. 该方法能有效地起到过程控制的目的,变事后检验为事先控制,保证产品的质量。

    The method can chang the finished product test into process control , then the qualified rate of finished products is promoted .

  8. 首先,运用无套利基本原理,分别给出了事前预测和事后检验的期货无套利区间模型;

    First ex ante and ex post non-arbitrage interval models are proposed for Cu futures , which are then used in case studies .

  9. 【中英文摘要】辐射灭菌是个不能用事后检验验证的特殊过程,对辐照灭菌过程应实施过程控制。

    Radiation Sterilization is a especial process which result can not been examined by experiment afterwards , the process controlling should be implemented in irradiation sterilization .

  10. 事后检验发现不论是观察式亲社会诱发方式,还是体验式亲社会诱发方式与控制组相比在攻击抑制上都存在显著性差异。

    It is found in the post test that not only the observational but also the experiential induced ways reflect significant differences compared with the control group .

  11. 第三步构造了基于低股价/每股内在价值的投资组合,采用事后检验的方法验证了投资组合的收益率高于上证A股指数的收益率。

    Thirdly , the paper constructs investment portfolio based on low stock price / IVPS ratio , and validates that the return of the portfolio is higher than return of SSE A market .

  12. 随着国内消费水平的提高,市场对质量的要求也越来越高,产品质量水平成为汽车零部件行业竞争中取胜越来越重要的因素,而事后检验已无法满足消费者对质量越来越高的要求。

    With the increasing domestic market , consumers requires better and better quality , product quality level is becoming more and more important factor to the success in automotive industry in the competitive environment .

  13. 现代的质量控制,强调变事后检验为动态控制,这就需要依赖各种先进的测量手段。

    From the view point of modern quality control , checking-out afterwards should be replaced by the way of dynamic controlling beforehand . Thus various advanced measurements are considered to be the useful and essential ways .

  14. 通过对常用的质量控制方法的比较研究,指出控制图相对于其他方法而言并不是一种简单的事后检验与统计,而是一种动态的过程的质量控制方法,具有动态,过程,预防为主等优点。

    Through the comparative study of the common quality control method , point out that the control charts is not a simply post test with the statistic , but a dynamic process quality control methods , it has the advantage of a dynamic , process and prevention .

  15. 在多种综合评价方法评价结果的基础上进行组合评价,并在此之前进行事前和事后检验,从而对组合评价的精度做出准备判断,使组合评价法的排序结果更加趋于稳定、一致。

    In order for the stable and consistent sorted consequence of the comprehensive evaluation and to make an accurate judgment for the precision of combination evaluation , it required to make combination evaluation on the basis of various overall evaluation method and test beforehand and afterward . 6 .

  16. 事后的检验表明,第一针刺穿了预定的血管,将致命化学药剂注射到了软组织之中。

    A post mortem showed the first needle had plunged through the intended vein , injecting the deadly chemicals into soft tissue instead .

  17. 传统上,国内香精行业的产品质量管理比较简单,一般都是采用目测、嗅香及一些简单的理化指标检测等事后结果检验的方式。

    Traditionally , the product quality management is very simple in Chinese flavor industry , usually using some " afterwards " inspection means like visual , smell and some simple physical and chemical indexes .

  18. 目前,多数企业采用事后百分百检验的方法,无法象统计过程控制技术那样实现对工序质量的预测。

    Most enterprises adopt " 100 % inspection " method which cannot realize the prediction of procedure quality .