
  • 网络event study;event analysis
  1. 用事件分析法首次对上证180指数样本股调整所造成股票的交易价格、数量等的波动进行了实证检验。

    Based on the event study method , this paper makes an empirical study on the fluctuation of transaction price and quantity for the fist time because of the sample stock 's adjustment of the Shanghai Securities 180 index .

  2. 本文结合二元经济结构的特征,以结构转换模型为基础设定相关的经济发展指标,根据四川省的经验数据,运用事件分析法考察西部大开发对地区经济发展所产生的影响。

    This paper firstly designs some economic indexes based on Structure Transformation Model according to the dual economic character of China , then analyzes the policy effects of China 's west development through the way of event study based on the empirical data of Sichuan province .

  3. 本文将采用事件分析法,通过计算各公司的累计超额收益率(CAR)及累计超额收益对并购活动影响股东价值的短期效应进行分析、检验并以会计分析法作为长期定性分析的指标作为参考。

    The paper is adopting the case analysis method to analyze , test and refer to the long-term qualitative index through calculating individual company 's CAR and CA and its influence on the stock value .

  4. 首先采用事件分析法对并购方公司的累积平均超额收益(CAR)进行了考察,并以此作为上市公司并购绩效的衡量指标。

    At first , I studied the Cumulated Average Abnormal Return ( CAR ) of mergers within the event window under the method of event study , and took CAR as the index of M & A performance .

  5. 采用事件分析法从财富变化效应和公司绩效2个方面对中国上市公司管理层收购(MBO)进行了全样本的分析。

    This is an empirical analysis on the MBO behavior of the management of listed companies in China with the analytic approach of event analysis .

  6. 改进的生活事件分析法在铁路安全管理中的应用

    Application of Modified Life Events Analysis to Railway Safety Management

  7. 基元事件分析法

    A Method of Basic Element Analysis of Aviation Accidents

  8. 并购对股东价值影响及事件分析法的实证检验

    Empirical Test of M & A Activities Influence on the Stockholder 's Value

  9. 生活事件分析法在煤矿企业中的应用

    Application of life event analysis method in coal enterprise

  10. 利用事件分析法,分别从总量效应和结构效应两个方面对此问题进行研究。

    In this paper , an event-study analysis is made on this topic from both sides of volume and structure .

  11. 据此,运用事件分析法,通过检验各转配股的累积超常回报率和超常回报率及受影响股票的市场平均反映,研究转配股上市这一事件对股市的影响。

    The event studies are used to test the accumulated abnormal returns , abnormal returns , and the average impact on the market .

  12. 本文采用区间事件分析法研究了次贷危机对中资银行的影响。

    This paper provides a new interval event study methodology to explore the impacts of events that resulted from financial crisis on state-owned commercial banks .

  13. 本文用事件分析法研究了非典事件对中国封闭式基金和开放式基金的影响。

    In this paper , we investigate the impact of the paroxysmal epidemic situation of SARS on the closed-end and the open-end fund industries in China .

  14. 由于事件分析法自身存在固有的缺陷,间隔性预告的政策效果无法在事件研究中得到完整解释。

    Because of the inherent limitation of the event-analysis method , the policy effects of interval preannouncement can not be completely interpreted within the event study .

  15. 利用事件分析法,对上市公司信息披露新规则颁布实施后上市公司的市场表现进行了实证分析。

    This paper , with CAR methods studies whether new rules and regulations on the listed companies ' information revealing transmit effective information to the marke .

  16. 再运用事件分析法从市场绩效角度和财务绩效角度对特别处理上市公司2007年28家特别处理上市公司资产重组的绩效进行实证研究。

    Further using the incident angle from the market performance and financial performance analysis the special treatment of 28 listed companies in 2007 , asset restructuring of listed companies .

  17. 第三章对外资并购的股价反应进行实证分析。主要采用事件分析法分别对外资并购全部样本、沪市样本及深市样本的累计超额平均收益进行实证研究。

    The Event-study Methodology is adapted to make analysis on Cumulative Average Abnormal Return ( CAR ) of all samples , of samples in Shanghai market and of samples in Shenzhen market respectively .

  18. 最后,通过事件分析法,我们研究了市场对盈余管理行为的反应,发现市场在一定期间内能够对盈余管理行为作出正确的反应。

    At last , through the approach of the case analyse , we studied the market response to the behaviors of earnings management , which find market can make a correct response to such a behavior .

  19. 选用事件分析法,对高新技术产品、焦炭、服装等一些主要行业的出口月度数据进行实证研究。

    In this paper , this effect was studied through an empirical research of monthly export data from major industries , including high-tech products , coke , garments and so on , via an event-study analysis .

  20. 人的认知失误事件定量分析法的进展及应用

    Development and Application for Quantification of Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method

  21. 基于改进型事件树分析法的桥梁事故分析

    Analysis of Bridge Collapsing Accidents Based on Modified Events Tree Analysis Approach

  22. 桁架极限承载力非线性分析中的事件追踪分析法

    An Event-to-Event Strategy for Nonlinear Analysis of the Utmost Capacity of Truss Structures

  23. 此外,在考虑事故后果时,介绍了事件树分析法。

    In addition , as for consequence of failure , the event tree analysis was introduced in detail .

  24. 利用关键事件定性分析法对餐饮服务业的服务失败和补救战略进行了实证研究。

    This study uses critical incident technique to examine how the service failure and recovery affect customer satisfaction and word-of-the-mouth .

  25. 事件树分析法的研究步骤包括确定初始事件、环节事件,绘制、分析事件树图。

    The research procedures of event tree analysis are to determine the initial event , list events in the process , chart and analyze event tree .

  26. 其中最重要的方法有三种:事件案例分析法、自然实验法和准试验法。

    In all the researching methods , the three kinds is the most important , that is events and cases analyzing method , natural experiment method and semi-experiment method .

  27. 第四章分别采用事件收益分析法、基于因子分析的综合财务分析法和灰色关联度分析法对我国上市公司资产重组的绩效做了综合研究。

    The forth chapter makes an integrating analysis about the asset-restructuring performance of listed company by event study analysis , comprehensive financial analysis based on factor analysis and gray relative analysis .

  28. 采用事件树分析法进行风险分析并建立了数学模型,包括火灾模型、有效释放率模型、热强度极限值、危险区域等式四部分。

    Accident tree analysis is applied to risk analysis and a mathematical model is established , including fire model , effective release rate model , heat intensity threshold and hazard area equation .

  29. 为此本文提出“体验性事件结构”分析法,以期能弥补它们之不足。

    So this paper proposes Embodied Event Structure Approach , in the hope of remedying these problems .

  30. 洪水风险事件识别采用层次分析法进行,并结合施工工期和防洪标准来确定洪水发生的概率。

    The method of Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to identify the risk events of flood .