
  • 网络Social idle funds;funds lying idle in society
  1. REITs的引进不仅能够为我国房地产企业开拓融资渠道,也能为社会闲散资金提供全新的投资方式,使中小投资者分享房地产业发展所带来的收益。

    The introduction of REITs will not only be able to provide a real-estate financing channel for enterprises but also provide new ways to invest for social idle capital .

  2. 资产证券化(ABS)可以将社会闲散资金集中起来投资于急需资金的领域,因为经过了严格的信用评级因而能够产生稳定的收益,为投资者资产保值增值。

    Asset back securitization ( ABS ) can make social idle funds together to invest in areas of urgent need . Through a rigorous credit rating , the project is able to generate stable earnings , increase the value of assets for investors .

  3. 近代一些企业通过附设储蓄存款机构,汇聚起巨额社会闲散资金,对近代企业的发展起着不可忽视的作用。

    Some neoteric companies in Modern China pooled a lot of idle capital through their attached deposit establishment , which rained effect on the companies ' development .

  4. 如果这部分资源能得到重新配置,提高使用效率,并以此带动丰富的社会闲散资金投资于教育,就有望使我国教育投资进入良性循环阶段。

    If we can redistribute this part of resources and stimulate people to invest their abundant social capital in educational field , then the educational expenditures will be increased greatly .

  5. 有效借鉴国际成功经验,利用教育彩票,充分吸收社会闲散资金,拓宽教育融资渠道值得探索。

    The exploration of drawing on the international successful experiences in this regard , of making use of education lottery , of extending the channels of educational financing is worth while .

  6. 私募股权投资是市场经济高度发展的产物,一方面私募股权投资通过吸收社会闲散资金投资于具有良好发展前景的中小企业,满足他们在高速发展中的融资需求。

    Private Equity is the product of advanced development of market economy . On the one hand , Private Equity can meet the financial need of companies which are in rapid development .

  7. 此外,非正规金融市场还能够吸收社会闲散资金,来满足借款人急迫的资金需求,从而达到有效配置社会资源的作用。

    In addition , the informal financial market can absorb the disengaged capital to meet the urgent demand for borrowers , so as to achieve the effective allocation of social resources role .

  8. 而在投资者方面,私募股权基金可以将大量社会闲散资金募集起来,依靠管理者的经验优选项目,并通过资本的高效操作帮助他们理性、清晰地实现财务增值。

    As for the investor , PE can allocate large random social capitals , relying on the experience of manager to select certain projects to maintain the rational and sufficient way to realize their financial value .

  9. 股权融资是我国上市公司重要融资渠道之一,通过股权融资上市公司得以将社会闲散资金集中起来,并转化为大量的长期产业资本,对上市公司的发展起着重要作用。

    Stock ownership financing is an important financing form of Chinese listed companies . Through stock ownership financing , the listed companies can absorb the dispersing social capital and transform it into long - term capital .

  10. 从微观层面上看,将造成企业内部资金结构单一、抗风险能力差,市场资本流通体系不健全、社会闲散资金未能充分利用等弊端。

    At the micro-level , the structure of funds within a single enterprise , the ability to resist risks worse , The market circulation of capital system is not perfect , social idle funds have not been fully utilized .

  11. 针对这些情况,探索建立多元化的农村基础设施投融资方式,形成以政府投资为主,引导社会闲散资金投入为辅的投融资模式,这对于江华县而言尤其重要。

    According to these situations , establish a diversified investment and financing of rural infrastructure to form a government investment , guiding social idle capital investment , supplemented by the investment and financing mode , which is especially important for Jianghua County .

  12. 方面,开放式基金通过集合社会闲散资金,扩大市场容量,改善市场投资者结构,促进市场的规范,能够起到维护市场稳定的作用。

    On the one hand , through the collection of social idle capital , the expansion of market capacity , the improvement of market structure , the promotion of market norms , open-end funds can play a role in maintaining market stability .

  13. 众所周知,企业上市能够广泛吸收社会闲散资金,迅速扩大企业规模,提高企业知名度,增强企业竞争力,同时,企业上市后对于提高公司股东的财富,寻找战略合作者方面有莫大的好处。

    As we all know , listed companies can widely absorb idle funds , and expand the business scale quickly , enhance their visibility and enhance competitiveness . Listing enterprises have great benefits in improving the wealth of shareholders and looking for strategic partners .

  14. 除此之外还创新提出建立环境公益彩票制度,借鉴福彩、体彩的模式,吸收社会闲散资金用于环境保护和治理工作。希望能从以上各方面得出完善我国矿山环境恢复治理工作的根本举措。

    At last , I suggest that there will be an environment public benefit lottery system which can collect social disengaged money to environment protection management . I hope this thesis can spell out the essential methods to perfect mine environment recover management job in China .

  15. 募集资金,发展生产,通过融资手段吸收社会闲散资金,将社会上的一部分闲散资金转化为生产建设资金,既可以拓宽投资渠道,又可以解决企业生产建设资金不足的问题。

    Raise funds , the development of production , absorb idle funds through the means of financing on the part of the idle funds into productive construction funds , either to broaden the investment channels , they can solve the problem of lack of funds for construction of production .

  16. 在一定的资本集中的基础上,以工商实业为保障,吸收社会闲散资金,充裕企业流动资金,降低信贷成本,是中国近代企业举办储蓄存款业务的主要目的。

    The main purposes for the China neoteric companies to deposit are , on the basis of capital accumulating with the guarantee of industry and commerce , to absorb the idle capital of the society , collect abundant circulating capital for the companies , and reduce the cost of credit .

  17. 体育彩票成为快速有效地筹集社会上的闲散资金,增加国家财政收入,是减轻国家财政经济负担的有效手段。

    By efficiently collecting idle capital in society , sports lottery increases financial revenues , thus alleviating the financial burden on the nation .

  18. 证券投资基金以自身优势积聚社会上的闲散资金,充分利用社会闲置资本,实现社会资金的优化配置,为众多投资者提供较理想的投资渠道,为社会提供较低风险的金融产品。

    Securities investment funds with their own advantages get an accumulation of social idle funds , and the optimal allocation of social funds is achieved by making full use of social idle capital to provide many investors with investment channels , and to provide the community with low-risk investment products .

  19. 发行社会保障彩票是吸引社会闲散资金,推动社会保障事业发展的有效途径,也是促进我国彩票市场发展的重要举措,它具有帕累托改进的性质。

    The issue of social security lottery ticket is an effective way to collect idle capitals in society and propel social security drive , also a vital act to promote the development of lottery ticket market in our country .

  20. 民间借贷的出现就成为社会生活中的一种必然现象,作为一种非正式的制度安排,它可以通过一定的方式吸收社会闲散资金加以利用,用于解决资金短缺者的生活急需和生产经营的需要。

    The appearance of private lending has become one kind of inevitable phenomenon in the social life , as an unofficial system arrangement , it may absorb the society idle capital and use in solving the fund shortage life urgent need and the production management need .

  21. 最后,面对社会上十分火爆的彩票业,本文还提出基金来源的另一个途径,即通过发行陕西大遗址旅游彩票筹集社会闲散资金。

    Finally , when facing the flourishing lottery tickets industry , this text puts forward the proposition of collecting funds through publishing " Shaanxi big relics tourism lottery tickets " .