
  1. 山东省社会物流成本占GDP的比重比江苏省高了整整两个百分点,说明我省物流产业总体发展水平较低,与兄弟省份相比还存在一定的差距。

    The fact that two percentages higher than Jiangsu Province in the number logistics costs accounted for the proportion of GDP , means that the overall development of logistics industry of our province is relatively low , and there is still a gap between Shandong and other provinces .

  2. 有效地将三者结合运用将极大地推动现代消费模式的发展,降低社会物流成本。

    Combining them effectively will promote the development of modern consumption pattern and reduce the logistics costs .

  3. 它作为现代物流的一个重要载体,具有规模经济效应、降低社会物流成本、提高物流运作效率的作用。

    As an important form , Logistics Park has such functions as scale merit , reducing logistics cost , and improving efficiency of logistics .

  4. 共同配送作为一种先进的物流模式和理念,必然会为共同配送参与者带来经济利益和社会物流成本的降低。

    Joint distribution as an advanced logistics model and philosophy will certainly bring economic benefits as a participant of joint distribution and logistics cost reduction .

  5. 2004年我国社会物流总成本达2.9万亿元,占GDP的21%,远远高于发达国家水平,造成社会资源和财富的极大浪费。

    In 2004 , the total cost of logistics in China is 2,900 billion yuan , covering 21 % of the GDP , which is rather higher than that of developed countries . It wastes a lot social resource and wealth .

  6. 提高我国快递企业竞争力,降低社会快递物流成本,一方面需提高快递企业的营运能力,特别是营运网络优化能力,另一方面提高整条快递供应链的能力。

    Improving express enterprises competitiveness and decreasing social express logistics cost need to improve operation capability of express enterprises , especially optimizing the capability of operation network , and improve the capability of express supply chain .

  7. 物流园区是交通运输网络和物流信息网络的结点,通过物流共享平台的构建以及入驻企业的运作,降低社会物流总成本。

    The logistics zone is the link between transportation net and logics information net . By establishing the platform of logistics sharing and operation of entry enterprises , the general cost of social logistics is reduced .

  8. 集装箱运输是铁路货运的发展方向,适箱货源货畅其流,对于降低全社会综合物流成本,提高国内和国际供应链的效率和效能意义重大。

    Container transportation is the developing trend of rail-cargo . It has significant meaning for facile flow of cargo to decrease the comprehensive logistics cost in whole society and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of domestic and international Supply Chains .

  9. 我国物流产业的真正提升必须通过第四方物流来完成。第四方物流对整合社会资源、降低物流成本、提高物流效率具有极其重要的作用。

    China 's logistics industry to enhance the true4PL through to completion.4PL to integrate social resources , reduce logistics costs and enhance logistics efficiency is extremely important role .

  10. 长期以来,我国各级政府和实业界共同关注如何通过科学整合所有产业的物流资源;如何有效降低我国社会以及企业的物流成本,进而提升我国企业物流业在国际上的竞争力。

    It has been a long-term concern for the Chinese government and business communities to scientifically integrate all logistics resources in the industry ; as well as to reduce the social and corporate logistics costs , so that the domestic enterprises can strengthen their international competitive forces .