
  1. 一般来说,绝大多数的制造企业的希望的是通过设施布局的优化来降低生产物流成本而非重建新系统。

    Generally speaking , the vast majority of manufacturing enterprises hope that they can reduce production cost through optimizing facilities layout instead of reconstruction of logistics system .

  2. 随着市场竞争的激烈,制造企业都在尽力缩减自己的成本以增加自身竞争力,越来越多的工程技术人员和企业管理者开始重视设施优化布置的优化来缩减生产物流成本。

    With the fierce market competition , the manufacturing enterprises are trying to cut their cost in order to increase their competitiveness , more and more technical engineer and manager began to pay attention to optimize facilities layout to reduction the production logistics cost .

  3. 工业生产企业物流成本会计核算

    Logistic Cost on Checking of Industry Corporation

  4. 建立事企分体运行会计核算及财务管理体系初探工业生产企业物流成本会计核算

    Discussion on Building up Financial Management System on the Basis of Separate Management of Institutions and Enterprises

  5. 按照基于环境影响的企业物流成本核算体系,论文对某化肥生产企业物流成本进行了实证研究。

    According to the enterprise logistics cost accounting system , the paper does an empirical study on a fertilizer manufacture .

  6. 生产企业的物流成本分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Logistics Costs in Manufacturing Enterprises

  7. 该模型是基于混合整数线性规划模型,并且以供应网络内总生产成本和物流成本最小化作为目标函数。

    Minimizing total production and logistic costs within the supply network is considered as the objective function .

  8. 我国汽车生产企业的物流成本管理水平与发达国家的汽车企业相比差距很大,这样直接影响了我国汽车企业的赢利能力和竞争力。

    The Logistics cost management level of auto enterprises in China lags far behind developed countries , which directly affects the profitability and compatibility of auto enterprises .

  9. RFID技术在国外服装企业的应用说明了其能提升服装供应链的一体化管理,更好地提高生产效率、降低物流成本,并实现资源的优化配置等优点。

    The application of RFID technology in international apparel enterprises proves that it can enhance the integration management of apparel supply chain , improve their productivity , reduce the cost of distribution and optimize the utilization of resources .

  10. 轧钢生产随机物流网络的成本管理方法及应用

    A Method of Cost Management for Random Material-Flow Net in Steel-Rolling and Application

  11. 在生产企业中,物流成本是除原材料成本之外的最大成本支出项目。

    Except the cost of raw material , logistics cost is the highest cost payment item in manufacturing enterprises .

  12. 采购供应物流组织得好,可大幅度缩短产品生产周期、降低物流成本、提高供应链的敏捷度和柔性。

    If we organize the material flow of the supply well , it can greatly reduce the circle of the production and costs and Improve agility degree and flexibility which supply the chain .

  13. 这种生产周期长、物流成本较高、市场风险不定的特点,使得追求钢铁物流管理虽然空间大,但难度也大。接着总结了钢铁物流的特点;

    In addition the long production cycle , the costly material resource stream cost , the instable market risk , that make the management scope of iron & steel industry extended but hard to manage .

  14. 组织好入厂物流,就可以大幅度缩短产品生产周期、降低物流成本、提高供应链的敏捷性和柔性,入厂物流是汽车企业增强供应链竞争能力的重要环节。

    Good organizations of inbound logistics could significantly shorten production cycle , reduce cost , and increase the flexibility of the supply chain . So inbound logistics system is one of the important parts in the competitive ability .

  15. 我国企业历来重生产轻流通,物流成本偏高,但是这同时也说明我国企业降低物流成本的空间巨大。

    Enterprises of our country always " lay stress on producing but make light of circulating ", therefore the logistics cost is high , but this also proves at the same time that the space in which the enterprises of our country reduce the cost of logistics is enormous .

  16. 结构优化以包括包装成本、物流成本、仓储成本在内的整体费用为目标函数,通过优化瓦楞纸箱结构及装载模式,最大限度地降低商品的生产、物流、仓储成本;

    The structural optimization regards whole expenses as goal function including packing cost , logistics cost , and storage cost . Through optimizing the structure of corrugated paper case and loading mode , the structural optimization can reduce the cost of production , logistics and storage to the maximum extent ;

  17. 因生产物料的消耗情况不明而造成整个生产物流系统的成本增加。

    The account of the production material consumed is not clear or accuracy . The cost of material handle will be increased a lot .