
  • 网络production externality
  1. 由于信息不对称和团队生产外部性,引起市场失灵的因素同样会引发科层失灵问题。

    As a result of information asymmetry and team production externalities , the factor that lead to the market failure also cause the hierarchy failure .

  2. 国家安全生产外部性的内在化

    Internalization of the Externality of National Safe Production

  3. 论国家安全生产的外部性

    On Externality of National Safe Production

  4. 生产者责任延伸制度的建立与实施将成为废弃产品的生产负外部性内部化的有力手段。

    The establishment and implementation of EPR regime can be a powerful means to internalize negative externality of the production of waste products .

  5. 通过情景模拟分析,定量考察了生产负外部性降低对我国林产品贸易比较利益的影响及其作用机理。

    This study investigates the effects and mechanisms of changes in the value of negative production externality on comparative advantage interests of forest products trade .

  6. 本文在博奕论范式中重新定义了科层失灵的概念,区分了科层横向失灵和科层纵向失灵,并分析了它们产生的原因&团队生产的外部性和不对称信息。

    This paper redefines hierarchy failure in game theory paradigm , and differentiates horizontal hierarchy failure which externalities of team production cause from vertical hierarchy failure in which asymmetrical information results .

  7. 本文从会计信息的垄断生产、外部性、公共物品和信息不对称等会计信息失灵的主要因素入手,说明了会计信息政府管制的必要性和可能性,以及政府管制的一般内容。

    Based on the factors that lead to accounting information failure this paper states the necessity and possibility of the government control of accounting information , and the general content of the government control .

  8. 显然,无论是生产决策外部性的制约强度,还是实现统一决策的交易成本,都取决于农户地块规模与最小经济规模的比例。

    Clearly , both the constraints strength of externalities of the production decision-making and the transaction costs of unified decision-making are determined by the size of household plots and the smallest proportion of economies of scale .

  9. 必须对森林资源的生态效益实施国家定向合同购买或代理(社会)合同购买的办法来校正林业生产的外部性。

    It can ensure the forestry and the agriculture development harmoniously . ( 2 ) For the sake of ecological benefit of forestry resources , the external economy of forestry production must be adjusted by adopting state-oriented contract or agent-oriented contract system .

  10. 优质蔬菜生产产生的外部性导致资源配置效率低下。

    The externality that high quality vegetable produces leads to the poor efficiency of resources allocation .

  11. 同时公共收费是资源配置的一种方式,具有消除生产和消费外部性等功能。

    The public charge is one way for the resources disposition , which can eliminate the exterior nature of production and consumption .

  12. 这充分体现出电解铝生产过程具有的外部性。

    This shows that the process of electrolytic aluminium production has externality .

  13. 生产的外部不经济性使自然资产在数量或质量上下降;

    The outer non-economic nature in production causes decrease of natural assets in quantity or in quality ;

  14. 因此,这三者是将生产的外部不经济性内部化的最基本的、必不可少的法规和经济工具。

    Therefore , the three mentioned above are the most essential regulations and economic tools that can internalize of external uneconomicalness .

  15. 该文认为商品林生产具有正的外部性,市场失灵使生产者将不能提供社会真正所需要的商品林数量。

    It holds that the production of commercial forest has positive externalities and its producers can 't provide enough commercial forest truly required by the society under market failure .

  16. 农业生产具有较强的外部性,单纯依靠私人投入无法满足社会对其产品的需求,需要政府对农业生产进行干预。

    Agricultural production has strong externality , rely solely on private investment in the product can meet the demand of society , the government should intervene in agricultural production .

  17. 森林认证作为市场机制的含义是指森林认证是林产品生产和消费者的外部性通过市场内部化的一个过程,同时森林认证是以市场为驱动的机制;

    Forest certification , as a market-based mechanism , means that it is a process to internalize environmental externalities through prices and that also means that forest certification is driven by market incentives ;

  18. 对激励企业实施清洁生产的环境政策工具进行了探讨,分析了清洁生产的经济外部性并建立了相关模型。

    The authors explore the two environmental policy instruments which can motivate enterprises ' practicing cleaner production , analyze the economical externality of cleaner production and build the correlated model .

  19. 分析了粮食生产直接补贴的实质它是对粮食生产者合理收益的补偿,它也是对粮食生产正外部性的补偿,它又是对调节粮食供求平衡的社会付出。

    The essence of the subsidy is to compensate the grain producers . It is also the compensation to adjust the balance of the grain supply and demand and compensations to positive externality of grain production . 2 .