
wài bù jīnɡ jì
  • external economy
  1. 产业空间集聚可以享有技术创新所带来的外部经济性(externalities),增强产业的扩撒效果(Spillover),提高创新的成效。

    Industry agglomeration can enjoy the technological innovation brought about by the external economy , enhanced industry spread effect , improve the effectiveness of innovation .

  2. 实证结果表明,中国高技术产业出口一方面通过出口企业的生产率优势带动了产业TFP,另一方面也通过非出口企业获得的外部经济效应提升了TFP。

    The result shows that high-tech industries ' export promotes TFP through both the productivity advantage of export enterprises and the external economy effect of non-export enterprises .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO,其开放程度的逐步加深及市场经济的日益完善,外部经济对财政政策及货币政策的制定与实施的影响将越来越大。

    And the influence on the formulation and implement of fiscal and monetary policy is becoming greater and greater .

  4. 接着对中国铝行业发展环境做了客观、详尽的分析与预测,分析X铝业公司发展的外部经济环境、政策环境以及贸易环境。

    Then , it analyzes and forecasts the development of X aluminum external economic environment , policy environment and trade environment .

  5. 人力资本不仅仅影响一国内部经济增长,同时也和外部经济交往比如外商直接投资(FDI)存在互为补充的关系。

    Human capital and FDI are the complementary driving forces to the economic growth in the developing countries .

  6. 首先,外部经济威胁对AFTA进程起着推动作用。

    Firstly , external economic threats accelerate the process of AFTA .

  7. 基础设施BOT项目普遍都有较长的特许权期,项目的外部经济环境在这一过程中必将发生各种各样的变化,而项目公司一般都没有自主的价格调整权力以适应这种变化。

    Build Operate Transfer ( BOT ) projects generally have long concession term , various changes of external economy environment will take place in this course . The project companies generally all haven 't independent price adjustment right to adapt this kind of changes .

  8. 由于湿地生态系统服务具有公共物品的特征和外部经济性,可以利用条件估值法(CVM)将生态系统服务功能价值转化为最大支付意愿(WTP),并最终确定生态系统服务功能价值。

    The wetland ecosystem services have public goods characteristic and bring the external economy , so we can use contingent valuation method ( CVM ) turn the value of ecosystem services into the willingness to pay ( WTP ) to assess its functional value .

  9. 进一步提出NDP虽然比GDP更佳,但只是一种狭义的核算,如果把环境资源因素,以及外部经济因素影响考虑进去,应建立绿色NDP指标,并得出绿色NDP指标的理论模式。

    It is furthermore expressed that NDP is only a narrow sense accounting even though it is better than GDP . If factors of environment , resource and external influence are taken into account , green NDP index should be built and its theoretical model is obtained .

  10. 采用恩格尔-葛兰杰(E-G)检验,考虑数据结构变化的可能,研究了外部经济冲击对中国经济增长与电力消费之间长期均衡关系的影响。

    Using the Engle-Granger ( E-G ) test and considering the possibility of structural changes , the impact of external economic shocks on the long-run equilibrium relationship between economic growth and electricity consumption in China was analyzed .

  11. 外部经济是产业集聚的重要机制。

    External economies are the most important mechanism of industrial agglomeration .

  12. 城市绿地外部经济效应的基础研究

    Fundamental Study of the External Economic Effect of Urban Green Space

  13. 外部经济应用的非对称性与区际生态补偿机制

    Application Asymmetrical in External Economies and Domestic Block Ecological Compensation Mechanism

  14. 对外直接投资、外部经济与高新技术产业集群

    Foreign Direct Investment , External Economies and Cluster of High-new Technology Industry

  15. 劳动力市场的规模以及信息交换和技术扩散,产业集群的形成是基于从外部经济中获得最大效益而形成的相关企业的自然藕合。

    The labor market scope ; information exchanging and diffuse of technology .

  16. 探讨了外部经济环境对贸易的影响、作用机制和影响因素。

    The external economic environment influence business , mechanisms and influence factors .

  17. 农业基础设施一般具有公共物品、外部经济性、自然垄断性和投资资金聚集性等特征。

    Agricultural infrastructure is featuring with quasi-public goods and externality .

  18. 外部经济、市场失败与旅游业的发展

    Externality , Market Failure and Development of Tourist Trade

  19. 我国的外贸依存度较高,外部经济环境的变化会影响我国的经济发展。

    The changes of external economic environment-foreign trade-will influence China 's economic development .

  20. 外部经济与农村工业集聚区的形成与发展

    External Economies and the Development of Rural Industry Agglomeration

  21. 在未来的宏观控制中,要充分重视外部经济和能源可能造成的冲击。

    Fifth , external and energy shocks should be emphasized in the future .

  22. 第三方物流的经济性,主要包括规模经济性、价值创新性和外部经济性。

    Its economy mainly includes scale economy , creativity of value and external economy .

  23. 因此,研究来自外部经济因素的影响就越发显得重要。

    So , it is important to study the influence from exterior economic factors .

  24. 土地外部经济初步研究

    External economy of land resources : preliminary discussion

  25. (ⅱ)磋商成员的外部经济和贸易环境;

    ( ii ) the external economic and trading environment of the consulting Member ;

  26. 主要分析了出口的自我选择效应、学习效应和外部经济效应。

    Mainly analyze self-election effect , learning effect and external economy effect of export .

  27. 论林业有害生物防治的外部经济效应

    Economic externalities of the forest pest management

  28. 如何调节外部经济失衡、实现内部与外部经济均衡正成为宏观经济理论与政策的热点课题。

    Realizing the balance of internal and external economics becomes a heated topic of study .

  29. 外部经济效应表现在创新激励效应和创新载体效应两方面;

    The outside economic effect is reflected on that of innovation motivation and innovative effect medium .

  30. 内部经济失衡和外部经济失衡是相互影响和相互依赖的,二者既有内在一致性,又有冲突性。

    Internal imbalance and external imbalance are interactional and interdependent , they have consistency and conflict .