
  • 网络Augmented Product
  1. 第三,研究了DT花园在核心产品、形式产品和外延产品三个层次上的有关定位,并且在形式产品定位中提出了空中花园的方案,解决了客观不利因素对DT花园的影响。

    The third point is that the positioning of core product , actual product and augment product of DT garden has been studied . And we put forward the project of air garden to solve the disadvantage of DT garden .

  2. 在产品设计时应注意从核心产品、外围产品和外延产品三个层次考虑。

    It can come into consideration from three levels of the product : core products , peripheral products and extension of products .

  3. 简述了非织造布的结构、性能、技术特点及其外延产品的开发与应用。

    In the artide , the structure , properties and technology of nonwovens is applied , and its application study of other products are introduced .

  4. 新产品开发是企业创造市场需求的主要途径,其实质是推出不同内涵与外延的新产品。

    The development of new products is the enterprise to create market demand for the main way ; its essence is the introduction of different connotation and extension of new products .