
  1. 网络营销产品策略中产品的品牌、包装策略与传统营销基本一致,而其顾客服务策略有其独到的特色。

    Although the product brand and packing strategies in online marketing are almost the same as those in traditional marketing , the customer service strategy in online marketing has its unique characteristics .

  2. 论适应网络营销的产品特点

    A study of the characteristics of products suitable for internet marketing

  3. 与传统的营销相比,网络营销在产品、价格、渠道和促销这四个营销关键要素中都具有不可比拟的优势。

    To compare with traditional marketing , online marketing has advantages in product , price , place and promotion that traditional marketing cannot assimilate .

  4. 因此,研究网络营销与产品设计的交叉融合成为了一个必须的课题。

    For this reason , it has become an integrant subject that research about the inosculation and intersection of the distribution activity and design of the product .

  5. 商家在网络营销中的产品定位策略

    Strategies for Product Positioning on The Web Site

  6. 促使企业经营管理以及组织形式都发生了深刻的变革,各国的大小企业竞相开展网络营销,将产品介绍、销售以及售后服务转移到互联网上,进行网络营销。

    To promote business management and organizational forms have undergone profound changes , the size of the countries competing in e-commerce business , product introduction , sales and after-sales service transferred to the Internet , network marketing .

  7. 本文从网络市场的特点出发,对网络营销产品策略、网络营销的策略组合及网络营销决策要求进行了分析。

    In this paper , based on the features of network market , the author makes an analysis of products decision-making , strategic combination , and marketing decision-making of network marketing .

  8. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .