
  • 网络Network Research;Online survey
  1. 网络调研公司eMarketer预计,到2015年底,智能手机用户将达到19.1亿,平板电脑用户也将达到10亿。

    By the end of 2015 , eMarketer estimates there will be 1.91 billion smartphone users and 1 billion tablet users .

  2. 方法:选用自我中心网络调研方法、青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC),对180名二年级大学生进行调查。

    Methods : 180 sophomores were tested with an ego-network survey and Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check-list ( ASLEC ) .

  3. 公开课展示、教学研讨、网络调研等推动新理念深化与细化,促进教师专业水平的提高。

    Public class , teaching , research and promote the new concept of network of deepening and refining , promoting teachers ' professional level .

  4. 因此对网络调研、网络分销、网络新产品开发、以及网络服务等营销活动很少涉足。

    Therefore , they have seldom engaged themselves into the network investigation , network distribution sales , development of new network products and network services .

  5. 通过对4所省教院图书馆的网络调研,指出图书馆要重视信息基础设施和图书馆网页的建设,积极开展网上信息服务;

    Based on a network survey of these libraries , the paper has put forward suggestions of focusing on construction of information infrastructure and library websites , developing active information service on network ;

  6. 第三部分通过对政府人才市场信息化情况进行网络调研,总结了政府人才市场信息化存在的问题:缺乏战略眼光、缺乏系统性、轻视软件应用与数据信息;

    The third part of the talent market information through a network of research , summed up the talent market information problems : lack of a strategic vision , the lack of systematic , less software applications and data ;

  7. 论文通过对83所师范院校和教育学院图书馆的网络调研,分析了其面向中小学开展信息服务的现状及存在的主要问题,并提出了一些建议。

    Based on a network survey of 83 libraries of normal colleges and education institutes , this paper analyses the present situation and the main problems of the information service to elementary and secondary schools , and brings forward some suggestions .

  8. 网络市场调研及其实施方法

    Network Marketing Research and its Applications

  9. 第二部分首先介绍网络市场调研与传统市场调研的区别,然后介绍网络市场调研的基本步骤和方法。

    The second section first introduce the difference between network marketing research and traditional marketing research , then the basic steps and methods of network marketing research .

  10. 在对深圳市南山区科技企业孵化器网络实施调研、统计、分析基础上,借鉴组织绩效指标评价体系对孵化器网络化及孵化绩效进行了实证研究。

    Based on Shenzhen Nanshan District science and technology business incubator network implementation research , statistics , on the basis of the analysis , from the organizational performance evaluation index system for incubator network and makes the case study on the performance .

  11. 网络&市场调研的利器

    Internet & a newly sharp tool of market survey NETWORK MARKETING

  12. 基于网络展开设计调研的可行性分析

    Feasible Study on the Research Method of Spreading Design Based on Network

  13. 在此基础上,通过实地、网络、文献调研等方式对安徽省公共图书馆服务体系的建设情况进行了调查,分析与总结安徽省公共图书馆服务体系目前面临的问题。

    Based on this , the paper investigates the construction of public library service system in Anhui Province through field , networks , literature research and other methods , analyze and summarize the issues it faces .

  14. 作者在对国内各城市交通管理部门对城市交通信号网络管理现状的调研中发现,国内还没有应用十分成功的基于GIS(地理信息系统)的城市交通信号网络管理系统。

    Author finds that there has not used very successful network administrative system of urban traffic light based on GIS ( geographical information system ) yet in our country by surveying the current network management situation of the urban traffic light in traffic control department of all domestic city .

  15. 高校图书馆网络参考咨询服务调研分析与对策

    A analysis and countermeasure on information service of network reference in library of technical college

  16. 浙江大学学生网络英语运用情况调研报告

    A Survey Report on Students ' Use of English on the Internet at Zhejiang University

  17. 长春五所高校网络文明培育状况调研分析

    Investigation and Analysis on cultivating a Civilized State of Network in Five Colleges and Universities in Changchun

  18. 基于此,建立国防科技企业知识产权战略如下:包括信息库建设策略、信息服务网络策略、信息调研策略的知识产权情报策略;

    It is proposed that intellectual right strategy are established for STEND : information strategy covering database development , information network and information research ;

  19. 本文从网络这一新型调研工具入手,分析了网络市场调研的特点、开展网络调研的步骤及应注意的问题。

    Starting with the new way , the article analyses the characteristics of internet survey , the steps of making internet survey and problems we should pay attention to .

  20. 最后在对中山大学校园网络运维体系进行调研的基础上,通过具体方案对其进行分析,验证其实用性、科学性与合理性。

    Finally , carrying out analysis through definite schemes to validate its practicability , science and rationality on the basis of researching on campus network operation and maintenance system of Sun Yat-sen university .

  21. 它们经历了市场的起起伏伏,与最优秀企业家们有着最牢固的关系,建立了网络和团队进行调研,物色最优秀的公司。

    They have seen up and down markets , have the strongest relationships with the best entrepreneurs , and have built the infrastructure and teams to do their homework and find the best companies .

  22. 皮尤中心主要研究人们的网络行为。该调研负责人,资深研究专员玛丽马登表示:网络社交需要警觉性,不仅要关注自己发布的内容,还有朋友们发布的与你有关的文章。

    Social networking requires vigilance , not only in what you post , but what your friends post about you , said Mary Madden , a senior research specialist who oversaw the study by Pew , which examines online behavior .

  23. 通过人脉网络,阅读和网络调研来获取关于你正在考虑的领域的深入信息。

    Get thorough information about the fields you 're considering by networking , reading and doing online research .

  24. 随着计算机技术和网络技术的不断发展,利用网络对读者进行调研已成为可能。

    With the development of the computer and network techniques , reader investigation through the electronic network is possible .