
  1. 恢复进出北京跨城出租车、网约车等业务;

    Taxi and online car-hailing services between Beijing and other cities will resume ;

  2. 交通运输部运输服务司负责人李华强表示,目前全国共有236家网约车平台企业,取得许可的网约车驾驶员超过351万人。

    There are over 3.51 million licensed ride-hailing drivers serving 236 platforms nationwide .

  3. 有些网约车平台设置过高抽成比例,侵害了驾驶员的权益,驾驶员为了保证收入只能超时劳动。

    Some ride-hailing applications had encroached on drivers ' rights by collecting high commissions , meaning they have to work longer to maintain their incomes .

  4. 交通运输部将督促网约车平台与驾驶员签订正式劳动合同,落实驾驶员权益保障责任。

    The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms ' responsibilities to the drivers they employ .

  5. 上上周,共享出行企业滴滴收购了巴西的网约车企业99,势必影响竞争对手优步(Uber)在该国的发展前景。

    The week before last week , ride-sharing business Didi acquired 99 in Brazil , crimping fellow group Uber 's prospects in the country .

  6. 中国已经有了本国版本的Uber和Lyft,网约车业务正在蓬勃发展。

    China has created its own local versions of Uber and Lyft , and the ride-hailing business is booming .

  7. 今年早些时候,苹果向中国网约车企业滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)投资10亿美元。

    Earlier this year , Apple invested $ 1bn in Didi Chuxing , the Chinese ride-hailing company .

  8. 滴滴出行为了在这个世界上最大的网约车市场中占据主导地位,刚在一场代价昂贵的竞争中击败了Uber。滴滴在全球享有如此高的名声,以至于其投资者中有包括苹果(Apple)这样的大牌公司。

    Didi Chuxing had just defeated Uber in an expensive battle for dominance in the world 's largest ride-hailing market , and it enjoys such a high global profile that it counts Apple and other big names among its investors .

  9. 37岁的温振江曾在北京为滴滴和Uber工作了近两年,目前正在寻找驾驶卡车的工作,他说,(开网约车)的回报已越来越少。

    There are fewer and fewer rewards , said Wen Zhenjiang , 37 , who worked for Didi and Uber in Beijing for nearly two years and is now looking for work driving trucks .

  10. 中国政府已正式将网约车服务合法化,包括总部位于旧金山的优步(Uber)和中国的滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),此举让这个一直在灰色地带运营的行业获得提振。

    The Chinese government has formally legalised online car-hailing services , including San Francisco-based Uber and Beijing 's Didi Chuxing , giving a boost to an industry that has operated in a grey area .

  11. 中国政府针对网约车服务在大城市使用外来务工人员作为驾驶员提议了严格的新限制,此举打击了滴滴出行(DidiChuxing),潜在还将打击中国其他互联网集团。

    China 's government has proposed strict new limits on car hailing apps " use of migrants as drivers in major cities , in a blow to Didi Chuxing and potentially to other Chinese internet groups .

  12. 然而,当中国最大的两家网约车企业——滴滴和快的(Kuaidi)——在去年初合并后,优步在中国的任务变得困难得多。

    However , Uber 's task in China became much harder when China 's two largest car-hailing companies , Didi and Kuaidi , merged early last year .

  13. 网约车服务业给地方政府带来了特别棘手的问题。

    The ride-hailing business poses especially tricky concerns for local governments .

  14. 马克:想想看,现在出租车和网约车服务已经非常受欢迎了。

    Mark : Think about how taxis and ride-hailing services are already so popular .

  15. 新标准与雇佣网约车驾驶人员的背景审查体系有关。

    The new standard is related to the background check system for hiring car-hailing drivers .

  16. 但他在周三说,他当网约车司机的日子可能不多了。

    But his days in the business are probably numbered , he said on Wednesday .

  17. 这让一些网约车司机感到泄气。

    That has discouraged some ride-share drivers .

  18. 有些城市的出租车司机采取了罢工行动,有时还骚扰网约车司机。

    In some cities , taxi drivers have gone on strike , sometimes harassing ride-share drivers .

  19. 高德提供的地图以及其他基于导航的服务也被滴滴用于其网约车服务中。

    AutoNavi provides mapping and other navigation-based services , which Didi also uses in its ride-hailing services .

  20. 就在上周,中国将网约车合法化,为该市场进一步扩大扫清了道路。

    China legalised ride-hailing just last week , clearing the way for the market to expand further .

  21. 周三,以网约车司机为主的在线社区充满了愤怒和失望的帖子。

    On Wednesday , online groups devoted to ride-share drivers were filled with messages of anger and disappointment .

  22. 网约车司机的雇主不管司机工作多长时间,或者对他们有工作的配额要求。

    Their employers don 't keep tabs on how often the drivers work or require them to reach driving quotas .

  23. 它们都依靠低薪的司机和快递员提供电子商务、网约车和送餐等服务。

    They all rely on low-paid drivers and couriers to provide services such as ecommerce , ride hailing and food delivery .

  24. 然而,压垮优步的最后一根稻草可能是中国的网约车法规,《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》上周正式将网约车服务合法化。

    However the final straw might have been China 's ride-hailing regulations , which formally legalised the practice just last week .

  25. 该公司计划为加入滴滴网约车的新司机提供租车、购买保险等补贴。

    The company plans to give subsidies for car rentals , insurance purchases and more for beginners who join DiDi 's ride-hailing fleets .

  26. 中国网约车巨头滴滴出行宣布将投资2亿元(约3000万美元)来促进就业。

    Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing has announced that it will invest 200 million yuan or about 30 million U.S. dollars to promote employment .

  27. 网约车服务在很多国家遭遇抗议和禁令,但中国政府寻求利用这种技术促进经济增长。

    Car-hailing has been met with protests and bans in many countries , but Beijing has sought to co-opt the technology to promote economic growth .

  28. 格雷丝是一名拥有4个月工龄的网约车全职司机,而当怀孕开始尖叫时,交通却非常拥堵。

    Grace , who has driven full-time with Grab for nearly four months , was caught in heavy traffic when the pregnant passenger started screaming .

  29. 他说,中国出租车行业的政治力量是一个尤其强大的挑战,出租车公司把网约车公司视为危险的竞争对手。

    The political power of China 's taxi services - which see ride-hailing companies as dangerous rivals - presents a particularly strong challenge , he said .

  30. 中国网约车公司滴滴出行以及电力巨头中国电网都在巴西展开了业务。

    China 's ride-hailing company Didi Chuxing and State Grid Corporation of China , an electric power giant , have also set up businesses in Brazil .