
  1. 1月21日,新闻发言人表示称,中央外宣办五局原副局长高剑云因涉嫌网络敲诈勒索案,收受巨额贿赂,依法给予逮捕。

    In the corruption case of Gao Jianyun , the former director of the No. 5 Bureau of the party 's International Communication Office , which was announced on January 21 , a press officer said Gao was taken into custody on allegations he took a large amount of bribes related to the Internet blackmail business .

  2. 政府正在开展专项整治活动,针对网络公关公司敲诈勒索,进行有偿删帖活动进行治理。

    The revelations come amid a government campaign to crackdown on PR firms blackmailing companies to have negative reports taken off of websites .