
wǎnɡ luò fú wù
  • network service
  1. 基于Internet的网络服务计费系统分析与研究

    On the Internet-based Charging System for Analysis and Research of Network Service

  2. 社交网络服务(SocialNetworkService,SNS)已经成为互联网最为流行的应用服务之一。

    Social network service has become one of the most popular Internet applications .

  3. 像脸书、推特等类似网络服务是应运而生的操纵大师,这些产品如此完美,让人们欲罢不能。

    Online services like Facebook , Twitter and the like , are called out of manipula-tion — making products so good that people can 't stop using them .

  4. 有些美国人对网络服务商感到十分失望,他们直接放弃了。

    Some Americans are getting so frustrated with Internet providers they 're just giving up .

  5. 即使网络服务商没有犯法,也会因为带宽速度和收费激起消费者的怒气。

    Even when they stay on the right side of the law , Internet providers arouse customers ' anger over bandwidth speed and cost .

  6. 此外,火车上无线网络服务和手机的广泛普及也延长了人们的日常工作时间。这项研究对五千名每天乘火车去伦敦上班的通勤者进行了调查,随之提出了一个问题:工作日究竟从何时开始?

    The study of 5000 commuters travelling by train into London each day raises the question of when the working day really begins .

  7. 基于Java的安全主动网络服务加载器研究

    Study on Secure Active Network Service Loader Based on Java

  8. Linux系统网络服务基于Web管理的设计技术

    Web-Based Management Design of Network Services in Linux

  9. 用户提交网络服务,静态IP地址和电话服务请求。

    Users submit network service , Static IP Address and Telephone service request .

  10. 解决IP网络服务质量问题的方法

    The Solutions to the IP QoS Problem

  11. 介绍一种基于Web的集成化网络服务管理系统。

    This paper introduces a Web-based integrate network service management system , which combines Web technology and network management technology to create an organic structural model .

  12. 为适应日益广泛的多Agent系统应用需求,在Agent通信报文设计中考虑了不同网络服务质量及安全参数。

    To serve the broader applications of multi-a-gent system , the paper introduces the network service quality and security parameters into the datagram for the agent communication .

  13. 这包括所有网络服务、包括DNS、NFS、Web服务和其他信息。

    This includes all network services , including DNS , NFS , Web services , and other information .

  14. 网络服务商(ISP)的版权侵权责任研究

    The Study on Copyright Infringement Liability of ISP

  15. 随着Internet的普及和网络服务(WebServices)的广泛应用,如何提高应用系统的性能成为软件性能测试领域的研究热点。

    With the popularity of Internet and widespread use of Web Services , how to improve the performance of application systems becomes a hot research in the field of software performance testing .

  16. 由于现在讨论的网络服务定位基于IP网络,这样就不可避免地受到现有IP网络的缺陷的影响。

    Since the existing network service location is based on IP protocol , it is inevitable that network service location is limited by the existing IP network .

  17. 从中小企业实施会计电算化的局限性入手,引入ASP这种新型网络服务模式。

    In view of small and medium-sized enterprises limitation of accounting by EDP , this paper introduces ASP , a new-type network service mode .

  18. 现在终端位置通知网络服务(Catcher)得到开发和运行。

    Now the Terminal Location Notification Web Service ( Catcher ) is deployed and running .

  19. 查看IBMWEBSphere电信网络服务服务器7.1版本信息中心的网络服务实施部分,以得到每一个类别下关于可得到服务的更多信息。

    See the Web Service Implementations of the IBM WebSphere Telecom Web Services Server Version 7.1 Information Center for more about the available services under each category .

  20. 建立在IP技术基础上的VPN正快速成为新一代网络服务的基础,许多服务供应商推出了基于VPN的各种业务。

    IP-based VPN technology is fast becoming the basis of the new generation web services , and many service providers have launched a variety of VPN-based business .

  21. 除传统的各种手段之外,借助专门的抗DDoS(DistributedDenialOfService即分布式拒绝服务)攻击产品,是运营商提供更好的网络服务的必要手段。

    Besides all kinds of traditional methods , a necessary method for user to provide good network service is using the devices against DDos ( distributed denial of service ) .

  22. 该算法能够在对QoS的延迟、抖动、丢失率、吞吐量等参数测量的基础上,基于网络服务元素多态性和周期性轮询机制完成对Web服务的性能可用性参数的计算和预测。

    Algorithms that base network element 's more status and period polling mechanism can calculate and forecast the performance-availability parameter of web service in terms of quality of service , loss-rate and throughout and so on .

  23. 通过将业务功能封装成为服务,建立网络服务的应用程序,并发布到服务器上供外部调用的方法,实现了SOA的思想。

    Business functions are packaged into the services , and build web services applications , which are published to the server for external invoke . The SOA method is realized in this way .

  24. SNS(SocialNetworkingService)网站指社会性网络服务网站或者社交性网络服务网站,是一种帮助人们建立与维持社会关系,并综合了多种网络服务和功能的综合性社交服务平台。

    SNS ( Social Networking Service ) website refers to the social network service website or social network services site , which is a Internet service to help people establish and maintain social relationship through the network platform .

  25. Synergy称,阿里巴巴的云计算服务在亚太地区排名第二,仅次于市场份额约为40%的亚马逊网络服务。

    According to Synergy , Alibaba 's cloud computing service ranks second in the Asia-Pacific region , behind Amazon Web Services , whose market share is around 40 % .

  26. 进入二十一世纪,随着现代社会的信息化程度越来越深入,Internet的规模不断增大,各种各样的网络服务争相涌现,尤其是先进的多媒体系统层出不穷。

    In the 21st century , along with the modern society becomes to be information-based more and more , the scope of Internet augments continuously , all kinds of network services come forth one bye one , especially advanced multimedia systems emerge in endlessly .

  27. 在服务器端,由Servlet技术来实现服务器端对网络服务的响应,由EJB等技术实现对于系统业务逻辑的处理和与数据库之间的交互。

    On J2EE server , we use the Servlet technology to implement the response for web service and the EJB technology for processing the business logic and interacting with the database .

  28. 其中RTP协议负责数据传输,RTCP协议负责提供数据传输质量反馈,RSVP协议用于资源预留,以保证网络服务质量,RTSP协议则提供数据传输的远端控制。

    RTP transmit data , and RTCP provide feedback of data transmission quality . RSVP can reserve network bandwidth to guarantee quality of service .

  29. 该系统从国内知名新闻网站采集新闻,使用基于内容的推荐方法,以网络服务的方式运行于互联网上,可以使用通用的HTTP通信协议和标准的数据交换格式XML进行访问。

    The system gathers news from famous news websites in China , and recommends news using the content-based method . Furthermore , it is a standard web service by using HTTP protocol and XML as its data exchange way .

  30. 将文库的PCR产物克隆入pGEM-Teasy载体并进行测序后,应用BLAST网络服务对测得的序列在GenBank数据库中进行同源性比较。

    PCR products of the library were cloned into pGEM-Teasy vectors and the cDNAs were sequenced and analyzed by nucleotide homology comparison against GenBank Database using the BLAST network service .