
  • 网络Service;Maintenance;maintenance service
  1. G市福利彩票投注终端维护服务外包项目的后评价

    The Post-evaluation of the Welfare Lottery Betting Terminals Maintenance Service Outsourcing in G City

  2. G市福利彩票发行中心为了重点抓好彩票销售的市场营销这项核心业务,从2004年开始将其投注终端的维护服务外包出去。

    In order to focusing on welfare lottery marketing , the welfare lottery issue center of G city outsource its maintenance service to other company .

  3. 显式定义并维护服务消费者与提供者之间的关系,并消除可能存在不利的相互假设(mutualassumptions);

    Service Lease which explicitly defines and maintains the relationships between service consumers and providers and disambiguates potentially dangerous mutual assumptions ;

  4. 可以使用人们易懂的文档注释在ServiceRegistry中装载的服务,这样您就能够从一个地方维护服务定义及其文档。

    Services loaded within Service Registry can be annotated with human readable documentation , enabling you to maintain service definitions and their documentation in one place .

  5. 维护服务批处理方法使用BatchProcessor调用的维护服务将数据加载到InfoSphereMDMServer。

    The maintenance service batch approach loads data into InfoSphere MDM Server using the maintenance services invoked by MDM Server Batch Processor .

  6. 结合专家访谈提出改进PICC维护服务的科学、可行的建议。

    Put forward scientific and feasible suggestions for improving PICC maintenance services combing with interviews with experts .

  7. 这份合同要求,SAIC公司提供军用移动车辆和货物检查系统技术以及相关的维护服务。

    The delivery order calls for SAIC to provide military mobile Vehicle and Cargo Inspection Systems technology and associated maintenance services .

  8. 以发动机制造商劳斯莱斯(rolls-royce)为例,在以很低的利润率出售其航空涡轮机之后,它实际上是靠提供备件、后续服务及维护服务赚钱。

    For example , engine maker Rolls-Royce essentially generates its profit from spares , service and maintenance once it has sold its aviation turbines for little return .

  9. 分析表明,TP-SATN可有效维护服务网格中主体自治性和隐私保密性,同时保证了协商效率。

    The results show that TP-SATN provides efficient trust negotiation with privacy protection and autonomy in Service Grid .

  10. PICC维护服务过程中的服务流程和服务环境对患者的总体满意度有明显的影响,医院在提供PICC维护服务的过程中,应注意服务环节的简化和服务环境的改善。

    The circuits and environments of services have a significant impact on patients ' overall satisfaction . In the process of PICC maintenance services , hospital should pay attention to simplify the service links and improving the service environment .

  11. 此次进博会上航空业的最大订单之一就是中国东方航空与劳斯莱斯签订的价值14.4亿美元TrentXWB引擎及长期维护服务合同。

    In one of the largest deals signed in the aviation sector during the import expo , China Eastern Airlines signed an agreement with Rolls-Royce worth 1.44 billion U.S. dollars for the company 's Trent XWB engines and long-term maintenance services .

  12. 维护服务合同不得指派或转让。

    The maintenance service contract shall not be assigned or transferred .

  13. 维护服务记录及保修问题文件。

    Maintain service records and document trends in warranty issues .

  14. 防范和控制顾客不当行为,维护服务秩序是非常重要的。

    Prevention and control of customer misbehavior maintenance order is very important .

  15. 如何维护服务信息以避免不必要的复制?

    How is service information maintained to avoid un-needed duplication ?

  16. 信息运行维护服务外包的实践与体会

    Practice and Experience on Service Outsourcing for Information System Operation and Maitenance

  17. 第六章提出改善维护服务响应的措施和方法。

    Chapter VI response maintenance services to improve the measures and methods .

  18. 第五章提出提升维护服务响应速度的策略。

    Chapter V proposes to enhance maintenance responsiveness strategy .

  19. 网站建设:为公司或个人提供网站建设、维护服务。

    Website construction : offer service of website construction and maintainance for company and individual .

  20. 本手册适用于依据操作维护服务合同规定而提供的操作维护子系统的各项服务。

    This document applies to the O M Service provided according to the O M service contract .

  21. 第七章简要探讨该维护服务响应系统的推广应用的价值。第八章进行全文总结。

    Summary of Chapter VII of the response system maintenance services to promote the value of application .

  22. 罗-罗持续发展发动机全面维护服务

    TotalCare : Continuous Development Services

  23. 因此,作为大规模定制组成部分的维护服务正也越来越受到企业的重视。

    Therefore enterprises pay more and more attention to maintenance services which is a part of mass customization .

  24. 提交维护服务合同时,亦应提交制造商在科威特的现有维护组织的详细资料。

    When submitting the maintenance service contract , provide details of manufacturer 's existing maintenance organization in kuwait .

  25. 公司主要从事于对佳腾集团销往中国的产品提供技术服务、安装及维修维护服务。

    Xyratex Wuxi is committed to provide technique service , installation , repairing of Xyratex product to our customers .

  26. 服务代理提供和维护服务注册中心,然而现在并没有通用公共注册中心。

    The service broker provides and maintains the service registry , although nowadays public registries are not in vogue .

  27. 开发团队负责创建和维护服务实现构件,并将其存储在存储库中。

    The development team becomes responsible for creation and maintenance of service implementation artifacts and storing them in the repository .

  28. 每天须由列车清洁队在维护服务设施中对各列车进行至少两次清洁。

    Cleaning will be performed on each train at least twice each day in the omsf by the train cleaning crew .

  29. 承包商应选用当地代理能提供维护服务和技术支持的燃气发电机组。

    Contractor shall select the GG set of such a make that local agents shall be available for maintenance and support services .

  30. 三年免费保修,终身维护服务,使澳斯迪家庭背景音乐系统用户几乎无后顾之忧。

    Three years warranty free of charge and lifelong maintenance service leave Auxdio home background music system users nothing to worry about .