
  • 网络Experience Service;Experiential Services
  1. 试论饭店体验服务产品及其开发

    On Experience Service Product of Hotel and Its Development

  2. 随着互联网蓬勃发展以及电子产品体验服务不断升级,传统电池的续航能力和储能量受到了挑战。

    As the vigorous development of Wireless Internet and experience service continuously upgrade . Endurance and energy storage capacity has been challenged on traditional battery of portable electronics .

  3. CRM案例&惠普公司的全面客户体验服务模式

    CRM Practice in HP Company & Total Customer Experience

  4. 就是选择体验服务最高价值!

    Come to " TOWELL " to experience the highest service value !

  5. 在那里我们可以充分体验服务带给我们的便捷与愉悦。

    And we can also get convenience and happy during the experience of service .

  6. 这两位妇女都是体验服务团队的成员。

    Both women are members of Experience Corps .

  7. 本文对服务质量的研究关注的是顾客体验服务质量与服务业中顾客忠诚之间的关系。

    The research has focused on the relationship between customers experienced service quality and service customer loyalty .

  8. 体验服务质量中除了有形性质量变量外,可靠性、响应性、保证性、移情性均对态度性忠诚有显著的直接影响;

    The quality invariables of reliability , response , assurance and empathy have positive impact on attitude loyalty ;

  9. 会场内的各大展示柜都是关于下一代无线通信标准的信息。其中一些甚至提供了该技术的展示体验服务。

    Booths filled with information about the next-generation wireless standard - some even offering " demonstrations " of the technology - seemed to occupy more floor space even than new smartphones .

  10. 如今个性化服务技术已不再仅是个学术概念,国内外各大公司、网站均推出了个性化服务系统,它已经是提高Web用户体验和服务质量的重要手段。

    Nowadays personalized service technologies have gradually came into practical applications from the academic researches . A lot of companies and webs have proposed their own personalized service systems , which became the main strategies to improve user experiences and service quality .

  11. 最后,要处理好自我体验与服务社会的关系。

    Finally , must process the relation between self-experiences and serving the society .

  12. 这个反论主要是指体验了服务失败的顾客……

    Um , the paradox basically implies that customers who experience a service failure ,

  13. 要想在台式电脑或移动设备上体验这种服务,请点击这里。

    To give the desktop and mobile experience a spin , check it out here .

  14. 使客户在体验技术服务的同时感受人文关怀。

    Our company will make the clients experience the technique service and taste the enlightened solicitude at the same time .

  15. 在旅游体验和服务接待的过程中,游客与目的地之间形成一定的关系质量状况。

    In the process of tourism experience , service and reception , there exists a certain relationship quality status between tourists and destinations .

  16. 这家创意咖啡店吸引了很多想体验机器人服务的人,有人说店内的咖啡“有智能的味道”。

    The creative coffee shop has attracted many people who want to experience robot services , with some saying the coffee had the flavor of intelligence .

  17. 因此,基于博弈的多媒体信息分发具有很大的研究意义,为用户体验多媒体服务提供了技术支持。

    Therefore , it has a great significance on researching the multimedia information distribution-based the game , which provides support the user experience the multimedia services .

  18. 当经济发达到一定程度之后,人类的消费重点将从产品本身向产品的体验和服务转移,这是人类发展的一种自然规律。

    When the economy reaches a certain stage , our concept of the consumption will focus on the experience , which is a natural state of human development .

  19. 此外,在请求提交时,客户端不知道它们提交的请求能否得到满足,这将降低客户体验和服务吸引力。

    In addition , the clients have no idea about whether their requests can be satisfied at the time of submission . It will deteriorate client experience and service attraction .

  20. 摘要本研究之目的在于比较秀姑峦溪与浓溪泛舟游客参与动机、流畅体验、服务满意度、以及感受活动参与后正面影响之差异情形。

    The purpose of this study was to compare difference rafters , rafting participation motivation , flow experience , perceived service satisfaction and positive effect after finishing the activity in siaokuluan and Lao-Nong river .

  21. 目前,特斯拉在北京、上海和深圳等大都市建有九座体验和服务中心。根据公司向股东发出的2014年第三季度业绩函,中国已经是世界范围内拥有中心数量最多的几个国家之一。

    There are now nine stores and service centers in metropolises like Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen , which is already one of Tesla 's highest grossing stores worldwide , the company reported in its third-quarter 2014 shareholder letter .

  22. 顾客体验是服务业顾客忠诚的重要影响因素,顾客体验是通过满足顾客感性上的需求来赢得顾客的忠诚,而心理契约是顾客感性上的内在反映。

    Service experience is the most important factor that affects customer loyalty , and the customer experience wins customers ' loyalty through the thing which satisfies in the customer perception , but the psychological contract is the intrinsic reflection of the customer perception .

  23. 企业需要通过产品、服务以及营销推广等整合营销手段为消费者提供独特的品牌体验和服务体验,所以,应用新的品牌体验营销模式建立持续稳固的品牌关系成为轿车企业最重要的营销任务。

    So provide unique brand experience and service experience for the consumer is more important than just product high quality products . And make brand experience a new marking model to get a continue stably brand relation with the consumer because the most important task for car companies .

  24. 随着Web应用的日益广泛和Web开发技术的不断发展,以用户体验型网络服务为特征的Web应用代表了目前互联网的发展趋势。

    With the popularization of web application and the continuous development of web technology , Web-based network services characterized by user experience stand for current trend of the Internet development .

  25. 并结合相关研究提出了旅游目的地APP体验化信息服务要素模型。

    And combined with related research the author put forward the tourism destination APP experience factors of information service model .

  26. 展会主办方中国铁道科学研究院表示,未来中国高铁列车的乘客只需在火车站下载一个应用,即可体验免费WiFi服务。

    Passengers of Chinese high-speed trains will only need to download an App in the railway station to experience free Wifi service , according to the organizer , China Academy of Railways Sciences ( CARS ) .

  27. 然而,作为pensketch的替代品,我还推荐使用adobe的一个软件包:photoshopexpress,该软件于上月推出,可以自由体验网上版服务(www.photoshop.com)。

    However , as an alternative to pensketch , I would also recommend trying a software package from Adobe : Photoshop express , launched last month as a free trial web-based service ( www. Photoshop . Com ) .

  28. 顾客对服务的感知易受服务人员和所体验到的服务质量的影响。

    The perception of service customer service personnel and vulnerable to the service quality .

  29. 顾客体验驱动的服务品牌建设

    Customer Experience - Driven Service Brand Building

  30. 您应该寻找可以为您的孩子提供了有质量的体验的幼儿服务。

    You should also look for a service that provides a quality experience for your child .