
  1. 一证通行、无接触服务保障春运安全全国大部分火车站均可使用电子车票,乘客可使用身份证或刷脸进站乘车。

    Electronic tickets are used in most railway stations across the country , and passengers can check in with their ID cards or through facial recognition .

  2. 与公众无缝隙接触的服务型政府的构建

    Building Service Type Government That Having no Barrier with the Public

  3. 华为科技公司在上周二表示,已经与中国银行达成合作,允许中国银行用户使用其公司推出的无接触式移动支付服务--华为支付。

    Huawei Technologies Co announced a partnership with Bank of China ( BOC ) on Tuesday , allowing BOC card holders to use Huawei Pay , a contactless mobile payment service .