
wú chánɡ hé tonɡ
  • gratuitous contract;contract without compensation;nudum pactum
  1. 但好意施惠仍可作为减免侵权责任的依据,主要是通过类推适用与好意施惠关系相类似的无偿合同关系中有关责任减免的规定。

    But " Gefalligkelten " still can be regarded as the foundation for restricting tort liability which is realized by applying the provisions of deduction and exemption of liability in the gratuitous contract .

  2. 雇佣合同只能是有偿合同,委托合同可以是无偿合同。

    And employment contracts are paid contracts while contracts of commission may be unpaid .

  3. 赠与合同作为单务无偿合同的典型,在《中华人民共和国合同法》中有其特殊的地位。

    Other nude contracts which do not have the stipulation , may suitablly grant the rule of dotation contract .

  4. 但保证合同作为单务合同、无偿合同,保证人负有较多的义务,却享有较少的权利。

    However , a guarantor who ensures that the contract is unilateral and gratuitous bears more liabilities and enjoys fewer rights .

  5. 然后分析了好意施惠的性质,同时详尽论述了好意施惠与无偿合同的区分标准。

    Then this article analyzes the nature of the good intention to bestow favor , while detailed analyzes the distinction standard between the good intention and granting contract .

  6. 赠与合同是我国《合同法》中规定的一类有名合同,同时它也是在赠与人与受赠人之间转移一定财产所有权或其他财产权的单务、无偿合同。

    Agreement to make a gift & a nominative contract provided in our contract law , is a unilateral and free-of-charge contract , by which donors transfer certain ownership of property or other titles to donees .

  7. 学界对代买彩票的基础关系存在无偿委托合同和好意施惠关两种见解。

    The thesis thinks that agency purchase for lottery belongs to unpaid trust contract and owing to that , this thesis analyses the right and duty of relevance people detailedly .

  8. 无偿的委托合同,因受托人的故意或者重大过失给委托人造成损失的,委托人可以要求赔偿损失。

    Under a gratuitous agency appointment contract , if the principal sustains any loss due to the agent 's intentional misconduct or gross negligence , the principal may claim damages .

  9. 2.货物错运到货地点或接货人,应无偿运至合同规定的到货地点或接货人。

    B.If the goods are sent to the wrong destination or receiving person , it shall transport them free of charge to the destination or receiving person stipulated in the contract .