
  • 网络Unauthorized disposal contract;Contract Having no Right to Punish
  1. 无权处分合同法律效力之立法评价

    Legislative evaluation of the legal validity of disposition contract without right

  2. 二是无权处分合同之范围;

    Second , the range of disciplinary action without a right ;

  3. 无权处分合同,是一种纯粹的债权合意;

    Disposition contract without right is a pure agreement of creditor 's right .

  4. 试论无权处分合同

    On the Contract of Ex Right Disposition

  5. 承认无权处分合同有效这是国际趋势。

    Admitting the effect of the contract of ex right disposition is the international trend .

  6. 试论无权处分合同论企业财权配置&基于公司治理理论发展视角

    On the Contract of Ex Right Disposition Probe into Financial - right disposing of the Enterprise

  7. 论无权处分合同效力的认定

    The Efficiency of Non-Right Disposition Contract

  8. 本文围绕无权处分合同效力问题进行研究。

    This thesis focuses on the topic of the validity of the contract of dispose without title .

  9. 从我国立法例的分析来看,也更多的倾向于无权处分合同有效。

    Under the analysis of China , the legislation is more tended to valid the unauthorized disposition contract .

  10. 无权处分合同效力问题既是个理论问题,也是个实践问题。

    The validity of unauthorized disposition contract is not only a theoretical problem , but also a practical one .

  11. 无权处分合同效力的认定,是一个需要众多民事法律制度配合,进行体系化调整的复杂法律问题。

    The efficiency of non-right disposition contract is a complicated problem , which requires many civil legal systems to modulate .

  12. 通过对无权处分合同的效力展开分析,并提出无权处分合同有效的观点。

    This paper to analyze the effectiveness of the contract and poses the effective point of view of powerless-disposition contract .

  13. 笔者拟从多方面论证我国无权处分合同为确定有效。

    The author devotes to prove that the effect of unauthorized disposition in our country is valid from following aspects .

  14. 为此,需从明确无权处分合同效力解释的对象、适用范围等方面完善司法解释。

    Therefore , we should improving judicial interpretation by clear the object , the scope and other aspects of unauthorized disposition contract .

  15. 肯定无权处分合同债权性效力在维护善意第三人利益基础上兼顾了权利人的利益。

    Recognizing of the effect of obligation can protect not only the interest of the third party but also the interest of the obligee .

  16. 《合同法》第51条对无权处分合同效力认定问题存在法律漏洞。

    There is a legal leak in the Item 51 of Civil Law which is about identification of validity of contracts being dealt without right .

  17. 允许无权处分合同生效,符合《合同法》的基本原则和精神,具备实质上和形式上的正当性。

    Allowing the unauthorized disposal contract into effect conform with the basic principles and spirits of contract law and it is the legitimacy of both substance and form .

  18. 笔者在文中的第一章、第二章,通过比较法,在物权形式主义、债权意思主义和债权形式主义这三种物权变动模式下,分析出无权处分合同的概念及效力。

    The author has analyzed the concept and effect of unauthorized disposal contract under real rights formalism , creditor ideal rights formalism and creditor rights formalism on chapter one and tow .

  19. 明确规定无权处分合同是有效合同,无权处分合同所指的就是无权处分行为,其含义是:行为人并没有处分权而与相对人签订的以转移标的物所有权为目的的合同。

    Stipulating the effect of unauthorized disposal contract is validity . Unauthorized disposition means the subject of unauthorized disposition sign the contract with the third party aims to transform the ownership .

  20. 基于无权处分合同有效,应当处理好无权处分合同效力与善意取得、一物数卖等法律问题的衔接适用。

    Based on the validity of the contract , the application and convergence among the validity of the unauthorized disposition contract , innocent acquirement and thing sold for times should be well managed .

  21. 但是,无权处分合同的效力主要涉及对合同当事人的救济和保护,是一个价值判断问题。

    However , the effectiveness of contract concluded by parties with no right to dispose mainly evolved the reliefs and protection to the contracting parties , which is an issue concerning judgment of value .

  22. 本文重点论述善意取得与无权处分合同效力的关系以及和如何建构方能达到法律逻辑与公平的统一。

    The emphasis of the paper will be put on discussing the relationship between well-meaning obtaining and the effect of contracts of unauthorized handling and how they can be constructed to integrate legal logic and justice .

  23. 我国合同法第51条等条款对无权处分合同的效力的规定不妥当且充满矛盾和歧义,有待改进。

    Article 51 and some other articles of the Contract Law of China for the effect of the contract of the ex right disposition are not suitable and full of conflicts and ambiguities and thus need improving .

  24. 但是,关于无权处分合同效力的司法解释还存在解释对象不明确、司法解释不能修改现行法律规定、适用范围有争议等不足。

    However , deficiency such as the object is not clear , judicial interpretation cannot modify the existing laws and the disputed in the scope still exist in the judicial interpretation of validity of unauthorized disposition contract .

  25. 对《合同法》第51条的规定进行了检讨,指出无权处分合同的效力的认定应以物权变动模式为其制度前提。

    This article discusses the non-right action of disposition regulated by Article 51 of the contract law and gives the author 's viewpoint that the efficiency of non-right contract disposition should take prerequisite in the pattern of efficiency contract .

  26. 无权处分合同是民事法立法中的一大难题,它涉及到了无权处分人、第三人、原权利人三者之间的权利义务关系较为复杂。

    Unauthorized disposal contract is the hard work of civil legislation . Civil legal relationship which includes the subject of unauthorized disposition , the third party and the right holder its ' civil rights and obligations are so complex .

  27. 从比较法上的考察,大多数大陆法系国家与英美法系国家以及国际公约都肯定无权处分合同债权性效力,这是世界立法的发展趋势。

    By means of the method of comparison , the author argues that most of countries of Continental Law System and Anglo-American Legal System stipulate the contract of Unauthorized Disposition as valid contract , so do the international treaties , and it is the tendency of the world legislation .

  28. 在债权形式主义背景下无权处分与合同的效力归属

    Unauthorized disposition and attribution of contract effect under the creditors ' formalism

  29. 本文着重对不动产善意取得构成要件及无权处分转让合同效力等问题进行了分析。

    The thesis mainly analysed the explication of the components of procuring immovable property in good faith , unauthorized disposition of validity of transfer contract and other issues .

  30. 因此,对无权处分买卖合同的效力认定作深入研究,比较分析各种效力状态下的利弊得失,总结出司法机关当前可采之裁判方法,明晰未来之立法趋势,具有重要的理论价值和实践价值。

    Therefore , we should take in-depth research on the validity of the unauthorized disposition sales contracts , analysis the effectiveness of various conditions , compare the advantages and disadvantage , summarized the proper methods that can be taken in current and future for the courts .