
Waiting effect of contract has an active meaning for maintaining value tendency of contract main boby and guaranteeing safe market exchange .
Contract law prescribes it as an undecisive efficiency contract that contradicts with the civil system of bona fide gains privity of contract .
Voidable contract , in scheduled period , is not a valid contract , nor are prospect valid contract and voidable contract but a relatively valid contract with incomplete validity .
In this paper , invalid contract and the contract with undetermined effect are analyzed from three respects so as to deepen people 's understanding of these two kinds of contracts .
The system of contract with pending validity , the law endows the interrelated third party with the right of acceptance and endows the counterpart with the right of admission and withdrawing .
The system of the indefinite contract not only protect the interests of the oblige and the counterpart and respect the will of the both sides , but also encourage the trade and enlarge the social economic relationships .
Invalid contract and contract with undetermined effect are two kinds of contracts with different nature . Because people can not know clearly to these two kinds of contracts , they can not advocate their own rights in accordance with the law .
Chapter V is mainly about the concept of contracts whose force is to be decided and their types in the new Contract Law , meanwhile an analysis is made of how to protect the goodwill people 's interests in a force-to-be-decided contract .
The conclusion of the contract from the contract to set up , the entry into force of the stage of discharge of view , the effectiveness of an offer to be revoked and the right to revoke the contract before the entry into force are in the contract .
The effectiveness of the insurance contract is to be determined ;
On Contract with Uncertain Validity
The compensation system of trust-benefit applies not only to an invalid , ineffective and abandoned contract but also to some other situations such as awaiting efficiency , dissolution of a contract , the lose of the right of abandoning a contract .
Contract for debts without authorized disposition right was regarded as invalid in our legislation and judicial practice before the promulgation of uniform law of contract , but then it was regulated as a pending valid contract by the article 51 of the law of contract .
In order to overcome the disadvantages of the rigid absolutely valid and invalid standards , most of the modern civil legislation apply the relative relief criterion to relative the state of effect of contract which are not destroy the public interests .