
yǒu mínɡ hé tonɡ
  • named contract;classified contract
  1. 在处理有名合同纠纷时,法官会很容易找到据以裁判的法律规范,但是在处理无名合同纠纷时,找法的过程就要复杂得多。

    It is easy for the judge to find law grounds to deal with the disputes in named contract , while it is more difficult in dealing with the disputes in unnamed contract .

  2. 隐名合伙的立法模式选择,权宜之计是通过合同自由的司法解释承认其存在的合理性与正当性,理想方案则是将其作为一种有名合同纳入民法典债编。

    As regard its legislation model , an expedient is to admit its rationality and justice by judicatory interpretation , an ideal one is to prescribe it as a named contract in the debt part of civil code .

  3. 我国1999年的《合同法》一共列出了15种有名合同,赠与合同位列其中。

    Contract Law which took effect in 1999 has enumerated fifteen typical contracts , including the bestowal contract .

  4. 无名合同是指法律未明文规定的合同形态,与有名合同相对应。

    Anonymous contract is a contract law does not expressly provided for form , and well-known contract correspond .

  5. 按照传统合同法理论,合同可以分为有名合同和无名合同。

    According to the traditional contract theory , the contract can be divided into the famous contract and nameless contract .

  6. 1999年,我国《合同法》正式颁布实施,这标志着委托合同正式成为有名合同对现实生活进行指导和规范。

    Contract Law has been enforced in 1999 , it means that the entrustment contract becomes formal contract to regulate reality .

  7. 它与合同法所规定的有名合同不同,是一种无名合同。

    This contract is different from other contracts with names prescribed in Contract Law , it is a kind of nameless contract .

  8. 各国的仓储立法例分为三种,我国属于民商合一的立法体例,将仓储合同作为一类独立的有名合同专章规定于《合同法》中。

    There are there kinds of legislative forms and our country belongs to the one that put civil law and commercial law together .

  9. 《合同法》起草时曾设定一类有名合同&雇佣合同,但雇佣合同最终没有体现在《合同法》中,近年来民法学界开始涉及雇佣合同问题。

    There is a well - known contract : employment contract in drafting of contract law , however , the well - known contract was not stipulated in contract law finally .

  10. 赠与合同是我国《合同法》中规定的一类有名合同,同时它也是在赠与人与受赠人之间转移一定财产所有权或其他财产权的单务、无偿合同。

    Agreement to make a gift & a nominative contract provided in our contract law , is a unilateral and free-of-charge contract , by which donors transfer certain ownership of property or other titles to donees .

  11. 从立法层面上建议尽快颁布全国人大级别的《商业秘密法》,将竞业禁止协议作为有名合同进行专项规定,来统一和完善我国竞业禁止协议的相关规定。

    It is suggested that from the legislative perspective , China shall enact Trade Secret Law as soon as possible , and make special provisions for covenant not-to-compete as nominate contract , thereby to consolidate and consummate current laws .

  12. 我国《合同法》将建设工程合同从承揽合同中分立出来,单独列为15种有名合同之一,有其独特意义。

    It has special meaning that Chinese Contract Law has separated the contract of construction from contractor agreement , and set it as named contract . But they are the result of interference of the nation by the means of law .