- 名named contract;classified contract

It is easy for the judge to find law grounds to deal with the disputes in named contract , while it is more difficult in dealing with the disputes in unnamed contract .
As regard its legislation model , an expedient is to admit its rationality and justice by judicatory interpretation , an ideal one is to prescribe it as a named contract in the debt part of civil code .
Contract Law which took effect in 1999 has enumerated fifteen typical contracts , including the bestowal contract .
Anonymous contract is a contract law does not expressly provided for form , and well-known contract correspond .
According to the traditional contract theory , the contract can be divided into the famous contract and nameless contract .
Contract Law has been enforced in 1999 , it means that the entrustment contract becomes formal contract to regulate reality .
This contract is different from other contracts with names prescribed in Contract Law , it is a kind of nameless contract .
There are there kinds of legislative forms and our country belongs to the one that put civil law and commercial law together .
There is a well - known contract : employment contract in drafting of contract law , however , the well - known contract was not stipulated in contract law finally .
Agreement to make a gift & a nominative contract provided in our contract law , is a unilateral and free-of-charge contract , by which donors transfer certain ownership of property or other titles to donees .
It is suggested that from the legislative perspective , China shall enact Trade Secret Law as soon as possible , and make special provisions for covenant not-to-compete as nominate contract , thereby to consolidate and consummate current laws .
It has special meaning that Chinese Contract Law has separated the contract of construction from contractor agreement , and set it as named contract . But they are the result of interference of the nation by the means of law .