
  1. 在法律框架下解决农民工欠薪问题必须依据合法有效的劳动合同。

    Under the frame of legal system , the effective contract is a main factor to solve the problem of deferring rural workers ' salary .

  2. 合法有效的劳动合同是用人单位与劳动者之间维护各自权益,实现双赢目的的有效途径。

    Legal and effective labor contract is the useful way that the employment unit and the laborer protect each right , get the aim of double-win .

  3. 因此,这个关口把住了,就能有效地避免无效劳动合同的出现,防止劳动合同争议的发生,稳定劳动关系。

    So we must avoid the null labor contract and prevent the dispute of the labor contract .

  4. 无固定期限合同是很多市场经济国家通常适用的也是被证明最有效稳定劳动关系的合同期限。

    Labor contract with unfixed term is applied commonly in many marketing countries , and it is indicated as the most effective contract term that can make labor relations stable .