
  • 网络organic;Organic Architecture
  1. 文章最后对有机建筑赋予了现代的理解。

    The article eventually endows organic architecture with some modern understanding .

  2. 赖特建筑思想的核心就是有机建筑。

    The core of Wright 's architectural thought is organic architecture .

  3. 地域性思考整体性设计&非线性有机建筑笔记

    Regional Thinking & Poetic Design : Notes on Non-liner Organic Architecture

  4. 赖特的有机建筑哲学在纳西民居文化中的体现

    The Wright 's organic architectural philosophy extermination in Naxi civil house culture

  5. 重读简考布斯住宅&赖特的被动式有机建筑

    Reread Herbert Jacobs House ⅱ & Frank Lloyd Wright ′ s Passive Organic Architecture

  6. 浅析有机建筑理论与其形式生成的关系

    Simple Analysis of the Relation between the Theory of Organic Building and Its Physique

  7. 解析赖特有机建筑思想及对中国当代建筑设计的启示

    The Analysis of Wright 's Organic Architectural Spirit and the Inspiration to the Chinese Contemporary Architectural Design

  8. 有机建筑与表现主义

    Organic Architecture and Expressionism

  9. 有机建筑出现于上个世纪初,是现代建筑流派之一。

    Organic Architecture , which appeared on early last century , is one of the contemporary architecture movements .

  10. 建筑声学在演艺建筑装饰设计中的应用演变中的有机建筑&非线性有机建筑笔记

    The Application of Building Acoustics in the Show Business Building Decorates Design ; Organic Architecture in Transformation : Notes on Nonlinear Organic Architecture

  11. 一般来说.有机建筑不仅是草原式住宅的合乎情理的逻辑发展,同时还吸收了“形式服从功能”的合理内核。

    In general , organic architecture is not only a logical development of prairie-style house , but also absorbs rational core of the " Form Follows Function " .

  12. 因此,挖掘中国传统哲学的内在精神,以此来诠释赖特的有机建筑,可以更加深入地体会建筑的内在涵义,并从中吸取一些对当代建筑创作有益的精髓。

    It is helpful to understand deeply the meaning of architecture and assimilate distillation , which is useful to the contemporary architecture for digging the inner thoughts and interpreting the organic architecture .

  13. 论文将相关丽江新有机建筑优秀案例的创作手法及创作要素进行了归纳、整合,试图对未来丽江新有机建筑的创作提供一定的参考意义。

    The thesis has carried out induction integrated excellent case of newly organic relevance Li Jiang building creation gimmick and creation key element , try to provide certain reference significance to future newly organic Li Jiang building creation .

  14. 介绍了有机无机复合建筑防水涂料用硅丙乳液的研制背景、制备方法及主要性能。

    Background of research , approach of preparation and main properties of siloxane acrylate latex waterproof coating is reported .

  15. 利用氢键将有机小分子建筑块组装成具有特定结构的超分子成为近年来十分活跃的研究领域。

    Recently years , the assembly of supramolecular compounds having special structure and function from simple building blocks directed by hydrogen bond formation has attracted widespread attentions .

  16. 从有效地利用土地资源、绿地规划与景观规划有机结合、建筑与自然的融合、节能和合理确定设计标准等方面论述了在高校规划设计中如何贯彻可持续发展理念。

    This paper discusses how to carry out ideas of sustainable development in planning design of universities and colleges from aspects of effectively utilizing land resource , organic combination of greenbelt planning r with landscape planning , fusion of buildings and nature , energy saving and reasonable design standard , etc.

  17. 数据库开发工具则选用SqlServer,可与Delphi进行有机结合,组成建筑合同管理软件的开发环境和数据库系统,系统整体软件是基于C/S模式。

    SQL server can combine with Delphi organically , composition the development environment and database system of the construction contract management software . The whole system software is based on C / S mode .

  18. 有机相变材料的建筑节能应用和研究

    Application and Research of Building Energy Conservation of Organic Phase Change Material

  19. 我国有机-无机复合建筑乳液的研究进展

    Progress of study on organic-inorganic complex building emulsion in China

  20. 继承与创新的有机融合&河北建筑科技学院第六教学楼创作回顾

    Organic Combination of Heritage and Innovation Review the Case of the No.6 Instruction Building of Hebei Institute of Architect Science Technology

  21. 以硅溶胶和丙烯酸乳液为主要成膜物质,配制成有机无机复合型建筑涂料。

    Organic and inorganic compound structural coating for wall can be formulated by using binders which consist of silica sol and acrylic acid latex solution .

  22. 其实,我们也有无机废物,对面的有机废物,包括建筑废料,破碎的陶器和中国,以及煤渣。

    Actually , we also have inorganic waste , the opposite to organic waste , including building waste , broken pottery and china , and cinder .

  23. 智能建筑是楼宇自动化系统、通信自动化系统和办公自动化系统三者通过结构化综合布线系统和计算机网络技术的有机集成,其中建筑环境是智能建筑的支持平台。

    Intelligence architecture is the organic integration of building , communication and office automation system using comprehensive wiring system and computer network . The architecture environment is the support platform of intelligence architecture .