
  1. 减少细胞自动机城市空间演化模型中待定参数的一种方法

    A Method to Reduce the Number of Unknown Parameters Existing in the Cellular Automata-Urban Space Model

  2. 同时,介绍了固定化细胞在城市污水处理中的特点及应用。

    At tile same time , it introduces to characteristics and applications of immobilized cell in city wastewater treatment .

  3. 在就业难的反面,是我国社会服务体系的不完善,特别是作为城市细胞的城市社区,在服务城市居民方面没有发挥城市社区应有的作用。

    I our social service system is not perfect , especially as the city cell city community , in the service of city residents did not play due role in city community .

  4. 对中国来说,可持续发展行为的最基本单元和最贴近公众生活的社会细胞就是城市住宅建设。

    In point of China , dwelling house is the basic unit as well as " social cell ", which is the most closely related to the public , of sustainable development .

  5. 基于细胞自动机的城市空间结构动态预测

    Dynamic Prediction of Urban Spatial Structure Based on Cellular-Automata

  6. 社区是社会的细胞,是城市的基本单元。

    Community is the cell of the society , the basic unit of the city .

  7. 细胞自动机与城市系统的空间复杂性模拟:历史、现状与前景

    Cellular automata and Simulation of spatial complexity of urban systems : history , present situation and future

  8. 城市综合体是商业地产发展的一个重要趋势,是城市未来最重要的细胞,与城市的发展息息相关。

    The urban complex is an important trend of commercial real estate development , the most important cells of the city in the future , and closely related to the development of the city .

  9. 细胞自动机模型用于城市发展模拟的方法初探&以海口市为例

    The urban expanding simulation with the cellular automata model in Haikou

  10. 人,既是城市的细胞,又是城市的灵魂。

    Human beings are the cells and souls of cities .

  11. 应用蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验分析城市饮用水的致突性

    A mutagenicity analysis of municipal drinking water using the micronucleus test in Vicia faba root tip cells