
  • 网络Effective Interest rate;effective rate;EIR
  1. 理解长期负债的相关术语,如面值、面利率与有效利率、现、价以及抵押等。

    Understand the terminology of long-term debt including par value , stated versus effective interest rate , discounts , premiums , and mortgages .

  2. 上周美联储(federalreserve)决定购买长期债券、抵押贷款支持证券和其它资产,以降低家庭长期贷款的有效利率。

    The Federal Reserve decided to buy long-term bonds , mortgage-backed securities , and other assets with the goal of lowering effective long-term interest rates for households .

  3. 在一个周期内,如果只计一次复利,那么有效利率与名义利率是相同的。

    The effective and nominal rates are the same if you compound only once in a period .

  4. 但在这,答案是“是的”因为固定利率和有效利率的区别在于他们不是实际问题领域的一部分(这是养育)。

    Here , however , the answer is " yes " because the distinction between nominal and effective interest is not part of the actual problem domain ( which is parenting ) .

  5. 基于投资不同期限的短期项目或者债券的所谓的“梯子”原理能有效规避利率变化风险。

    Building a so-called ladder by buying CDs or bonds across various maturities can provide a hedge against interest-rate changes .

  6. 由此可见,利率市场化是一个有效的利率机制,它将能有效地克服我国现行利率体制的诸多弊端。

    Hence , the marketing of interest rate is an effective system , and it will overcome some of the malpractice in our current system .

  7. 令状况更加复杂的是,联邦基金利率现在已经逼近零水平,美联储最有效的利率手段已经没有多少实施空间。

    The challenge is compounded by a federal-funds rate that is moving closer to0 % , offering the central bank little room to utilize its most powerful policy tool .

  8. 因而在学习西方先进管理的基础上选择适合自己的管理方法,建立有效的利率风险管理系统迫在眉睫。

    It is urgent that those banks should choose management methods fitting their own and establish efficient interest rate risk management based on actual conditions by learning advanced management techniques of IRR .

  9. 如果不这样做,他们可能将同时面临更多的经济波动和低利率情形,他们将会认识到,低利率并非总是最有效的利率日本人早已明白了这一点。

    If they do not , they are likely to have both more volatility and low rates and learn what the Japanese have already learnt that low interest rates are not always the best interest rates .

  10. 最终建立一个有效的利率风险防范和内控体系,从而更好地防范和控制利率风险,并为商业银行最后过渡到全面风险管理奠定良好的基础。

    Only doing this , commercial banks can set up an effective risk prevention and internal-controlling system of interest rate in order to prevent banks from interest rate risk , and lay a solid foundation for comprehensive risk management .

  11. 此外,商业银行应加大金融衍生工具的创新力度,有效地规避利率风险。

    Besides , bank should development derivative financial instruments to avoid interest rate risk .

  12. 如何有效地管理利率风险将成为我国商业银行面临的主要难题。

    So , how to manage the interest rate efficiently will become the main difficult problem for our commercial bank .

  13. 但这并不是问题的根本所在,只要利率传导是有效的,利率就可以作为货币政策的操作目标。

    However , interest rate actually could act as the operation target of monetary policy if only the transmission is effective .

  14. 有效的控制利率高低,不仅减少诉讼数目,而且有利于当事人双方的定纷止争。

    Effectively control the level of interest rates , not only to reduce the number of lawsuits , but also conducive to the parties Mediating contention .

  15. 自19世纪80年代出现以来,利率互换产品已经在国外的金融市场中得到了广泛的应用,是一种非常有效的进行利率风险管理的金融工具。

    Since the emergency in 1980s , the interest rate swap had been widely utilized in the international financial market as a highly efficient financial instrument for interest risk management .

  16. 如何对利率进行建模,有效地刻画利率期限结构动态变化的特征,进而对利率的未来变动进行科学的预测,将是一个非常值得研究的课题,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    Therefore , how to model the dynamics of term structure and forecast the variability of interest rate is a worthwhile field , which has both interested in theoretical and practical meaning .

  17. 为了有效地管理利率风险,我国有必要研究作为国际金融市场主要避险工具的金融衍生工具在利率风险管理中的应用。

    In order to manage interest risk , it is imperative to explore the application of financial derivatives as the primary risk-avoiding instruments in international financial market in the interest risk management .

  18. 利率互换作为这一背景下产生的金融衍生工具,能有效地规避利率风险、降低融资成本和优化资产负债结构。

    Interest rate swap as derivative financial instrument which produced in this background , it can effectively avoid interest rate risk , lower financing costs and optimize the structure of assets and liabilities .

  19. 通过对6个通货膨胀目标国和3个非通货膨胀目标国进行实证分析发现,实行通货膨胀目标制的国家能够将通货膨胀率降到低水平,而且能够有效地控制利率和产出缺口的波动。

    Through empirical analysis between six IT countries and three non-IT countries , we can found that the IT countries can reduce their inflation rate and escape volatility of interest rates and output gap the effectively .

  20. 定价结果表明本文阐述的方法能够提供一种较为有效的对利率互换定价的方法,可以作为实际交易过程中的定价参考。

    The pricing result suggests that method expatiated in this paper can offer a quite effective method for interest rate swap pricing , and can be made a pricing reference in the course of realistic transactions .

  21. 针对本文的研究结论,文章从提高货币政策有效性、利率市场化、金融产品创新以及完善货币政策中介目标四个方面提出相关的政策建议。

    According to the research conclusion , the article put forward relevant policy suggestions from the aspects of improving monetary policy effectiveness , Interest rate marketization , financial products innovation and improving the intermediate target of monetary policy .

  22. 目前无论是银行间市场还是交易所市场,在目前都缺乏有效的回避系统利率风险的工具。

    Now for either inter-bank market or exchange market , there are few of efficient instrument available to hedge off the systematic interest rate risk .

  23. 黄勤表示,中国利率掉期市场的高投机性,正是非有效的基准市场利率造成的结果之一。

    China 's highly speculative interest rate swap market is one of the results of not having an effective benchmark market interest rate , Huang said .

  24. 利率管制不但制约中央银行运用利率机制进行宏观调控的有效性,使得利率内在的平衡机制被人为地破坏,而且易形成利率扭曲,造成利率结构失衡,从而无法形成合理的利率市场体系。

    , which not only restrict the validity Central Bank uses the interest rate mechanism to carry on macro adjustments and control , but also make artificial destruction in interest rate balance mechanism .

  25. 应用B-样条法对整个样本期国债交易数据的跟踪计算结果表明,该模型算法稳定可靠,能够精确有效地追踪国债利率期限结构的系统性变动,最适合作为当前债券利率期限结构的构造模型。

    Track calculation over total sample period indicates that algorithm of B-splines model is steady and reliable , and it can reveal the systematic change of Government bond interest rate term structure accurately and effectively .

  26. 为了稳健经营和健康发展,各商业银行需要对利率风险密切关注,并采取有效的措施加强利率风险管理,把利率风险降低到最低限度。

    In order to steady management and make development healthy , commercial banks need to pay close attention to the interest rate risk and take effective measures to strengthen the interest rate risk management , reducing the interest rate risk .

  27. 商业银行面对的利率风险包括资产负债匹配风险、现金流风险、客户选择权风险、信用投向风险等类型,为此,商业银行应采取有效措施防范化解利率风险。

    The interest rate risks encountered by commercial banks included asset liability risk , cash flow risk , clients option risk , credit investment risk , therefore , commercial banks should adopt effective measures to prevent and solve interest rate risk .

  28. 这说明中国利率市场化改革是有效的,并取得了初步成果,但是距最终建立有效完善的利率体系的最终目标还需要进一步的深化改革。

    It shows that Chinese market-oriented interest rate reform is effective , but it still needs to further deepen from the eventual establishment of the ultimate goal of the effective interest rate system .