
  • 网络tangible market;physical market;visible market
  1. 二期:生活配套商住区土地整理、储备,在土地有形市场分批公开出让;

    The second stage : land arrangement and reserve in commercial residential section with living installations , remise the land in batches at the land visible market ;

  2. 从强化土地资产的管理,完善土地有形市场,健全城市土地储备制度等方面探讨了优化银川市土地资产的方略。

    The strategies on optimizing the land assets of Yinchuan city through strengthening the management of land assets , perfecting the visible market of land and the system of city land stored etc. is given .

  3. 认真贯彻《招标投标法》真正建立有形市场

    On Carring out " the Law of Bid " and Establishing Tangible Markets

  4. 关于有形市场监管思路的探讨

    On the Tangible Market Supervision

  5. 加强无形市场建设要真正促进专业市场的发展,就必须加强无形市场的建设,以弥补有形市场的功能缺陷。

    We should promote the development of intangible market in order to make up the disadvantage of tangible market .

  6. 传统专业市场是网上贸易市场交易的基础,电子商务则为专业市场的升级提供了有力支撑,有形市场网络化将是一种最适合中国国情的电子商务模式。

    The traditional professional market is base of Internet trade and the E-Business is the upgrade of tangible market .

  7. 招投标有形市场的建立和完善,是我国基本建设由传统的计划经济走向市场经济的一条法制途径。

    The establishment and development of bidding invitation is a leg alway to make domestic foundation construction changed from planned economy to market economy .

  8. 包括它规定招标投标有形市场直属于政府,显然与《招标投标法》矛盾。

    The most contrary to " the Bidding and Tendering Law " is that the government takes the charge of tangible bidding and tendering market .

  9. 可以减少有形市场对土地资源的浪费,减轻噪音、污水、污物等环境污染;

    Secondly , OFM can decrease the waste of land resources caused by many tangible markets and reduce environmental pollution of noise , sewage & feculence .

  10. 建立农地有形市场;建立农地估价和地价体系;健全农地金融市场;健全农业补贴制度;改革农村税收体制。

    Build tangible farmland market and farmland appraisement and price system ; improve farmland financial market and allowance system ; reform rural tax revenue system . 3 .

  11. 本文简要介绍了在社会主义市场经济条件下,建筑有形市场产生的背景、功能作用和现阶段需要研究解决的问题。

    This paper briefly discusses the background of the visible architectural market , its performane and the current problems to be solved under the conditions of socialist market economy .

  12. 本文通过对《招标投标法》实施以来存在问题的分析,提出了如何建立有形市场和监督体系的建议。

    Analysizing the existing problems since " The Law of Bid " was put into force , the author here offers some suggestions on how to establish tangible market and supervised system .

  13. 有利于提升水产行业的科技水平,形成有形市场与无形市场联动的大市场、大流通格局;

    Firstly , OFM can promote the scientific lever of fishery industry and improve the linkage between tangible market and virtual ones in order to form a great market & great circulation structure .

  14. 诸城市需要加快城乡一体化建设进程、加大支农扶持力度、加强农村社区服务平台建设、探索建立土地流转有形市场和努力完善社会保障等,推动土地流转。

    In order to further promote the land transfer , the integration process in urban and rural areas , increasing support for agriculture to strengthen rural communities and service platform , a land-transfer physical market and social security all need more efforts .

  15. 2010年9月份,国土资源部下达145号文,要求全国都要建立矿业权有形市场。事实上,随着近年来国内外矿业权交易的活跃,越来越多的投资者参与了矿业权投资。

    September 2010 , the Ministry of Land and Resources issued No.145 , requiring all the provinces to establish the shaped market of mining rights . Indeed , with domestic and international mining transactions active in recent years , more and more investors involved in mining investment .

  16. 对黄河有形建筑市场建设的探讨

    Discussion on building tangible construction market in the Yellow River Basin

  17. 建立统一有形建筑市场的若干思考

    A probe into the establishing of unified and formal architectural markets

  18. 浅谈健全有形建筑市场规范建设工程招投标

    On Visible Building Market Perfection and Project Tendering and Bidding Standardization

  19. 有形建筑市场计算机管理系统的探讨

    Discussion on Computer Managerial System of the Visible Building Market

  20. 论有形建筑市场存在的合理性及其发展定位

    On Rationality and its Development Orientation of Existence of Tangible Building Market

  21. 有形建设市场投标的施工组织设计探析

    Study and analysis of construction organization through bidding on tangible construction market

  22. 虽然在我国大多数城市已经建立了有形建筑市场。

    The tangible construction markets have been established in most cities in China .

  23. 论有形建筑市场特点及其社会功效

    The Characteristics and Social Function of Tangible Architectural Market

  24. 无锡市有形食品市场的现状、发展与对策

    The Status , Development and Possible Solutions for Food Market in Wuxi City

  25. 第四部分:针对第三部分中论及的问题,提出两点规范措施,一是将招标纳入有形建筑市场中进行;

    Part ⅳ: two measures are suggested to solve the problems mentioned in Part III.

  26. 有形建筑市场工作探讨

    Discussion on work in tangible building market

  27. 有形建筑市场的定位及其作用

    Position and Function of Formation Construction Market

  28. 建立统一的有形建筑市场是规范招标投标活动的重大举措。

    Establishing unified and formal architectual markets is an important measure to standardize calling for tenders and submitting tenders .

  29. 这种种原因造成我国有形建筑市场发展不规范,不合理,监管不力等多重问题。

    These cause the development of the physical construction market in China not only standardized , irrational , but also ineffective supervision .

  30. 作为我国建筑工程行业的一项有利尝试,有形建筑市场的发展有着一个不平凡的过程。

    As a useful attempt in the field of construction project in China , the development of the physical construction market has a non-trivial process .