
  • 网络premium market
  1. 股票风险溢价股票市场为弥补市场风险,相对无风险率的额外回报。

    Equity risk premium the extra return that the stock market provides over the risk free rate to compensate for market risk .

  2. 但他坚称,在世界各地拥有数百万辆出租车和迷你出租车的运营商中,此款出租车能找到一个溢价利基市场。

    But he insists the taxis can find a premium niche among operators with millions of vehicles used as taxis and minicabs across the world .

  3. 溢价:债券的市场价超过票面价值。

    Premium : The market value of a bond which is above its face value .

  4. 日益上升的风险溢价甚至在债券市场也很明显,由于央行注资,高评级的债券收益率一直下滑,其与评级较低的债券的利差一直上升。

    The rising risk premium is visible even in the bond market , where yields on highly rated paper have fallen because of PBoC cash injections , while spreads against lower-rated bonds have risen .

  5. 本文基于营销学、心理学、社会学和经济学的研究成果,提出了高溢价产品的品牌资产驱动因素的定性模型,并提出了高溢价产品的市场建议。

    This article is based on marketing , psychology , sociology and economics research , and presented brand equity driving factors model of high premium price products . Finally , it also gives some suggestions for the high premium products .