
  • 网络oil contigency plan
  1. 不,没有溢油应急计划可供使用。

    No , the SOPEP is not available .

  2. 作业者编制钻井作业、油田作业《溢油应急计划》的内容,以及《溢油应急计划》审批程序。

    The objact , signifiance , main content , compiling method and approve procedure of emergency plan for oil spilling at sea are introduced in this article .

  3. 我国也积极加入到各种防止船舶污染的国际公约中,并不断制定和完善各级船舶溢油应急计划和应急预案。

    China has also joined in several international conventions on combating pollution of the ocean by oil , made and taken all levels of oil spill contingency plan and program into practice .

  4. 对海上溢油应急反应计划的研究

    Research on the Plan of Response to Oil Pollution Preparedness

  5. 海上溢油的应急计划

    The Emergency Plan for Oil Spilling at Sea

  6. 以上程序有些是钻完井及工程建造期间所需要的,如应急反应计划和溢油事故应急计划。

    Some of above procedures are required during drilling and completion and project construction , such as emergency response plan and oil spillage emergency plan .

  7. 目前海洋受到由船舶引起的污染在日益加深,海洋环境受到了严重的威胁,因此海上溢油应急反应计划的制定和研究就显得尤为重要,具有重要的意义。

    At present , the pollution caused by the ship is increasingly deepened , and sea environment is threatened seriously , so it is becoming more and more important to study and draft the plans of sea oil pollution preparedness response .

  8. 本文研究成果对在小区域(包括湖泊、港口、码头等)预测溢油的运动、建立溢油应急计划具有重要意义。

    Achievements of the paper have important significance in the prediction of oil spill movement and the establishment of emergency plans for oil spill in small regions , including lakes , ports and docks .

  9. 溢油应急是油田防污染之重点,更新的溢油应急计划正在申请审批过程中。

    The renewed Oil Overflow Meet An Emergency Plan is applying for approbation .