
  • 网络risk-free rate;risk free rate;Risk-free interest rate
  1. 美联储这么做的想法是,像利率掉期交易这样的特定交易本来用无风险利率更好一些,然而由于不存在其他选项,市场参与者只能选择Libor。

    The idea is that certain transactions like interest rate swaps would be better served with a risk-free rate but since no alternative exists , market participants have been left using Libor .

  2. 在此基础上,本文提出了消费资本资产定价模型的新形式,并对股权溢价之谜和无风险利率之谜进行解释。

    On this basis , this paper proposes the new forms of CCAPM model , and gives explanations of the equity premium puzzle and the risk-free rate puzzle .

  3. 与此同时,在删除了无风险利率r的条件下,它考虑了ESOs的不可转让性,并引入了激励参数与主观折现率。

    It considers its non-transferability and then explicitly incorporates the compensation incentive parameter and the subjective discount rate .

  4. 与此同时,虽然同期的中国年均的居民存款占GDP的比重高达58%,但是中国在1992年到2007年的年度平均实际无风险利率为却为-1.12%。

    Meanwhile , the annual real risk-free rate in China between 1992 and 2007 was - 1.12 % , although the average ratio of private savings over GDP was 58 % .

  5. 从这个月开始,美联储将就无风险利率加紧开展与市场参与者团体(MarketParticipantsGroup)的磋商。该团体由银行、资产管理公司、交易集团及其他机构组成,旨在应对基准指标改革的问题。

    Starting this month , the Fed will ramp up its risk-free rates discussions with the Market Participants Group , which was formed to address benchmark reforms and is made up of banks , asset managers , trade groups and others .

  6. 通过数值分析发现一个与传统相反的结论,R&D升级投资期权价值随无风险利率r和项目价值的波动率上升而下降,但随投资延迟损失率上升而上升。

    Through numerical analysis the thesis finds one conclusion contrary to tradition , R & D upgrade investment options worth has positive relationship with risk interest rate and fluctuation rate , but negative relationship with the rate of loss delaying .

  7. 用Lucas树经济模型测算了中国的理论无风险利率,并分析了理论无风险利率与实际无风险利率差异较大的原因,以及中国居民跨期消费选择时实际无风险利率的选择问题。

    According to Lucas Tree Economy Model , the article estimates the theoretical risk-free interest rates , and analyzes the differences between theoretical risk-free rate and actual risk-free interest rate .

  8. 目前,监管机构已经在推动Libor改革,以确保将它基于真实交易。与此同时,它们还在寻找能代替这一基准指标的无风险利率。

    Regulators have pushed for Libor reform to ensure it is based on actual transactions while also looking at risk-free rates that could serve as alternatives to the benchmark .

  9. 本文对“时间耗损因子”Theta值,期权价值相对于波动率、无风险利率变动比率的Vega值和Rho值,在已有的基础上进行了更加全面、深刻的分析。

    The " time decay factor " Theta value , the change ratios Vega value and Rho value based on the researches of the listing references were analysed deeply .

  10. 更进一步,我们研究标的资产由Levy过程驱动的欧式期权定价,假定无风险利率和波动率都是一般随机过程,通过等价测度变换,在Q测度下,给出定价公式和套期策略。

    The stock price is driven by the Levy process . The risk free rate and volatility are stochastic process , by change of probability measure , under the probability Q , we obtain pricing formula and hedging of European option .

  11. CAPM是估计必要收益率的最常用模型,为了应用该模型,我们需要了解无风险利率、市场风险溢价和项目贝塔的取值。

    CAPM is the most frequently used model to estimate hurdle rates . In order to apply this model , we need to know the value of riskless rate , market risk premium and project beta .

  12. 本文第三章和第四章分别对两种无风险利率单独进行研究,通过求解目标函数所对应的HJB方程得到最优投资策略和最优值函数的明确表达式。

    In chapter III and IV , the twi kind of risk-free interest rates are studied , respectively . By solving the objective function corresponding HJB equation , explicit expressions for the optimal investment strategy and the optimal value function are obtained .

  13. 无风险利率下投资组合的有效前沿

    The Efficient Frontier of Portfolio Include a Risk-free

  14. 同时还着重分析了影响栏杆价格的两个重要因素:波动率和无风险利率。

    Meanwhile , we emphasized two important factors : vitality and risk free rate .

  15. 最后讨论了不同的波动率,不同的无风险利率和不同的红利对最佳实施边界的影响。

    Then the influence of the bonus , no-risk interest rate and volatility is discussed .

  16. 英镑存款利率(无风险利率的指标)为5%。

    Sterling deposit rates , a measure of risk free rates , were 5 per cent .

  17. 无风险利率和折现率变化时的R&D投资实物期权方法(英文)

    Real option pricing method for R & D investment under changing risk-free rate and discount rate ;

  18. 并且当市场价格水平、无风险利率越高,木材市场价格波动率越大,企业拥有原料基地的战略价值越大;

    The higher price of wood material , capital cost and price fluctuation , the more valuation ;

  19. 在风险中性条件下,债权人要求无风险利率的收益率最大化。

    On the other side , the investors ask for risk-free interest payment in the risk neutral world .

  20. 亚洲债券的收益率通常远远高于美国国债的无风险利率。

    Asian bond yields tend to be much higher than the risk-free interest rate on US government debt .

  21. 推导出了基于过度自信的有效前沿,研究了过度自信与考虑无风险利率情况下的资产配置。

    The perceived efficient frontier is proved , and asset allocation regarding risk free interest based overconfidence is studied .

  22. 通过论文的分析表明,样本基金在考察期间内取得了高于无风险利率的收益。

    The results show that : the sample funds exceed the interest rate free of risk during the research period .

  23. 在无风险利率结构的基础上进行扩张,引入浮动利率结构模型。

    This paper extends on the base of risk-free interest rate structure and introduces the model of floating interest rate structure .

  24. 在风险中性的定价框架中,无风险利率就是资产价值运动的漂移项(均值)。

    In the risk neutral pricing framework , risk-free rate is the drift term ( mean ) of movement in asset value .

  25. 经过长期经营,股票和公司债券会给出还不错的回报,高于类似国债那样的无风险利率。

    Over the long run , equities and corporate bonds should provide a positive return over a risk-free rate such as Treasury bills ;

  26. 文中对无风险利率的选取、国家风险补偿及资产风险溢价的计算提出了见解。

    Also , we discuss the methods to calculate thenon - risk interest rate , the sovereign risk premium and the equity risk premium .

  27. 国债收益率是无风险利率,该利率确定了所有风险资产的价格,而负利率将继续助长资产再膨胀。

    Government bond yields are the risk-free rate that price all risk assets , and negative interest rates will continue to incite asset reflation .

  28. 这是因为在合理预报股市未来现金股利大小和选择无风险利率时遇到了困难。

    The cause is that is very difficult to predict the stock market future cash dividends and to choice the riskless interest rate reasonably .

  29. 上海A股市价格波动无法用红利与无风险利率的变化来解释。

    The paper concludes that the volatility of Shanghai A stock market cannot be explained by the change of dividends and risk-free interest rate .

  30. 企业原始创新市场化阶段波动率和无风险利率的增加,会导致项目临界值的增加。

    In the industrialization stage of original innovation , the increase of volatility and risk-free interest rate will cause the increase of project critical value .