
  1. 广义上的证券可分为有价证券与无价证券,包含范围广泛,而本罪中的证券,仅限于有价证券中的资本证券,具体分为股权证券与债权证券两种。

    In a broad sense , securities can be classified into negotiable securities and priceless securities . But the securities in the crime are limited to the capital securities which belong to negotiable securities , and classified into stock securities and debt securities .

  2. 或许,这其实不应被称为泡沫,因为如果投资者担心最糟糕情况,那么物价指数型产品提供的保护将是无价的,即使证券本身的实际回报率为负。

    Perhaps this should not really be called a bubble because the protection offered by index-linked is invaluable if you fear the worst , even if the security offers a negative real return .