
Based on the discussion , we relax some constraints in the traditional CAPM . In particular , we investigate three variations of the traditional CAPM , which are the CAPM with riskless assets , the CAPM with non-marketable assets , and the consumption capital asset pricing model .
Secondly , under constraint of investment chance , the efficient frontier of the Mean-VaR model with risk-free security is analysed .
At last , we discuss the risk preference model in which there exist risk-less securities and a few inequality constraints .
The investment consumption theory is only involved with a single consumption good and the investment objects are only a bond and some risky stocks .
Furthermore , introduction of a method of Utility Analysis considering risk compensation enables geometric method to solve the distributing problem between risk and non-risk portfolio assets .
This paper analyses the method of determining the optimum decision point when the rational investor invests the combination of one no - risk stock and n risk stocks .
The paper studies the portfolio investment model on the condition of permitting shorting-selling and risk-free asset if the covariance of security investment portfolio is non-positive definite matrix and gives calculating methods for optimal investment coefficient of proportionality and its efficient frontier .
This article discussed the change of security portfolio efficient frontier when the number of securities increases or decreases in the condition that there exists a non-risk yield security and the market is not permitting short sale . The respective identification conditions are then introduced .
An Optimal Portfolio Selection Model Under Constraints of Both VaR and Risk-free Investment
The Linear Programming Model for Portfolio Investment with Zero-risking Investment
A study of revolving movement of efficient portfolio frontier with existence of riskless security