
tiē xiàn lǜ
  • discount rate;rate of discount
  1. 一些经济学家和地球之友(FriendsoftheEarth)等环保组织喜欢用零贴现率,从经济角度而言使子孙的灾难成本和我们的灾难成本一样大。

    A zero discount rate , favoured by some economists and campaigners such as Friends of the Earth , would make their distress the same as our distress in economic terms .

  2. 上世纪90年代,德拉克马的贴现率高达14.5%至21.5%。2002年起,如此之高的贴现率被3.25%这一令人难以置信的欧洲央行(ECB)回购利率所取代。

    The drachma discount rate hovered between 14.5 and 21.5 per cent in the 1990s . Its place was then taken by a scarcely credible 3.25 per cent European Central Bank repo rate from 2002 onwards .

  3. “项目的末尾”的确是这个解决方案预期生命的最后阶段,r代表贴现率,或者这个项目的要求回报率。

    Where the " end of the project " is really the lifespan of the solution and r is the discount rate , or required rate of return , of the project .

  4. B:你提到贴现率,这是指如果银行需要资金可以向美联储申请。

    B : And you mentioned that the discount er .. rates which is the rate that the , you say that the banks go to the Feds asking for money if they really need it .

  5. 对优化方案敏感性影响显著的参数主要包括:疫苗保护率、疫苗接种率、HBV感染费、贴现率、疫苗接种费和HBV感染率等。

    For the optimal program , the sensitivity parameters are vaccine protection rate , vaccine inoculation rate , HBV infection fee , discount rate , HBV infection rate and vaccination fee . 5 .

  6. 结果表明,在不考虑环境成本的情况下,如果贴现率保持在8%以内,CNG公交车生命周期成本均低于柴油车;

    The results show that , the LCC of CNG powered bus is less than diesel bus if discount rate is below 8 % and environmental cost is not included ;

  7. 在短视的理性预期均衡(myopicREE)理论框架下,引入负红利的概念,证明土地价格在实际贴现率下是一个贴现鞅。

    Based on the theory of myopic REE , this paper introduces " negative dividend " into analyzing the land bubble . It is proved that the land price is a discount martingale under the real discount rate .

  8. 如果考虑大气环境成本,在贴现率保持在8%以内时,CNG价格即使再提高16%,CNG公交车生命周期成本仍均低于柴油车;

    If discount rate is below 8 % and environmental cost resulted from air pollution is included , the LCC of CNG powered bus is still less than diesel bus even though the CNG price is increased by 16 % ;

  9. 有些人会辩称,在美联储方面,由于其将贴现率下调0.5个百分点,其贷款一直过于廉价;而在欧洲央行(ECB)方面,其提供的贷款一直太免费了。

    Some would argue that , in the case of the Fed , with its half a percentage point cut in the discount rate , provision has been too cheap and , in the case of the European Central Bank , provision has been too free .

  10. 随贴现率提高,经济成熟龄减小,每升高1%~2%,约减小1a,相反,经济成熟龄约推迟1a。

    The economic mature age reduce with the discount rate increasing , while discount rate raise 1 % ~ 2 % , the economic mature age reduce for 1 year , otherwise , the economic mature age put off about 1 year .

  11. 因此,美联储主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)昨日说出了他的退出思路,主要方法就是提高美联储直接贷款给银行的贴现率,以及控制它向银行准备金支付的利率。

    Thus , the Fed 's chairman Ben Bernanke thought out loud yesterday about how to exit , with the main options being to raise the discount rate at which the Fed lends directly to banks , and to manipulate the interest rate it pays on reserves .

  12. 本文对应用CAPM确定采矿权项目的贴现率方法进行系统地说明分析,并提出现行贴现率的确定建议。

    In the paper , the method on the selection of discount rates in mining concession project with CAPM is analysed systematically , and the proposals of selecting discount rates for the evaluation of domestic mining concession project are put forward for the next few years .

  13. 对模型影响较大的参数有HBVM阳性率、疫苗接种率和接种后抗-HBs阳转率,而疫苗及接种费、筛检费、贴现率、HBV感染费用对模型影响较小。

    Parameters of Greater impacting on the model are positive rate HBVM , the coverage of hepatitis B vaccine , rate of anti-HBs after vaccination . Vaccine and vaccination fees , screening fees , discount rate and the costs of HBV-infected have less affected on the model . 4 .

  14. 全租方案的全部投资和自有资金的税后财务内部收益率(IRR)都远高于选定的基准贴现率(8%),表明项目全部投资和自有资金都具有良好的盈利能力。

    Both the all investment of the overall rent plan and the internal rate of return ( IRR ) of self-raised capital are far higher than the selected benchmark rate ( 8 % ) . It shows the good profitability of the whole project investment and the self-raised capital .

  15. 贴现率也作出同样幅度的削减。

    It also cut the discount rate by the same amount .

  16. 人们原本预计贴现率会有更大幅度下降。

    People were expecting a bigger cut in the discount rate .

  17. 采矿权项目评估中的贴现率确定

    The Selection of Discount Rates in Mining Concession Project Evaluations

  18. 台湾将基准贴现率下调75个基点。

    Taiwan made a 75 basis point reduction in its discount rate .

  19. 未来的成本和期望寿命计算时用3%的年贴现率。

    Future costs and LE were discounted at3 % yearly .

  20. 自然资源利用贴现率探讨

    Approach to issues of discount rate in the utilization of natural resources

  21. 经过这次的降低,贴现率已经成为百分之二点五。

    After another cut , the discount rate sits at 2.5 % .

  22. 为什么贴现率要取决于开票人的声誉和财政状况呢?

    Why does it depend on drawer 's reputation or financial status ?

  23. 贴现率与景区旅游资源的可持续利用

    The Discount Rate and the Resource Sustainability of Visitor Attractions

  24. 渔业管理中确定贴现率的一种近似方法

    An approximate method estimated the discount rate for fishery management

  25. 贴现率与内含报酬率新解

    The new explanation of discount and internal rate of return

  26. 现在伦敦的贴现率是5%。

    The rate of discount in London is now5 % .

  27. 然而,这个结论在一定程度上取决于所用的贴现率。

    But that conclusion depends in part on the discount rate used .

  28. 他们从英格兰银行得到略为好的贴现率。

    They receive slightly better discount rate from the Bank of england .

  29. 公共投资决策过程中社会贴现率的确定

    The Determination of Social Discount Rate in the Process of Public Investment Decision-making

  30. 在2003年一月,贴现率有了一次很重要的改变。

    There was an important change in the discount rate in January of2003 .