
  • 网络discount policy;discount rate policy
  1. 从防范金融风险角度看美联储贴现政策新变化

    Approaching the New Changes of the Fed Discount Policy From the Avoidance of Financial Risks

  2. 中国再贴现政策研究

    The research of rediscount policy in China

  3. 在货币政策工具方面,削弱了存款准备金的效力,降低了再贴现政策的效果。

    As for monetary policy tools , it impairs the strength of reserve requirement and functions of rediscount policy .

  4. 为了鼓励战略性产业的发展,日本、韩国等曾经使用差别化的再贴现政策,鼓励金融机构加大对特定部门的支持。

    To encourage the development of strategic industries , Japan and South Korea have used rediscount policy to support specific sectors by rediscounting specific bills .

  5. 此外,信用卡的使用还将减少中央银行的铸币税收入,削弱再贴现政策、法定准备金政策、公开市场操作等货币政策工具的效力,增大金融系统的流动性风险和信誉风险。

    Besides , the use of credit cards will also reduce the seigniorage revenues of central banks , weaken the effects of monetary policy tools and raise the liquidity risk and credit risk in financial system .

  6. 在我国逐渐加强再贴现政策实施力度的趋势下,要提高央行对再贴现政策影响因素的认识及运用效果。

    To the extent that the relevant authorities is reinforcing the implementation of rediscount policies in the country , we must deepen our knowledge about the determinants of the central bank 's rediscount policy and its effects .

  7. 从货币政策工具看,传统的存款准备金制度、再贴现政策的作用弱化,而公开市场业务将成为中央银行最重要的货币政策工具。

    Seen from the monetary policy tools , the function of the traditional deposit reserve system and the rediscount policy weakens while the open market policy will be the most important monetary policy instrument of the Central Bank .

  8. 我国目前主要是通过公开市场操作和再贴现再贷款政策来冲销由于外汇储备增加引起的基础货币投放。

    Now our central bank 's sterilizing measures conclude open market operate , rediscount and re-loan , with continuous increase of foreign exchange reserve and continuous sterilization , the measures cannot achieve sterilizing target .

  9. 然后对央行利用基准利率、法定存款准备金率、公开市场业务操作和再贴现率的货币政策工具对股票市场影响进行相关理论分析。

    Then to the central bank using benchmark interest rate , legal reserve ratio , the open market service operation and the rediscount rate monetary policy tool affects to the stock market carries on the correlation theories analysis .

  10. 商业银行再贴现依存度对再贴现政策的影响

    The Influence of the Degree of Dependence on Rediscount of Commercial Banks on the Rediscount Policy