
yín ɡēn jǐn suō
  • credit squeeze;austerity of money
  1. “全球和中国国内银根紧缩的前景加剧了市场对中国股市已出现泡沫的担忧,”数据提供商efprglobal表示。

    " The prospect of tighter global and domestic credit played on fears that the Chinese equity markets are a bubble , " said data-providers efpr global .

  2. 银根紧缩的金融市场遏止通货紧缩/膨胀

    Tight money market Controlling / quelling / checking deflation / inflation

  3. 银根紧缩、信贷歧视与民营上市公司投资者利益损失

    Monetary Contractions , Bank Discrimination and the Wealth Loss of Non-state Listed Firms ' Investors

  4. 所以美联储现在应该做的是停止银根紧缩政策。

    So what the Fed is concerned to do is to stop that process of monetary policy tightening .

  5. 我认为政府所实施的银根紧缩政策已经开始产生一些效果。

    I would think that the tight money policies that the government has been following would start having some effect .

  6. 昨天的“银根紧缩”忽悠,是出自别有用心的资本势力,目的是为了让持有低价筹码的散户缴械投降。

    Capital forces with ulterior motives advocated monetary tightening in order for the retailers who hold low-cost chips to surrender .

  7. 最后,厄瓜多尔的国内经济由于经济的“美元化”而受制于银根紧缩政策的影响。

    Finally , the domestic economy is subject to a stringent policy straight-jacket due to the " dollarisation " of the economy .

  8. 美联储同其他中央银行签订的外汇掉期对于面临流动性银根紧缩国家的复兴同样重要;

    The Fed 's new swap lines with other central banks are an important reassurance for countries that face a liquidity squeeze ;

  9. 银根紧缩、银根放松与放而不松&大萧条前后中美货币政策效果比较研究

    Tight Monetary Policy , Expansionary Policy and Invalidity & Comparative Study of Efficiency of Monetary Policy between U.S.A.and China around the Great Depression

  10. 呃……但是比这个范围要稍微广一些,因为现在你们获得的是银根紧缩政策。

    Er ... but it 's slightly wider than that , because of course what you 've got at the moment is actually a monetary policy tightening .

  11. 但市场解除了另外一种担心:即欧元上涨导致欧元区实际出现了银根紧缩状况,从而可能对其脆弱的经济复苏造成破坏。

    The market also shrugged off concerns over the potential damage to the eurozone 's fragile recovery from the effective monetary tightening created by the euro 's rise .

  12. 银根紧缩政策使得我们必须拒绝许多客户的贷款要求,或者增加抵押货款和分期贷款的定金。

    Tight money policies make it necessary for us to turn down loan requests from many clients or to increase the downpayment requirements on mortgage and installment loans .

  13. 不仅有宏观政策针对防止通胀的收紧调控,银根紧缩等的综合背景,还有房地产行业本身因为行业的特殊性面临国家更为严厉的政策调控。

    Not only macroeconomic tighten policies to prevent inflation , but also monetary policies tighten strictly . Under the comprehensive background , the special nature of the industry is facing more stringent state regulation and control policies .

  14. 自国家四万亿对基础设施建设投资后,为抑制通涨,现国家银根紧缩,减少对基础设施的投入,不少高铁、高速公路项目发生因资金紧缺而导致停工。

    Since the country four trillion pairs of infrastructure investment , in order to curb inflation , now national monetary tightening , reduce investment in infrastructure , many high-speed rail , highway projects occur due to shortage of funds caused by downtime .

  15. 由于银根持续紧缩,收养所的工作人员担心,宠物的主人可能不能支付宠物的费用,放弃的宠物也会也越来越多。

    As money strains grow , shelter workers worry so will pet surrenders and the number of owners putting off annual check-ups they can 't afford .

  16. 银根的紧缩,致使绝大部分中小企业的资金链绷紧,有90%以上的受访中小企业表示无法从银行获得贷款。

    Monetary tightening , resulting in the vast majority of SME financing chain taut , more than 90 % of SMEs surveyed said it could not obtain loans from banks .

  17. 货币市场上银根奇紧。高利率时期,银根[信用]紧缩时期

    The money market is very stringent . tight money period