
yín tuán dài kuǎn
  • syndicated loan;syndicate loan
  1. 之后,通过对H市轨道交通项目具体银团贷款组建过程的案例介绍,进一步分析了银团贷款的筹组模式和过程,以及对银团贷款市场发展的有利和不利影响。

    After that , introducing the case of the syndicated loan formation process for H city rail traffic project . Further analyzes the preparation pattern and process of syndicated loan , and the positive and negative effects for the syndicated loan market .

  2. 此外,还指出了我国银团贷款业务发展面临的八大风险。

    In addition , it points out eight risks of development of syndicated loan .

  3. 花旗全球市场(CitigroupGlobalMarkets)称,越南尤其依赖欧洲银行高度参与的银团贷款,原因是该国外部账户疲弱,而国内融资成本高企。

    Vietnam is particularly dependent on syndicated loans with a high degree of European bank participation , given its weak external accounts and high domestic funding costs , according to Citigroup Global Markets .

  4. 剩下的7.5亿美元来自8家国际银行的银团贷款,安排者不是繁荣时代顺从的主承销商,而是KKR自身。

    The remaining $ 750m comes from a syndicate of eight international banks , arranged not by a pliant lead underwriter , as in the glory days , but by KKR itself .

  5. Lanco表示,作为交换,Lanco承诺为两座发电站购买中国电力设备,而国开行将帮助Lanco从其他中资银行获得银团贷款,满足其总共20亿美元的融资目标。

    In exchange Lanco said it had made a commitment to buy Chinese power equipment for both projects , while CDB will help the group syndicate further loans from other Chinese banks to reach its $ 2bn target .

  6. 论银团贷款在我国的推广

    On the Spread of Bank Syndicate Loan in Our Country

  7. 试论国际银团贷款中的交叉违约条款

    On the Cross - Default Clause of International Syndicated Loan

  8. 小企业贷款未解之题国际银团贷款争议与国际商事仲裁的勃兴

    The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration

  9. 国际银团贷款是国际资金融通的重要方式之一。

    International syndicated loan is one of main methods of international finance .

  10. 允许外资银行参与发放人民币银团贷款。

    Allowing foreign banks to participate in RMB consortium loans .

  11. 南水北调工程银团贷款新尝试

    New attempt of consortium finance to South-North Water Diversion project

  12. 国际银团贷款争议诉诸国际商事仲裁的前提是仲裁协议的有效性,国际银团贷款争议的国际商事仲裁的程序适用普通的国际商事仲裁程序,但要注意一些电子文本的法律效力。

    International syndicated loans is subject to validity of the arbitration agreement .

  13. 浅析国际商业银团贷款合同中包税条款的合法性

    The legality of Crossing - up Clause in the International Syndicated Loan Agreement

  14. 国际间接银团贷款参与权转移的法律特征初探

    Legal Characteristics of Right to Participation of the Consortiums

  15. 第五章研究国际银团贷款中的担保问题,主要研究信用担保(人的担保)和物权担保(物的担保)。

    The fifth chapter studies the security and guarantees on international syndicated loan .

  16. 国际银团贷款中牵头行、代理行的诚信义务问题

    On the Duty of Fiduciary in International Syndicated Loans

  17. 美国是全球最主要的企业债和银团贷款市场。

    The US is the leading market for corporate bonds and syndicated loans .

  18. 国际银团贷款法律风险分析及控制

    An Analysis on Legal Risks of International Syndicated Loan

  19. 此外,超负荷的银团贷款市场也正出现裂痕。

    And the overburdened syndication market is starting to burst at the seams .

  20. 09财年的融资额包括通过银团贷款和结构性融资调动的45亿美元。

    The FY09 amount included $ 4.5 billion mobilized through syndications and structured finance .

  21. 银团贷款将在未来的五年中陆续收回。

    Bank consortium loans will be recovered in succession over the next five years .

  22. 国际银团贷款若干法律问题研究

    The Research of the International Syndicated Loan

  23. 国际银团贷款参与行利益保护的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Matters of Protection for Interests of Participating Banks in International Syndicated Loan

  24. 最后,提出了我国现行银团贷款的立法上的不足以及完善我国国际银团贷款法律制度的建议,并对发展我国银团贷款业务提出改进建议。

    At last , the author put forward many suggestion to perfect our law systems .

  25. 这是广州有史以来参与银行最多、融资额最大的银团贷款项目。

    The loan package is the most ever financing involving the most ever banks in Guangzhou .

  26. 如何将信用管理运用到国际银团贷款市场中是当前面临的一大难题。

    How to apply the management of credit risks to the international syndicated loan markets is not easy .

  27. 所以,不断完善与银团贷款业务相关的法律法规仍是当务之急。

    So , and constantly improve the syndicated loan business and related laws and regulations are is a priority .

  28. 国际银团贷款争议如在我国选择中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按其《金融争议仲裁规则》仲裁要认识到其特殊性。国际银团贷款争议的解决方式并不一概排斥诉讼,而且仰赖于司法监督。

    The procedure of international business arbitration should noted , especially the arbitral rules of financial disputes under CIETAC .

  29. 对这一模式,作者又按单一贷款人模式和银团贷款模式两种情况,分别加以论述。

    And this pattern consists of single accommodator loan pattern and group loan pattern , which have been discussed respectively .

  30. 我们还有很棒的银团贷款团队,由安迪•奥布莱恩担纲&整个团队在有需要时都会全力以赴。

    We also have a terrific syndicated loan group led by Andy O'Brien that stepped up when they needed to .