
  • 网络Bank settlement;bank clearing
  1. 电子商务发展中的银行结算

    Bank clearing in the development of E - commerce

  2. 掌握财务会计基本理论知识、企业会计准则、银行结算业务知识;

    Master basic theoretical knowledge of financial accounting , corporate accounting standards , bank clearing business knowledge ;

  3. 这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。

    At this point , the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements , expenses and receipts .

  4. 浅议银行结算现状及其监管

    Discussion on the Present Situation of Bank Settlement and Its Supervision

  5. 银行结算风险的出现使银行资金直接造成损失。

    However , settlement risks bring about great losses for banks .

  6. 我希望这个月我的银行结算早一点。

    I wish my bank statement arrived earlier in the month .

  7. 银行结算业务,所有银行帐户的日常管理。

    Transact bank affairs settlement and manage all bank account .

  8. 为什么要单设个人银行结算账户?

    Why is personal bank settlement account set up separately ?

  9. 我们每月和我们的往来银行结算一次。

    We reckon with our banks once a month .

  10. 票据法对银行结算的影响

    Influence of Bill 's law to Bank Accounts Setting

  11. 银行结算单显示,我账户里还有五十美金。

    The bank statement says that I have fifty dollars in my account .

  12. 银行结算单使你清楚你的钱是怎么花的。

    Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going .

  13. 什么是个人银行结算账户?

    What 's the personal bank settlement account ?

  14. 这样就允许商店与银行结算顾客买东西所花的钱。

    This authorizes the store to charge the bank for the customer 's purchase .

  15. 该软件将记录你的商业事务并且帮助你协调你的银行结算表。

    It will keep a record of your transactions and help you reconcile your bank statements .

  16. 《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》执行中的问题与建议

    The Problems in Implementing The Measure for the Management of RMB Bank Balance Account and Settlement Advice

  17. 我们每个月都会寄给你银行结算单,你自己就可以查对存款的结余。

    We 'll send you the bank statement monthly , and you can check the balance yourself .

  18. 自2003年9月1日起实施新的《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》。

    The new Administrative Measures for the RMB Bank Settlement Accounts shall be implemented as of September 1 , 2003 .

  19. 利用现代化的信息网络系统,建立经营业务结算网、会计核算网和网上银行结算系统;

    Use modern technology of information and network to establish the financial balance network of business operation , accounting checking network and electronic bank system ;

  20. 特别是,这些成员要求提供关于专业服务、教育服务和银行结算、清算和转移服务收费的信息。

    In particular , those members requested information on professional services , educational services , and charges for settlement clearing and transmission services of banks .

  21. 强化新时期银行结算手段的开发与运用,对入世后我国经济建设的意义非常重大。

    To strengthen the development and application of bank settlement means is of great importance to the economic construction in China after Chinas admission to WTO .

  22. 和航空旅行、国际银行结算以及移动电话一样,这种软件也在为人类的各种生产活动作出贡献&同时也带来了新的安全隐患。

    Like air travel , international banking and mobile telephones , it contributes to all kinds of productive human endeavour & and also presents new security risks .

  23. 和航空旅行、国际银行结算以及移动电话一样,这种软件也在为人类的各种生产活动作出贡献——同时也带来了新的安全隐患。

    Like air travel , international banking and mobile telephones , it contributes to all kinds of productive human endeavour - and also presents new security risks .

  24. 应通过银行结算的现钞贸易,享受国家出口商品退税政策,调动创汇积极性。

    Cash trade settled by the bank should enjoy the downback policy to the nation 's exports in order to bring into play the enthusiasm for creating the foreign exchange .

  25. 银行结算单银行结算单是银行为你出具的,记录你在某一段时间里的所有交易情况。

    Bank statement A bank statement is a record , produced for you by the bank , of all the transactions on your bank account over a specific period of time .

  26. 建立和完善边境地区银行结算机制,引导边境小额贸易结算纳入银行结算渠道。

    The mechanism of bank settlement shall be established and improved in the border areas , and the settlement of small-scaled border trade shall be made through such mechanism of bank settlement .

  27. 在银行结算往来中公民、法人、社会团体作为存款人将其拥有的货币资金通过直接存款或转帐结算方式存入或转入银行,这些存入或转入银行的资金就形成银行帐户资金。

    During the course of settlements of accounts , individuals , legal persons and social organizations , as depositors , deposit or transfer the money-capital by way of settlement of direct depositing or transferring .

  28. 巴西的银行结算制度目前以实时方式运作,因此所有银行在任何时刻都能掌握自己的现金状况,而央行则掌控各银行实时情况的总图。

    The country 's bank-settlement system now operates in real time , so all banks know their cash positions at any given moment and the central bank has an overall picture of what is happening .

  29. 本文介绍的资金流管理系统不仅基于电子单据流转实现了对企业资金的全面管理,而且还实现了与银行结算系统和财务软件的接口,具有较强的实用性。

    The management system of funds flow introduced in this paper has wide practicability . It not only implements the general funds control based on the electronic bill 's circulation but also implements the interface between bank balance system and financial software .

  30. 如今计算机系统已经在一些关键的行业(如民航订票系统、银行结算系统、证券交易系统等)得到广泛应用,这些计算机系统可靠稳定的运行起着非常关键的作用。

    Nowadays computer systems have been widely applied in the fields of a number of key industries , such as civil aviation reservation systems , bank settlement systems and securities trading systems , where reliable and stable operation of the computer system plays a very crucial role .