
  1. 引领日本企业大举进入点心债券市场的是欧力士(orix)和日立资本(hitachicapital)等融资租赁公司,它们通过购买机械设备并将其租赁给银行贷款成本较高的客户使资金跨境流入中国。

    The big push into the dim sum market has been led by leasing companies such as Orix Corporationand Hitachi capital , which have moved funds across the border into China to buy equipment and machinery to lease to customers facing higher costs for bank loans .

  2. 欧洲央行昨日公布的数据显示,西班牙小型企业面临将近四年来最高的银行贷款成本与此同时,德国同类企业所需支付的利率则处于历史最低水平。

    ECB data yesterday showed Spanish small businesses face their highest bank borrowing costs in almost four years while interest rates paid by German rivals are at record lows .

  3. 相对股票发行而言,银行贷款融资成本低、可利用财务杠杆和保障股东控制权。

    Compared with stock issue , bank loans cost is lower . Enterprises can make use of financial leverage .

  4. 银行贷款融资成本比企业债券高,但是,可以随用随贷,减少利息支出;

    The cost of bank loan is much higher than that of enterprise bonds . But you can get loan when you need with low interest .

  5. 世界银行贷款项目资金成本分析

    Capital Cost Analysis of Projects Using World Bank Loan

  6. 在代理成本效益回归中,公司的银行贷款与代理成本呈正向关系,并未发挥降低代理成本的作用,反而增加了代理成本费用。

    It is also shown that there is positive correlation between bank credit and agency cost in the regression analysis of the benefit of agency cost , as a result , there is no effect of bank credit to reduce agency cost .

  7. 目前合川区农村基础设施建设除上级补助资金和本级财政投入外,主要依靠商业银行贷款,融资成本高,规模小,不能满足对资金的需要。

    At present , Hechuan area of rural infrastructure in addition to the higher level of the grant funds and financial investment , mainly depend on commercial bank loans , high financing costs , small scale , can not meet the funding needs .

  8. 世界银行贷款造林项目资金成本管理浅析

    A Study on Loan Fund 's Cost Management of Forestation from World Bank

  9. 结论显示,独立董事比例、董事长和总经理是否兼任、国有股比例、第一大股东持股比例、大股东占款对新增银行贷款融资总量和新增银行贷款融资成本具有显著影响。

    The regressions show that rind ( ratio of independent director ), president doubles general manager , the greatest shareholders , state - owned share - holding rate and capital occupation of big shareholders have influence on bank loan amount and cost .