
  • 网络Settlement tools;settlement instruments;settlement means;Instruments Settlement
  1. 信用证是国际贸易中重要的信用结算工具,但是,由于信用证业务自身的复杂性和游离于基础合同的独立抽象性加重了风险防范和金融监管的难度。

    Letter of credit is one of the most important trade settlement instruments in international business activities , but as a result of its characteristics of complexity , independence and abstract , there is a high occurring rate of fraudulent activities with letters of credit .

  2. 偏好、信用与机会主义:个体私营经济结算工具选择

    Preference , Credit and Opportunism : The Settlement Instruments for Private Business

  3. 信用证是国际贸易中的重要支付结算工具,而独立性原则又是信用证制度得以正常运作的基石。

    Letter of Credit is important tool of payment and settlement .

  4. 借记卡是目前国内最重要的个人支付结算工具。

    Debit cards are currently the most important personal payment and settlement tools .

  5. 按照授权要求的两级签署必须附有所有结算工具和支持文件。

    Two levels of sign-off as per the delegations of authority requirements must accompany all settlement instructions and supporting documentation attached .

  6. 信用卡是商品经济高度发达的产物,是建立在先进的电子技术和电脑网络基础上的一种先进的结算工具和支付手段。

    It is a type of advanced tools and methods for settling accounts and payments based on advanced electronic technologies and computer networks .

  7. 信用卡集循环信贷与支付结算工具于一身,因而是商业银行综合性最强、关系最复杂的业务种类之一。

    Credit card combines revolving line of credit with payment instrument , it is one of the most comprehensive and complex practices in commercial banks .

  8. 美国国债作为国际储备的一个品种,将失去其原有的吸引力,也将不会被当作商品交易中的一种便捷结算工具。

    They will not be regarded as an attractive form in which to hold international reserves . And they will not be seen as a convenient vehicle for merchandise transactions .

  9. 他们只是希望讨论互助问题但在此次讨论中,没有美国的位置,美元也不会作为这些国家之间的贸易结算工具。

    They simply want to discuss mutual aid but in a way that has no role for the US or for the dollar as a vehicle for trade among these countries .

  10. 信用卡是随着商品经济的发展,商业信用与银行信用相结合的产物,是目前已经世界范围内普及的简便、安全的支付与结算工具。

    Credit card , with the development of commodity economy , commercial credit and bank credit product of the combination , is now popular worldwide , easy , secure payment and settlement tool .

  11. 信用证是一种重要的国际贸易结算工具,由于我国对外贸易处于高速增长期,虽然近年来信用证结算方式在国际贸易中的占比有所下降,但其绝对量仍然在快速增长。

    As an important tool of international trade settlement , letter of credit developed in rapid growth period owing to the fast growing sector in foreign trade , even though the proportion of letter of credit settlement decreasing .

  12. 信用卡是一种先进的支付结算工具,当前政府和国内商业银行都在大力推进金融电子化,信用卡的应用已经越来越普及。

    Credit card is a kind of advanced paying and settlement tool . At present both the government and the commercial banks are making much effort to push on electronic finance , so the use of credit card is increasingly much more common .

  13. 信用证的主要作用是提供了银行信用保障的国际贸易支付手段,而并非能杜绝风险,而且世界上也没有任何一种结算工具可以完全杜绝风险的发生。

    The function of LC is to provide a payment medium guaranteed by banking credit in international trade , but not to put an end to risks , indeed , there is no such kind of payment tool that can prevent risks completely .

  14. 银行卡诞生于美国,作为金融创新的产物和现代科技与银行业务结合的成功体现,经过近80年的发展,它已经成为一种重要的支付结算工具和信用手段。

    Bank-card was born in the United States of America , as a result of financial innovation and integration of modern science and bank 's business . After nearly 80 years ' development , bank-card has become a important settlement tool and credit method .

  15. 信用证是银行界与商业界为解决国际商事交易各方当事人的利益冲突而发展起来的国际结算工具,是国际金融法发展史上的一个伟大创造。

    The letter of credit , which is a great creation in the development of the International Financial Law , is a kind of international settled tool developed by banking and trading to solve the beneficial clash among all parties in the international business transaction .

  16. 其程序如下图:如图所示,电汇是以电报作为结算工具,其传送方向与资金流动方向相同,所以电报是顺汇的一种。

    Its program pursues as follows : if plan institute is shown , telegraphic transfer money is regard settle accounts as the tool with cable , its are deferent direction and capital flow way are same , so cable is to arrange a kind when collect .

  17. 虽然比特币在新一代自行结算金融工具中是最流行的,但它现在成为主流货币的机会为零。

    Nevertheless , the chances of bitcoin , the most popular of this new breed of self-clearing financial instruments , making it as a mainstream currency are now zero .

  18. 国际结算的支付工具有哪些?

    What are the tools of receipts and payments in international settlement ?

  19. 实物结算股本衍生工具

    Physically settled equity derivatives

  20. 信用证是国际贸易结算的主要工具,在国际商业的交往中作用突出。

    Letter of credit is a key payment tool in the international trade business , it plays a prominent role .

  21. 媒体中心:提供推广服务、媒体结算、通讯工具、互动媒介、产品展示等服务。

    Media Center : providing extension and outsourcing services , media clearing , communications tools , interactive media platforms , exhibition and product display services .

  22. 信用证发展到今天已经成为一种非常重要的国际结算方式和融资工具。

    It has become an important means of international settlement and finance equipment .

  23. 信用卡是一种先进的结算手段和支付工具,也是一种新颖的消费信贷方式。

    Credit card is an advanced means of balance and payment as well as a new mode of consumption credit .

  24. 第三阶段将于年底前推出,其范围包括提供美元支票结算,以及为结算美元债券提供所需的即时支付结算系统与债务工具中央结算系统之间的联系。

    The third phase , covering US dollar paper cheque clearing and the RTGS interface with the central Moneymarkets unit for settling US dollar denominated debt securities , will be launched before christmas .