
  1. AOP动态横切技术在商业银行支付系统中的应用

    AOP Dynamic Transversely Technology Apply to Commercial Bank 's Payment System

  2. EDI网上银行支付系统设计

    The Payment System Scheme of EDI Home Bank

  3. 银行支付系统作为金融业的一个网络应用系统,是在中国现代化支付系统(CNAPS)建设的基础上实现的。

    As a financial network application , the bank payment system is based on the CNAPS .

  4. 银行支付系统接口的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the Interface System Between Specialized Banks and CNAPS

  5. 最后对银行支付系统的各个部分,从录入校验、并发控制、事务管理、数据传输、权限控制等方面对系统在数据一致性和完整性方面采用的关键技术及实现进行了论述。

    Lastly for these parts of the bank payment system , from many control aspects , describe the key technologies used for the data consistency and integrality .

  6. 由于商业银行支付系统是整个大支付系统的基础和核心,若把商业银行支付系统的风险作为研究对象是极具可行性和现实意义的。

    As commercial bank payment system is the basis and core of the whole payment system , so studying the risk of commercial bank payment system is of great feasibility and practical significance .

  7. 本课题主要结合目前网络应用系统开发中的数据一致性和完整性技术对银行支付系统在数据一致性和完整性方面采用的关键技术和实现进行分析和研究。

    The thesis mainly analyses and researches the key technologies adopted and implement of the data consistency and integrality in the bank payment system , combining the technology in the network application development at present .

  8. 毕竟,使用比特币的美妙之处就在于,你不需要依赖收费高昂、速度迟缓的银行支付系统:你可以把钱发送到世界上任何地方,而且在任何地方都可以兑换。

    After all , the beauty of using Bitcoin is that you do not need to rely on costly and slow-moving bank payment systems : money can be sent to or exchanged anywhere in the world .

  9. 银行支付系统是整个银行软件系统的核心部分,它主要负责为系统参与者实现资金转账,并提供一些其他的辅助功能,如交易查询、信息维护、报表生成等。

    Bank Payment system is the core part of the whole bank software system , the main function is to transfer finance of the customers , it also provides some assistant functions , such as business inquiry , information maintenance , report generation and so on .

  10. 商务系统、客户系统、银行网上支付系统以及Internet是构成在电子商务的四个必备要素实体,参与各方通过Internet连接在一起。

    Business system , customer system , online payment system of banks and the Internet are four essential entities that composed E-commerce . And it is Internet that connects the four parts together .

  11. 基于CICS中间件的银行财政支付系统的设计与实现

    Research and Implementation of Finance Payment Agent System Based on CICS Middleware ; credit clearing

  12. 本文在对支付系统风险进行归类和总结的基础上,研究了美国联邦储备银行大额支付系统Fedwire在30多年运行过程中的风险控制实践和经验,提出了加强我国支付系统风险管理的主要措施。

    Based on a summary of risks in payment system , this paper studies the experience of Fedwire in the risk management of payment system and puts forward some measures to strengthening risk management in payment system .

  13. 中央银行大额支付系统风险控制研究

    The Risk-Control Study about High-Value Payment System of the Central Bank

  14. 华夏银行支付网关系统的设计与开发

    Design and exploitation of the payment gateway system of Huaxia bank

  15. 这是银行支付结算系统的创新。

    This is the innovation of banking payment and clearing system .

  16. 银行现代支付系统与超跃模型

    Modern Payment System of Banks and Model over the value

  17. 支持多种银行支付处理系统;把支付请求转化为银行内部支付交易;

    Transform a payment request into a bank payment transaction ;

  18. 银行处在支付系统的中心。

    Banks are at the centre of the payment system .

  19. 华夏银行支付网关系统总体方案

    Total solution for payment gateway system of HUAXIA bank

  20. 在此基础上,实现了一种简单的网络银行电子支付系统。

    Based on this , has realized one kind of simple network bank electron payment system .

  21. 本文研究了双边市场中的银行卡支付系统,其中的银行卡组织和商户都拥有垄断力量。

    This paper studies the bankcard payment system in the two-sided markets , where bankcard organization and merchants have market power .

  22. 据我了解,像香港这类面积细小的货币地区所采用的银行同业支付系统,应该不可以直接适用于幅员广大的内地。

    I am aware that the inter-bank payment system of a compact currency area as Hong Kong may not be directly applicable to the vast geographical area of the mainland .

  23. 中央银行支付清算系统是支付清算体系的中枢,也是确保经济、金融正常运行的最重要基础设施之一。

    The payment clearance system of Central bank is the key part of the payment and settlement system , it is also one of the most important infrastructure to ensure economy and financial operation .

  24. 无线电子支付系统的主要功能是为用户提供基于手机的支付功能,在交易中提供对交易双方的安全认证方式,可以支持多种银行支付处理系统,把支付请求转化为银行内部支付交易。

    The function of wireless electric payment system is to provide payment on mobile , security identification for both sides , to support multi-payment processing system and transfer the requirements of payment to internal transactions .

  25. 本文研究了超跃模型在银行现代支付系统中的应用,导出特征参数公式,结合实例求得特征参数并得以验证。

    In this paper , apply of model over the value are studied on modern payment system in banks , formulas of critical parameters are derived . Critical parameters are get and checked based on example .

  26. 通过全面市场分析、业务分析,以银行网上支付系统中以现有银行的网上支付平台为基础,实现客户、银行和第三方支付实时、信息全面、有效风险控制的网上支付模式。

    Through a comprehensive market analysis , business analysis , bank online payment system to the existing bank online payment platform , to achieve customer , bank and third party payment real-time , comprehensive information and effective risk control online payment mode .

  27. 本论文从网上支付的发展、市场分析及对银行网上支付系统的需求分析提出银行网上支付的架构设计,同时对网上支付发展中的问题及发展趋进行了探索性研究。

    In this thesis , the development of online payment , market analysis and online payment systems for banks by a bank online payment needs analysis architecture design , while the development of online payment problems and development trends for the exploratory study .

  28. 并且因为歌曲采用了一种类似于银行账户的支付系统,

    and because the song has a payment system in the sense of bank account ,

  29. 三是降低商业银行使用大额支付系统的费用;

    The third is that the charge for the commercial banks to use the high value payment system should be reduced .

  30. 这些产品的发展除非得到适度监管,否则会对银行体系和支付系统带来风险,同时亦会对货币政策构成影响。

    Developments of these products , unless regulated , may bring about risks to the banking and payment systems as well as implications for monetary policy .