
zì dònɡ ɡuì yuán jī
  • automated-teller machine ;cash dispenser
  1. 我的顾客对ATM(自动柜员机)经常出现故障感到非常不满。

    The client was upset about the downtime on ATM machines .

  2. 介绍了跨银行自动柜员机(ATM)网络的基本功能。

    This paper describes basic function of interbank ATM network .

  3. 中国近日发布了全球首款内置人脸识别功能的自动柜员机(ATM)。

    China has unveiled the world 's first ATM with a built-in facial recognition feature .

  4. 目前,此开发平台已成功地应用于ATM自动柜员机、嵌入式税控收款机等银税类终端产品的开发。

    Now , the software development platform apply to ATM , POS and so on .

  5. ATM(AutomaticTellerMachine)自动柜员机系统是一种能够高强度、全天候、长时间连续正常运转的精密系统。

    ATM ( Automatic Teller Machine ) system is an exact system which can run round-the-clock under high strength without a break .

  6. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,一家音像店被纵火,两台自动柜员机被打开,一家银行被抢,一家超市被抢空。

    A video store was set ablaze , two automatic teller machines were broken open , a bank was robbed and a supermarket emptied , the Associated Press reported .

  7. 自动柜员机(ATM)使用的财务系统虽然称得上快,但是现在也落伍了。

    Whereas the financial systems behind automated teller machines ( ATMs ) used to be considered fast , they 're now also-rans .

  8. 当前,自动柜员机(ATM,AutomatedTellerMachine)作为一种方便人们日常生活的工具已经成为银行为其客户提供金融服务的重要渠道。

    Recently , Automated Teller Machine ( ATM ) has become an important method to provide financial service for the bank 's customer as a convenient tool .

  9. 自动柜员机(ATM)联到银行的计算机主机上的机器,它允许客户进入他们的账户。

    Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) A machine connected to the bank 's computer system for the purpose of allowing the customer to access their account .

  10. 接着保罗沃尔克(PaulVolcker)宣称,过去20年唯一给他留下深刻印象的金融创新是自动柜员机(ATM)。

    Then Paul Volcker declared that the only financial innovation that had impressed him over the past 20 years was the automated teller machine .

  11. 如果你认为这是一个拓荒经济体的起步阶段,那么你还低估了缅甸的落后:该国几乎没有自动柜员机(ATM)网络,商业银行设立的分支机构也少之又少。

    To say that these are the early days in a frontier economy is an understatement : There is virtually no ATM network and very few commercial bank branches , for instance .

  12. 银行ATM在我国大多数城市已经得到了广泛应用,但由此带来的犯罪活动时有发生,这也表明自动柜员机的设计存在某些缺陷。

    Bank ATM has been widely used in most cities of China , but the crimes it brings happen frequently , which shows that there exist some problems in the design of ATM .

  13. 对当前自动柜员机(ATM)应用中的安全缺陷进行了分析,介绍了动态口令技术原理,设计了一个基于ATM应用的身份认证系统,并对系统的组成及其功能进行了阐述。

    Some secure-defects are analyzed in the automatic teller machine ( ATM ) application . The principle of dynamic-password technique is introduced . An identity authentication system based on the ATM application is designed .

  14. 随着科学技术的发展,ATM自动柜员机已经遍布大街小巷,给人们的生活带来了极大的便利。

    With the development of science and technology , Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) has been widely used in large streets and small lanes , it brings a big convenience to our daily life .

  15. ISO8583的典型用途是为通过零售点设备或自动柜员机(ATM)交换的数据定义消息格式。

    Typical uses of ISO8583 are to define the message format for data exchanged with a point-of-sale device or automated teller machine ( ATM ) .

  16. 与自动柜员机位于同一院子的是ITBeijingMarket时尚店,这是一家多层潮店,风格完全比照伦敦市中心CommedesGarcons的多佛街市场(DoverStreetMarket)概念店。

    In the same courtyard as the cash machine sits the IT Beijing Market , a multi-storey style-fest proudly modelled on Comme des Gar ? ons " Dover Street Market concept store in central London .

  17. 针对目前ATM自动柜员机(以下简称ATM)业务管理的不足,提出运用GIS技术和计算机技术,设计并初步实现了ATM业务管理系统,将ATM主要业务集中到统一平台上。

    With the present ATM being deficient in business management , we designed ATM ( Automatic Teller Machine ) Business Management System based on the GIS technology and computer technology . All main business functions were integrated on one uniform platform .

  18. 在智能银行分支机构中,申请并发放一张信用卡只需要45分钟。除此以外,花旗亚洲业务还在研发一种新型自动柜员机(ATM),内部高级人士将它称为新一代ATM。

    Alongside the smart branches , where a new credit card can be applied for and issued in just 45 minutes , the Asian arm has also been developing what senior insiders have described as a new generation of ATMs .

  19. 系统将邮政储蓄和邮政汇款业务有机地结合起来,充分利用当今各种流行的自助设备向用户提供电话汇款、手机汇款、INTERNET网上汇款、ATM自动柜员机和自助柜台汇款等自助式服务。

    The system organically integrates postal savings and postal remittance business , and makes full use of modern self-service equipments to provide customers with many self-service business , for example , telephone remittance , mobile phone remittance , internet remittance , ATM remittance and self-service counter remittance .

  20. 银行卡受理环境是整个银行卡产业的基础设施和银行卡交易流程中的关键环节,ATM自动柜员机是其重要的一部分。

    The environment for accepting bank card , is the infrastructure of whole industry of bank card , and the key link in the whole transaction procedure of bank card , which includes Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) as an important part .

  21. 本文主要贡献在于定义了一个基于UCM和SDL的软件需求描述模型,讨论了整个建模过程,并基于该方法描述了自动柜员机系统需求。

    The main contributions of this thesis are presenting a UCM & SDL based method to model software requirement , discussing the process in detail and describing the requirements of a small real-time system ( Automated Teller Machine , ATM ) .

  22. 使用自动柜员机的银行客户就是一例。

    Examples are bank customers who use an automatic teller machine .

  23. 我想说自动柜员机通常是多么的差劲。

    and I talk about how bad ATM machines usually are .

  24. 除透过自动柜员机或销售终端机以外之现金提取服务。

    Cash withdrawal except via an automated teller machine or point-of-sale terminal .

  25. 用您的卡就可以从自动柜员机去人民币。

    You can get RMB from the bank machine with your card .

  26. 怎样透过银行自动柜员机缴税?

    How can I pay tax by bank automated teller machines atms ?

  27. 他们在自动柜员机前停下取钱加油。

    Is the guys stopped at the ATM to get cash for gas .

  28. 银行的自动柜员机可以使用中文和英语两种语言。

    English is an language that we can use it at the banks'ATM .

  29. 你可以在自动柜员机更改你的密码。

    You can change your pin at the atm .

  30. 我可以通过自动柜员机存钱吗?

    Can I deposit my money through the ATM ?