
zì zhù cān
  • buffet;cafeteria;smorgasbord;buffet supper
自助餐 [zì zhù cān]
  • [buffet]就餐者自己从放在柜台上或桌上的食品中取食,站着或坐着吃,不是坐在正式布置的餐桌旁就餐

  • 自助午餐,自助午宴

  1. 午餐可以吃自助餐,也可以选套餐。

    At lunchtime , there 's a choice between the buffet or the set menu

  2. 一个侍者走了过来,候在附近。约翰领会了我的眼神,我们两个都站了起来,没有理睬那个侍者,朝自助餐台走去。

    A waiter came and hovered . John caught my look and we both got up and , ignoring the waiter , made our way to the buffet

  3. 那家小餐馆提供价格低廉、方便快捷的自助餐。

    The cafe provides quick self-service at low prices .

  4. 你想在婚礼中摆桌宴还是搞自助餐?

    Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding ?

  5. 下星期天请来喝鸡尾酒吃自助餐。

    Come for cocktail and buffet next sunday .

  6. 你能告诉我你们的自助餐有什么特色菜吗?

    Could you tell me what specialties you have for the buffet ?

  7. 凯特眼大肚子小,她去吃自助餐时总是盛得很多,最后不得不浪费掉吃不完的食物。

    Kate has eyes bigger than her stomach – she always ends up wasting10 food at an all-you-can-eat buffet11 .

  8. 19岁的人,去吃自助餐并不意味着你要用尽全力去吃。

    Dear 19-year-old , just because it 's an all-you-can-eat buffet , does not mean you need to eat all you can .

  9. 去那家KTV好了,它们的自助餐很不错喔。

    We 're going to that KTV , and the buffet there is very nice .

  10. TheLounge为各种社交及商业活动提供幽雅的环境;紫罗兰咖啡厅可容纳180人同时用餐,其特色是提供环球美食自助餐。

    The Lounge provides intimate areas for social and business gatherings while Caf é Chinois has seating for180 diners and features an international grand buffet .

  11. UBS的一个分析师AlastairRyan说:规则已经变成了自助餐,可以任人去用。

    Alastair Ryan , an analyst at UBS , says the rules have become a " smorgasbord " and that " everyone is arbitraging " them .

  12. F1围场俱乐部(PaddockClub)是一个耀眼的娱乐旅行组织,为客户提供美食盛宴、赛道游览和香槟自助餐,平均每人每天花费3000美元。

    F1 's Paddock Club , a glitzy travelling circus of entertainment that provides clients with gourmet banquets , track tours and champagne buffets , costs an average $ 3,000 per person per day .

  13. 来自拉斯维加斯的养猪场农民Bob从赌场自助餐回收吃剩下的食物喂猪。他的猪比地球上其它的猪生长速度都要快、收益都高;

    Bob , the pig farmer in Las Vegas who collects the uneaten food from casino buffets and feeds it to his swine , which now grow faster and more profitably than any other pigs on the planet ;

  14. 对那些感觉到热的人,镇上唯一的游泳池能在Ananda客栈找到,以其高价值的素食自助餐而闻名。

    For those feeling the heat , the town 's only swimming pool can be found at the Ananda Inn , famed for its great-value vegetarian buffet

  15. (如果你担心体重,那就用毕雷矿泉水(Perrier)、芹菜和莴苣来填饱肚子吧;更好的办法是远离随便吃的自助餐。)不过,我认为还是有些可以普遍遵循的原则。

    ( If you are concerned about your weight , fill up on Perrier , celery and lettuce ; better yet , stay away from all-you-can-eat buffets . ) Nevertheless , I think there are some general principles here .

  16. 自助餐台或沙律吧的食品未能及时补充。

    When buffet tables or salad bars are not replenished quickly .

  17. 你是想在这儿扎营还是当恐龙的自助餐?

    You want to set up base camp or a buffet ?

  18. 同时赞助的是迈尔自助餐。

    Also brought to you by mel 's big boy buffet .

  19. 如果吃自助餐,我怕我会吃多了。

    I 'll eat too much if I have the buffet .

  20. 快快加入我们的环球自助餐,发现更多美味精选!

    Come to join our international buffet , explore more tasty !

  21. 请问你喜欢散点还是自助餐呢?

    Would you like to have a la carte or buffet ?

  22. 听说他们的饭菜和自助餐不错。

    I here that they have a lovely menu and buffet .

  23. 午餐和晚餐自助餐均有“买一送一”优惠。

    Buy1 get1 free for both Buffet Lunch and Buffet Dinner .

  24. 您想以自助餐形式还是以普通晚宴形式呢?

    Would you like buffet dinner or normal dinner , sir ?

  25. 这有个为狗准备的自助餐和酒吧。

    There 's a buffet and an open bar for dogs .

  26. 对,得举行个自助餐。

    Right . it 'll have to be a buffet .

  27. 局蜗牛是我们自助餐最受欢迎的菜式之一。

    Escargots is one of the most welcomed dishes in our buffet .

  28. 如今,自助餐正逐步成为休闲生活聚友的首选之一。

    Today , the buffet is gradually becoming the preferred leisure one .

  29. 露西:我们安排了自助餐和时装表演。

    Lucy : We have a buffer dinner and a fashion show .

  30. 这家餐馆的自助餐供应许多热带水果。

    The restaurant served a buffet with many tropical fruits .