
zhōnɡ shì kuài cān
  • Chinese fast food
  1. 最后得出了要从产品、人员、服务设计与质量管理及服务的有形展示等方面入手来发展中式快餐的结论。

    At last , we can draw the conclusion that we should start with the product , people , service design and quality management and physical evidence to develop Chinese fast food industry .

  2. 你在麦当劳对面开了一家中式快餐?

    Did you open a Chinese fast food restaurant opposite McDonald 's ?

  3. 中式快餐企业导入JIT生产方式的研究

    Study on JIT Production Mode in Chinese-style Fast Food Enterprises

  4. 同时,本文还利用个案分析法,探究了中式快餐在美国的第一大品牌&熊猫快餐(PandaExpress)在实施品牌传播过程中的成功之处。

    Also , the paper used case analysis to explore the success in brand communication of the Chinese fast food largest brand in the United States-Panda Express .

  5. 本文通过分析我国快餐业的现状,指出了中式快餐的问题所在,并提出了全面导入CIS战略,振兴中式快餐业的观点。

    In this paper the author analyses the present situation of the Chinese fast food industry and points out some problems thereof .

  6. JIT生产方式在中餐企业中的应用分析中外快餐的比较分析及中式快餐发展的对策

    On Application of JIT in Catering Enterprises Comparative analysis on fast food industry between China and foreign countries and the development countermeasures of Chinese fast food

  7. 长沙市现代中式快餐发展对策研究

    Study on the Developing Methods of Modern Fast-food in Changsha City

  8. 应该是麦当劳,肯德基和一些中式快餐吧。

    A.Mcdonald 's , KFC and some Chinese fast food maybe .

  9. 他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭。

    He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant .

  10. 托起了北京中式快餐市场的一朵彤云。

    Has picked up a Beijing Chinese type fast-food market Tong cloud .

  11. 中式快餐发展战略与人才培养

    The Strategy of China - snack Development and Talent Train

  12. 随着快餐业的迅猛发展,中式快餐与西式快餐之间的竞争将日趋激烈。

    Chinese snack is in inferior position with the competition of western style .

  13. 中式快餐标准化生产管理信息系统的设计

    Standardization of Chinese Fast Food : Design of Production and Management Information System

  14. 中式快餐企业竞争战略研究

    Research on Competitive Strategy of the Chinese Snack Companies

  15. 中式快餐企业发展策略分析

    Business Data The Developing Strategy of Chinese Fast Food

  16. 浅析中式快餐连锁面临的问题及其对策

    An analysis on the problem of Chinese fast food chain store and its countermeasures

  17. 中式快餐品牌发展之路

    Developing Road of Chinese - style Fast Food

  18. 基于消费者的中式快餐品牌资产模型构建研究

    The Research on the Chinese Fast Food Brand Equity Model Construction Based on Customer

  19. 对中式快餐企业经营策略研究

    On Management Tactics of Chinese-style Fast Food Enterprises

  20. 中式快餐发展问题探讨

    Discussion on the Development of Chinese Fast Food

  21. 中式快餐服务包的解析

    Analysis of Chinese Fast Food Service Package

  22. 加速发展具有中国特色的中式快餐势在必行

    Quick developing the home fast food with distinctive Chinese features is imperative under the circumstances

  23. 但中式快餐行业由于管理不善,让人觉得没有效益。

    But much of the Chinese fast food industry is ill managed and seems ineffective .

  24. 中式快餐菜品的设计与营养分析实验研究

    Fast Food Design and Nutrition Analysis

  25. 就员工服饰而言,消费者对中式快餐企业的评价低于对西式快餐企业的评价。

    On the evaluation of staff dress , China fast food is under the Western-style fast food .

  26. 中式快餐的出路

    Way out for Chinese snack

  27. 大家乐所提供之餐饮之味道比其他中式快餐店好。

    The taste of food in Cafe de Coral is better than other Chinese fast food chains .

  28. 你更喜欢西式快餐例如麦当劳和肯德基,还是中式快餐?

    Do you prefer western fast food ( e.g Mcdonald 's and KFC ) or Chinese fast food ?

  29. 中式快餐作为中国饮食文化的现代表征形式之一,具有其鲜明的特点。

    As one of the characterization of Chinese food culture , Chinese fast food owns its distinctive features .

  30. 香妃烤鸡是地道的中国人自己创新、研制的中式快餐品牌。

    The fragrant imperial concubine roasted chicken is typical Chinese innovates , the development Chinese type fast-food brand .