
  • 网络the letter of acceptance;notification of award
  1. 中标通知书对招标人和中标人具有法律效力。

    The letter of acceptance shall be legally binding on the bid inviting party and the winning bidder .

  2. 中标通知书导致合同的成立。

    The bid-winning notification leads to the contract establishment .

  3. 因而中标通知书不能意味建设工程合同的成立,但因现行立法的缺陷,从应然意义上,中标通知书应导致建设合同的成立。

    However , because of the limitations of legislation , the bid - winning notice shall lead to the establishment of a contract for construction project .

  4. 为减少交易成本提高招投标行为的严肃性,应当确认中标通知书只要发出合同即成立生效。

    To reduce the transaction cost and enhance the serious of tenders activities we should confirm that the bid contract becomed effective once the notice was posted .

  5. 在正式合同制定和签署前,本投标书连同贵方的书面中标通知书应视为约束我们双方的合同。

    Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed , this Bid , together with your written acceptance thereof in your Notification of Award , shall constitute a binding contract between us .

  6. 论中标通知书的法律效力及毁标行为的法律责任&兼论我国《招标投标法》及《合同法》的完善

    On the Legal Validity of Bid-winning Notification and the Legal Responsibility for the Act of Damaging Bid & And on the Perfection of Law of Invitation to Bid and Bidding and Contract Law of China

  7. 建设前期阶段,从机会研究到发放中标通知书;建设期阶段,从收到中标通知书到竣工验收阶段;建设后阶段,从竣工验收到工程报废阶段。

    Pre-construction stage , from the opportunity studying to the issuing bid notice ; the construction stage , from receiving the notice to the successful completion and acceptance phase ; after the construction phase , from the stage of completion and acceptance to the project scrapped .