
  1. 随着债券市场的发展,编制中国债券指数的工作也必然提上日程。

    With the development of the bond market , the compilation of bond indexes is bound to be put on the agenda .

  2. 本文借鉴西方发达国家编制债券指数的成熟经验,对中国大陆债券指数的编制进行了初步的探讨,建立了简单的企业债券指数模型,并分别与沪市企债指数、深市企债指数进行了比较。

    By drawing mature experience from the West , the article makes a preliminary study on how to compile bond indexes in China , and sets up a simple enterprise bond indexes model , and finally makes a comparison with those of Shenzhen and Shanghai .