
zhòng biāo
  • successful bidder;win the bidding;win a tender
中标 [zhòng biāo]
  • [successful bidder;win a tender] 投标得中

  • 第一建筑公司夺魁中标

中标[zhòng biāo]
  1. 一般工程中标后,我公司将按国际模式实施项目法施工,成立工程总承包项目经理部。

    In general , once we win the bidding , our company will carry out project standard constructions in international models and establish Project Management Department of general contracting of project .

  2. 一些公司已降低了宣传资料中标榜之词的调门。

    Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional literature .

  3. 美国国家航空航天局还将太空探索公司可靠的轨道飞行任务记录作为中标因素之一。

    Nasa also cited the proven record of orbital missions by Elon Musk 's SpaceX firm as a factor in the award .

  4. 这场争吵源于4月份的一项决定。由于资金短缺,美国航空航天局决定让一家公司中标,而不是预期中的两家公司。

    The row stems from a decision in April to hand the deal to one company , not two as expected , because of a funding shortfall .

  5. Web概念挖掘中标引源加权方案初探

    Research On the Weighting of Indexing Sources for Web Concept Mining

  6. 协调管理Agent根据资源Agent的投标值裁定中标资源。

    Thirdly , the harmonization management agent verdict the tender according to the synthesis index .

  7. 投标结果还没有出来,但G公司有可能中标。

    Tender result still unavailable however g company likely successful .

  8. 用人工神经网络(Artificialneuralnetwork)作为新型信息处理工具,在建设工程评标中可应用于优选中标企业。

    Use the ANN ( Artificial Neural Network ) as the new information-process tool to optimize the bid enterprises in the construction engineering .

  9. 建立了评定环境工程中标方案的层次分析模型(以下简称AHP)。

    The AHP model for selecting the optimal environmental engineering scheme was established .

  10. 基于AHP法的影响建筑企业中标的风险因素分析

    Analysis the risk elements of influencing construction enterprise win the bid based on AHP method

  11. 2005年北京市中成药集中招标采购中标因素的Logistic分析

    Logistic Analysis of the Influencing Factors on Successful Bidding of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines in Centralized Purchases of Beijing during 2005

  12. 美国证交会表示,在一些例子中,摩根大通之所以中标,是因为它从招标代理那里获得了竞争对手报价的信息,这一做法被称为最后时刻偷看(lastlooks)。

    In some instances , JPMorgan won bids because it obtained information from the bidding agents about competing offers , a practice known as last looks , the SEC said .

  13. 本研究还采用加权求和法计算待评项目综合得分,并应用ASP编程实现中标预测计算机应用。

    Calculate the comprehensive score for the evaluated project with Weighted Sum Method , and achieve the forecast of project 's establishment in computer with ASP programming .

  14. 采用DB(Design,Build)工程总承包的方式进行最低投标价中标项目工程承包,可以更有效地节省投资、控制工期,促进总承包企业的培育,提高设计和施工企业的整体素质。

    Using DB ( Design-Build ) in the Lowest Price Proposal Selected procedures has better effects in saving funds and controlling schedule and therefore enhancing quality of the industry of design and construction as a whole .

  15. 在洪都拉斯SPS市建设的全预制装配混凝土结构足球场工程以较低的造价中标。

    In SPS city of Honduras , a prefabricated concrete football field engineering of forty thousand seats was built with the technique from China .

  16. 2009年,作为中国铁路工程总公司旗下子的公司,中国海外工程有限责任公司中标了波兰A2高速公路项目的A、C两标段,总长49公里。

    COVEC , a subsidiary of China Railway Group , one of the Asia 's largest construction and engineering firms , won the contract to build a49km stretch of highway in Poland in2009 .

  17. TG-DTG曲线图中标目的规范化表达

    Standard expression of marks in TG-DTG graphs

  18. 选择合适的投标伙伴组成投标联盟进行BOT项目投标能增加中标的概率、降低投标风险、避免无序竞争。

    It is necessary to find a right partner to make up a bid union for BOT projects bids , which might increase the probability of winning the bids .

  19. 中国网游开发公司大连天神娱乐(DalianZeusEntertainment)赢得今年的年度拍卖,中标者可以带至多8人会晤巴菲特这位具有传奇色彩的投资者。

    This year 's annual auction was won by a Chinese online games development company called Dalian Zeus Entertainment , which can take up to eight people to meet the legendary investor .

  20. 为了在基于Multi-Agent结构的电力市场模拟中建立高效、合理的智能个体行为模型,作者引入信念学习的思想,提出市场交易者报价中标概率函数的概念。

    To build an efficient and rational learning behavioral model in Multi-Agent based electricity market simulation , the authors induct an idea of belief learning and propose a concept of Bid Acceptance Probability ( BAP ) .

  21. 华为在挪威中标了一个4G移动网络设备的合同,他们使用的技术可以大大提高手机数据的传输速率和扩展网络容量。

    Huawei is given the contract to install a4G mobile network in Norway , using technology which enables dramatic improvements in speed and content on your mobile phone .

  22. 目的探讨特发性左心室室性心动过速(ILVT)射频导管消融中标测浦肯野电位(PurP)和舒张期电位(DP)的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of Purkinje potential ( Pur P ) and diastolic potential ( DP ) in radiofrequency catheter ablation of idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia ( ILVT ) .

  23. 巴菲特将和中标者及其客人在纽约知名牛排餐厅“史密斯与沃伦斯基”(Smith&Wollensky)一起进餐,具体日期有待双方约定。

    Mr Buffett will meet the winning bidder and guests at the famed Smith & Wollensky steakhouse in New York City on a mutually agreed upon date .

  24. 以OMA在北京的CCTV中标方案为切入点,追溯库哈斯在城市及建筑设计背后的理论根源。

    Taking OMA 's awarded scheme for China Central Television headquarters ( CCTV ) as a clue , to trace the source of Rem Koolhaas 's theory and notion of urbanism and architecture .

  25. 一位匿名投标者支付了3456789美元与这位投资大师、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)创始人相约共进午餐,比这场慈善拍卖去年中标者的出价高出大约47%。

    An anonymous bidder has paid $ 3456789 for a lunch date with the investment guru and founder of Berkshire Hathaway , some 47 per cent more than the winner of the charity auction last year .

  26. 巴菲特曾给两度中标的弗吉尼亚州对冲基金经理泰德•韦施勒(TedWeschler)一个惊喜:在他们的第二顿午餐结束时向他提供了一个职位。

    Mr Buffett surprised a two-time winning bidder - a hedge fund manager from Virginia named Ted Weschler - by offering him a job at the end of their second meal .

  27. 此模型简洁易懂,解决了传统Black-Scholes模型定价研究中标的资产收益率需服从正态分布和多维资产期权定价复杂化的问题。

    This model is simple and easy to understand , which have solved the problems of the underlying asset return must obey the normal distribution in the traditional Black-Scholes model and complex multi-dimensional asset option pricing .

  28. 中标企业将必须与总部设在班加罗尔的印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)合作。HAL过去曾与俄罗斯、英国和法国的国防企业密切合作,迄今生产过大约3600架飞机和直升机。

    Any winning bidder would have to partner Bangalore-based Hindustan Aeronautics Limited , which has in the past worked closely with Russian , British and French defence companies and produced an estimated 3,600 aircraft and helicopters .

  29. GPA协定救济机制作为平衡公共利益、善意中标人的既得权利以及其他竞标人利益的制度设计,采取了将前契约阶段和契约阶段相分离并主要针对前契约阶段的公法救济模式;

    GPA remedy system is designed as a system of balance of public benefit and the right of all bidder . It adopts a model of public remedy which separates the phase of previous & contract from the phase of contract ;

  30. 尽管阿姆河盆地的这些区块估计只有8000万桶的石油储量,按照全球标准衡量微不足道,但分析师们表示,此次中标可能使得CNPC占据有利地位,以赢得更大的油田项目。

    Although the Amu Darya blocks are only estimated to contain about 80m barrels of oil , a tiny amount by global standards , analysts say a successful bid could put CNPC in prime position to win bigger fields .