
  • 网络Small and medium-sized banks;Small and medium banks;small bank
  1. 马克思主义银行理论与中国中小银行发展

    Marxist Bank Theory and the Development of Chinese Small and Medium Banks

  2. 对中小银行联动监管的实际操作

    Practice of joint regulation to small and medium banks

  3. 我国中小银行营销环境SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Marketing Environment of Small and Medium-sized Banks

  4. 我国加入WTO,对中小银行业是一把双刃剑,既提供了发展良机,又提出了挑战。

    China joined WTO is a sharp sword for middle and small model banks , it guarantee good and develop opportunity , at the same time , raise challenges .

  5. 文章在计算中小银行26个样本的EVA回报率基础上,研究了其与公司治理结构的关系。

    Based on the EVA ratio s of 26 SMB samples , this paper analyzes the relationship between EVA ratio and corporate governance .

  6. 与监管部门、中小银行和亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)合作的金融顾问NicholasZhu说,这绝对是因为央行任务的难度比原先更大了。

    Financial consultant Nicholas Zhu , who works with regulators , smaller banks and the Asian Development Bank , said it 's ' absolutely ' the case that the PBOC 's task is much harder than it used to be .

  7. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)此前曾援引其他国家的经验表示,存款保险制度的推出可能导致存款流出中小银行,因为它凸显了银行倒闭的现实可能性,并明确地将部分存款界定为不受保护。

    Citing the experience of other countries , the International Monetary Fund has previously said that the rollout of deposit insurance could lead to deposit outflows from smaller banks , as it highlights bank failure as a realistic possibility and explicitly defines some deposits as unprotected .

  8. 中小银行IT外包的风险分析和管理策略

    Risk Analysis and Management Strategy of IT Outsourcing in Small-and-medium Banks

  9. 我国地方性中小银行发展问题研究

    Research on Problems of China 's Small and Medium-sized Local Banks Development

  10. 中小银行服务中小企业的客观必然及实证分析

    Small and Medium Enterprises in Bank Services and Case Analyses

  11. 吸引民间资本对现有的中小银行进行民营化改造;

    The present medium-and-small size banks should be changed by absorbing nongovernment capital ;

  12. 中小银行是我国商业银行制度变革的产物。

    Medium and small-sized banks are the results of commercial bank system transform .

  13. 缓慢发展的中小银行反过来又制约了甘肃经济的快速发展。

    The slow development of SMBs in turn restrains the fast economic development .

  14. 中小银行生存与发展研究

    Studies on the Existence and Development of Small-Medium Banks

  15. 中小银行社区责任的法律分析

    The Legislative Analysis of the Responsibilities of the Medium-and Pint-sized Banks in Communities

  16. 中小银行的生存空间与突破

    Survival and Breakthrough of Small and Medium Banks

  17. 民营中小银行发展研究

    Research on the Small and Medium Private Bank

  18. 在论文的最后我们讨论了发展中小银行的作用和政策建议。

    The function and policy of developing SMB is given in the last chapter .

  19. 私有房产对小城市建设影响分析民营中小银行发展研究

    Development of Private Property in Small Towns Research on the Small and Medium Private Bank

  20. 我国中小银行发展约束及政策变革方向

    Restraints of Small and Medium Banks ' Development and the Reform Direction of Governmental Policies

  21. 并购浪潮下我国中小银行持续发展面临的问题及对策研究

    Study on Problems and Countermeasures of Constant Growth of the MSBs in M & A

  22. 市场定位不恰当,表现在:中小银行的市场定位具有强烈的行政色彩;

    The market position is not proper .

  23. 许多研究发现,中小银行具有中小企业贷款的优势。

    Many researches find that medium and small-sized banks have advantages in small-sized enterprises financing .

  24. 我国中小银行市场结构与绩效的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Market Structure and Performance of Mid-Small Banks in China

  25. 面对外资银行的全面进入和国有银行的股份制改革的深化,中小银行面临着前所未有的激烈竞争。

    With foreign banks and state-owned banks ' development , small and medium banks face unprecedented competition .

  26. 为支持中小银行致力于金融创新,中央银行要通过金融管理制度创新,为中小银行创造良好的政策环境氛围。

    Center bank should provide favorable policy environment for small and medium banks through finance system innovation .

  27. 运用差异化经营战略,提升中小银行竞争力。

    To use divergent strategy on management with the purpose of promoting competition of small and middle banks .

  28. 我国地方中小银行发展的新制度经济学分析

    New Institutional Economics Analysis on the Development of the Regional Small and Medium Sized Banks in Our Country

  29. 牙买加国民商业银行流程银行改造对中国中小银行业机构的启示

    Apocalypse of National Commercial Bank Jamaica 's Business Process Reengineering to China 's Small and Medium-sized Banking Institutions

  30. 这是个富有实践意义的结果,意味着中小银行在对中小企业的信贷市场上具有竞争优势。

    The results imply that SMBs have practical advantage to large bank in the credit market of SME .