
  1. 迈克尔o格兰姆斯——时任及现任摩根o士丹利(MorganStanley)全球科技投资银行部门主管。

    Michael Grimes - then and now , head of global technology investment banking at Morgan Stanley .

  2. 昨天,中国生物科技的银行询证函大考也以失败告终–该公司审计师BDO宣布辞职。

    Yesterday China-Biotics failed its cash confirmation test when auditor BDO resigned .

  3. 印度人的足迹遍布新加坡的各行各业&工业、政府、科技和银行;印度人在这里生活得很舒服。

    Indians are in a lot of places here – industry , government , technology , banks ; Indians are very comfortable here .

  4. 信息科技在银行的广泛应用,使其成为银行稳健运营和提高竞争力的基础和保障。

    Through the information technology in banking , the wide application of information technology becomes the foundation and guarantee of bank operations and improving the competitive .

  5. 银行卡诞生于美国,作为金融创新的产物和现代科技与银行业务结合的成功体现,经过近80年的发展,它已经成为一种重要的支付结算工具和信用手段。

    Bank-card was born in the United States of America , as a result of financial innovation and integration of modern science and bank 's business . After nearly 80 years ' development , bank-card has become a important settlement tool and credit method .

  6. 随着中国加入世贸组织,快速发展的资讯科技、银行、保险、金融及通讯业触发了大量外资涌入中国,这直接刺激了成都各类房地产物业市场的需求。

    Along with China being a WTO member , the rapid development in the information technology , banking system , insurance , financial area and communication industry triggers a tide of foreign capital to surge into China , which directly stimulates all kinds of requirements of the real estate market .

  7. PEST分析法中主要得出了合肥市科技农村商业银行主要面临着较严峻的声誉风险和较强的监管力度。

    From the analysis of the PEST , the Hefei science & technology RCB is facing a serious fame atmosphere and powerful supervision .

  8. 全球科技革命:银行成本管理重构

    The Revolution of Global Science and Technology : The Reconstruction of Bank Cost Management

  9. 科技革命、银行成本管理重构与中国银行业的未来走势。

    The third part discusses the revolution of science and technology , the reconstruction of bank cost management and the trend of the Chinese banking .

  10. 科慧是专为银行业提供财务方案平台的供应商。科慧成立的宗旨是利用最新科技来改革银行业电脑应用程式的建立方式。

    TechnoSolve is a financial solutions platform provider that was started with the specific vision to revolutionize the way banking applications are built with today 's technology .

  11. 但是信息科技在促进银行业务发展的同时,也使银行业面对巨大的技术风险,旦信息科技方面发生问题,将会直接影响到银行业务的连续性,甚至会影响到银行的安全。

    While Information technology promoting banking development , it also makes the banking face more technical risks and once it happens , and affects the banking business continuity directly , even affects the safety of the bank .

  12. 总部位于美国、专注于科技领域的硅谷银行(SiliconValleyBank)正设法通过其合资银行迎合相关需求。该合资公司为风险资本、私募股权和初创企业提供贷款及银行服务。

    U.S. - based technology-focused bank Silicon Valley Bank is trying to cater to this demand for funds from investors through its joint venture , which provides loans and banking services to venture capital , private equity and startup firms .

  13. 据BDO称,中国生物科技并没有寻求银行给他们的舞弊行为提供帮助,而是直接建设了一个伪造的银行网站。

    Rather than get the complicity of the bank , China-Biotics is alleged to have set up a fake bank website .

  14. 随着科技的进步,银行的发展越来越离不开计算机、网络这些技术,而银行信息化进程正在大步前进。

    With the development of science and technology , the bank cannot develop without computer and network .

  15. 在科技发展日新月异及银行业竞争不断激烈的今天,只有掌握了最先进的科学技术,才能够在发展中占据一定的主动权。

    Rapid advancement in technology and fierce competition in the banking sector continue to master the most advanced science and technology to be able to occupy in the development of the initiative .

  16. 香港——中国银行业监管机构给银行下发的通知文件显示,中国暂停了一项事实上会将外国科技企业赶出中国银行业的政策。

    HONG KONG - China has suspended a policy that would have effectively pushed foreign technology companies out of the country 's banking sector , according to a note sent by Chinese regulators to banks .

  17. 在利用科技进步集中现有银行数据的基础上,分业务线或客户类型逐步进行组织架构调整和业务流程再造。

    Technological process rebuilds adjustment and business carrying out his organization frame step by step in the type making use of an advance of science and technology to be allotted the business line or the customer on the basis concentrating the now available bank data .

  18. 但他表示:“我认为,大多数科技公司希望成为银行的合作伙伴”,因为它们认为更多的“监管负担”(例如合规和反洗钱规定)“并非他们希望承担的”。

    But he said : " My view is that most technology companies will want to be partners of banks " because they would find the extra " burden of regulation " - such as compliance and anti-money laundering rules - is " not something they want to take on . "