
  1. 广东省日用电器科技创新中心

    Guangdong Daily Appliance Science & Technology Innovation Center

  2. 华南科技创新中心创新载体和平台建设的研究

    The Study on Construction of Innovative Carrier and Platform in the South China Science & Innovation Center

  3. 南京是集先进制造业、现代服务业、国家科技创新中心、国家级交通枢纽的城市。

    Nanjing is the collection of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry , national sci-tech innovation center , national transport hub city .

  4. 以龙头企业为支撑,创建科技创新中心,提供农业新技术服务;

    Development center depending on the leading enterprise , and giving the services of agricultural new technology ; the pattern established sci . - tech.

  5. 方案提出,到2030年,全国科技创新中心将成为提升我国创新驱动力的强大引擎。

    The innovation hub is expected to become a powerful engine to boost the country 's innovation drive by 2030 , the plan said .

  6. 该方案强调了北京高新技术开发区中关村的关键作用,以及天津市和河北省的邻近地区支持科技创新中心的驱动力。

    The document stresses the key role of north Beijing 's hi-tech zone Zhongguancun and neighboring regions of Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province in supporting the technology innovation hub drive .

  7. 2011年03月08日根据国家“十二五”规划纲要草案,位于北京的高科技中心&中关村将在未来十年被建设成为另一个“硅谷”。中关村将成为具有全球影响力的科技创新中心。

    2011-03-08 Zhongguancun , a technology hub in Beijing , will be as synonymous with IT innovation in ten years as Silicon Valley is , according to a draft of the country's12th Five-Year Plan .

  8. 尽管硅谷仍是最大也是最持久的科技创新中心,不过世界上的不少城市正在急起直追:特拉维夫、柏林、班加罗尔。

    While Silicon Valley is the largest and most enduring locus of tech innovation , a number of cities around the planet are nipping at its heels : Tel Aviv , Berlin , Bangalore .

  9. “国防部将与硅谷和美国其它科技创新中心的企业家们合作,快速实现概念从创新的主意,到试点计划,再到覆盖整个国防部的大规模采用,”报告表示。

    " The Department will work with entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and other US technology innovation hubs to move concepts rapidly from innovative idea , to pilot programme , to scaled adoption across the DOD enterprise , " it said .

  10. 委员会交给我的首份报告建议,为了达成理想,使香港成为华南以至整个区域的科技创新中心,我们便要为香港定位,让她成为。

    In its first report to me , the Commission recommends that , to realise our vision for Hong Kong to become an innovation and Technology Centre for South China and the region , we need to position ourselves to be .

  11. 那个时候中美两国刚刚于1979年重建外交关系不久。从那以后,双边文化交流和合作就扩展到了各个层面。达瑞尔·韦斯特是布鲁金斯学会科技创新中心的创会理事,他表示自己很期待未来与中国学者们展开交流合作。

    n in Science and Technology signed shortly after the two countries re-established diplomatic ties in 1979 . Since then , bilateral cultural exchanges and cooperation have been extended to all levels . Darrell West , the founding director of the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institute , says he is further expanding the cooperation wi

  12. INSEAD开设的创办企业选修课,让MBA学员到世界各地的科技和创新中心观摩,如印度的班加罗尔和孟买,以及美国的硅谷,了解那里的企业家们是如何创业的。

    Insead 's " Building Businesses " elective allows MBA students to travel to global technology and innovation hubs such as Bangalore and Mumbai , as well as Silicon Valley to see how entrepreneurs build companies .

  13. 二是建设一批国家城市林业科技区域创新中心和创新实验基地;

    It puts forward a new point of view that the urban forestry is a traverse subject .

  14. 以产业发展为前提,技术与资金参股,共建科技创新服务中心;

    The pattern established sci . - tech. innovation and service center by sharing of technology and funds regarding industrial development as the premise ;

  15. 而组建伦教木工机械科技创新服务中心,是适应行业日益激烈竞争要求,加快产业纵深发展的重要任务。

    Besides , establishing a service center meets the requirements of increasingly fierce competition in the industry and speeds up in depth the development of the industry .

  16. 中国倡议建立亚欧科技创新合作中心,构筑创新发展的大平台。

    China proposes that an ASEM cooperation center on science , technology and innovation be established , which may grow into a major platform for innovation and development .

  17. 总结浙江的新鲜经验,区域科技创新服务中心、骨干企业的研发中心、引进大院名校共建的研发机构是产业集群内关键共性技术的三个创新载体。

    According to the experiences in Zhejiang Province , regional technological innovation services centers , R D centers in key enterprises and co-operated R D centers with the high educations are the three innovative platforms .

  18. 艾伦·弗里德曼(AllanFriedman)是华盛顿布鲁金斯学会的科技和创新研究中心主任。

    Allan Friedman is the research director for technology and innovation at the Brookings Institution in Washington .