
  1. 二是建设一批国家城市林业科技区域创新中心和创新实验基地;

    It puts forward a new point of view that the urban forestry is a traverse subject .

  2. 通用电气已经在上海建立了一个技术中心,去年还承诺向各区域创新中心新增5亿美元投资。

    GE has established a technology centre in Shanghai , and last year promised a further $ 500m investment in regional innovation centres .

  3. 探究产业集群技术创新优势产生的根源,阐明产业集群应作为企业获取创新资源进行区位决策的参考,及政府为培育区域创新中心而进行产业政策和区域经济规则的重要战略要素,尤为重要。

    Considering the origin of technology innovation advantage of industry clusters , they are the good reference for corporate to get innovation resource to make regional decision and important strategy factors for government to make industry policy and regional economy regulation to cultivate regional incubator center .

  4. 经过近20年的发展,威海火炬高技术产业开发区(以下简称威海高新区)已经成为山东省重要的高新技术产品生产、出口基地和山东半岛重要的区域创新中心之一。

    After almost 20 years ' development , Weihai Torch Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone ( hereinafter " Weihai Hi-tech Zone ") has become one of the key bases for hi-tech products production and exportation of Shandong Province and one of the key regional innovative centers of Shandong Peninsula .

  5. 总结浙江的新鲜经验,区域科技创新服务中心、骨干企业的研发中心、引进大院名校共建的研发机构是产业集群内关键共性技术的三个创新载体。

    According to the experiences in Zhejiang Province , regional technological innovation services centers , R D centers in key enterprises and co-operated R D centers with the high educations are the three innovative platforms .

  6. 委员会交给我的首份报告建议,为了达成理想,使香港成为华南以至整个区域的科技创新中心,我们便要为香港定位,让她成为。

    In its first report to me , the Commission recommends that , to realise our vision for Hong Kong to become an innovation and Technology Centre for South China and the region , we need to position ourselves to be .

  7. 天津已经同北京、河北签署了涵盖各领域的多个教育合作项目,京津冀三地的高等院校携手打造区域性的联合创新中心。

    Tianjin has signed Beijing and Hebei into multiple education cooperation programs covering a variety of fields , while well-established higher learning institutions from the trio have joined hands in forming a joint innovation center for the entire region .