
  1. 江苏省区域共同发展战略研究

    The Study on the Strategy of Regional Mutual Development in JiangSu Province

  2. 论优化苏北经济结构与实现江苏区域共同发展

    On Optimizing the Economic Structure of North Jiangsu and the Joint Prosperity of Jiangsu Province

  3. 城镇体系研究是城镇和区域共同发展的客观要求。

    The analysis of urban system is required to facilitate cities and regions develop together .

  4. 国际金融危机与区域共同发展&兼析长江三角洲地区产业结构调整

    International Financial Crisis and Common Regional Development & Analyse the Industrial Restructuring about Yangtze River Delta Region

  5. 进一步建立和发展以上模式的企业联系对缩小苏南苏北经济差距、实现区域共同发展具有重大意义。

    The enhancement of the above relationships among enterprises is very important to shorten the economic gap and to promote the regional economy development together .

  6. 各个地方政府在经济发展的激烈竞争中意识到,构建良好的政府间合作机制,对实现自身利益、推动区域共同发展具有重要意义。

    By facing the fierce competition in economic development , Local governments aware of that to build a good governmental cooperation mechanism has significance in realizing their own interests , and promoting regional development .

  7. 当今世界已经进入经济全球化与经济合作区域化共同发展的时代,区域性的经济合作开展得如火如荼。

    Nowadays , the world has already entered into a time that the economic globalization and the regionalization developing together .

  8. 旅游业已不再是一个景区(景点)的孤立发展,而强调整个区域的共同发展。

    Tourism is no longer an isolated development of an attraction , but it is a time for development of the entire area .

  9. 建立统一的全国大市场,促进区域经济共同发展,是改革开放以来中国始终面临的一项重要任务。

    An important task that China faced from reform and opening up time is to establish an intergrated national market and to improve the development of regional economies .

  10. 在亚洲,中国崛起为一个新的经济强国,并实行积极的外交政策,致力于区域的共同发展,对东亚一体化产生了强大的正面效应。

    In Asia , China rises as a new economical powerful country , and implements the active foreign policy , devotes in the region communal development , has had the formidable positive effect to the East Asian integration .

  11. 为了协调各区域的共同发展,构建公平的信息社会,探讨了增值电信业务发展的区域差异现状及其形成原因,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策措施。

    In order to harmonize the development of each region and create an equitable information society this paper attempts to find out the status quo and causes of the regional diversity . Based on these it puts forward corresponding countermeasures .

  12. 目前世界已经进入经济全球化和区域经济一体化共同发展的时代,区域性经贸合作呈现强劲发展势头。

    Nowadays we step into the economic globalization and regional integration era .

  13. 然而,经济圈的本质是走向经济一体化,谋求区域经济的共同发展。

    However , the nature of the economic cycle is moving towards economic integration , and seeking common development of the regional economy .

  14. 研究我国与周边国家及地区之间的经贸关系新态势,有利于促进中国与周边国家的经贸合作,从而有利于促进亚洲区域经济的共同发展。

    The paper researches into new trends of economic and trade relations between China and its neighboring countries and regions . The study may help to promote trade and economic cooperation between China and its neighboring counterparts and to promote common development of regional economies in Asia .

  15. 我国区域体育协调与共同发展的理论研究

    A Study on the Theory of Regional Sport Coordination and Mutual Development in China

  16. 区域体育协调与共同发展是我国既定的体育政策。

    Regional sport coordination and mutual development is an established sport policy in our country .

  17. 东非共同体是东部非洲国家为实现区域经济、社会共同发展而建立的一体化组织。

    East African countries set up East African Community in order to develop their economic .

  18. 随着经济的全球化发展,各国经济逐渐融入区域性以及全球性共同发展的轨道,国际审计的研究已纳入审计理论结构体系。

    With the globalization of world economy , countries ' national economies have incorporate with the regional and global economy gradually , therefore the research on international auditing has already been included in the theoretical structural system of the auditing .

  19. 城市是人类社会经济活动的空间载体,知识经济、世界经济一体化和城市社会经济的持续增长引致城市区域化和区域城市化的共同发展。

    City is the carrier of economic activities . Knowledge-economics and international economic initialization cause the development of urban regionalization and region urbanization .

  20. 西方发达国家和战后新兴工业国家的高等教育与社会发展的实践证明,高等教育与区域社会互动是高等教育与区域社会共同发展的必由之路。

    Higher education and society development in western developed countries and new industrial states proved that higher education regionalization is the only way of collaborative development for higher education and regional society .

  21. 统筹发展的基本前提是构建科学、合理的空间结构和组织结构,在此基础上选择遵循区域时空演化规律的统筹发展路径,实现区域共同发展。

    It follows regional space-time to evolve pool of law and develop the route to choose it on this basis , realize the regional development together .

  22. 区域的多样性与共同性,决定了只有通过区域一体化这个途径,才能够实现区域共同发展。

    Diversity and commonness of regions decide that only through regional integration mutual development can be achieved .